The lifespan of Revin Hair extensions is determined by how well they are taken care of, what products are used on them, and how often they are worn. Usually, the lifespan of Revin Hair extensions is 24-30 months up to a 3 year or longer, depending on the general care they receive.
It is a question for everyone want to know.Virgin hair now is most popular, because it can not make your hair beautiful, also can build new spirits and look confident. Single drawn is ones, it has various length that makes it look natural.
Except Brazilian hair is one of most popular. Malaysian, Peruvian and Indian virgin hair was also more and more popular. It is good for wig and extensions. So many people cost it expensive and want to use for a long time, today, we will discuss this problem that how long your virgin hair last longer and how to make virgin hair last longer.
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