Introduction to officeworks lamps from tangram's blog

Definition of officeworks lamps: LED chip sets placed on a PCB hard board are officeworks lamps because of their strap-like shape.

officeworks lamps assembly form: PCB as the circuit board, LED patch assembly, or in-line assembly, there is a difference between the two: the patch type is stable, not easy to fall off, to ensure the normal use of LED chips; The in-line type is simple and convenient, but the arrangement is not very neat, easy to fall off, resulting in chip damage.

General lamps are divided into low voltage lamps and high voltage lamps. The low voltage lamps use DC12-24V voltage and the high voltage lamps use 220V universal voltage. What are the differences between the two lamps?

In terms of product safety, the low-voltage lamp strip is safer. It uses DC12-24V DC input which is lower than the safety voltage of human body. It uses electricity safely and there is no safety hazard. The high voltage hard lamp strip uses 220V voltage, which belongs to the category of safe electricity consumption, but if you are not careful, there is a hidden danger.

From the installation use: because below the light strip is lower than the DC input, in the installation, must use the voltage converter, in addition to the need to install the length of the need for how many transformers; And the high voltage hard light strip directly connected to the household electricity, can be used, relatively, convenient and simple.

officeworks lamps

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By tangram
Added Jan 4 '23



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