You have a variety of choices for
setting up your own Cisco SD-WAN lab. Your best option right now is EVE-NG. Every
step of setting up EVE-NG is easy and creating your own Cisco SD-WAN lab is
very quick. This comprises:
downloading the necessary eve
ng online lab and Cisco images
putting in EVE-NG
putting in the photos on your
EVE-NG setup
checking your ability to use the
EVE-NG can be run on real
hardware, a KVM or VMWare hypervisor, or both. The EVE-NG requirements page has
more information on cisco
ise eve ng. It will be set up on VMware ESXi 7, of course. The
Cisco SD-WAN and EVE-NG images must be downloaded in order to get started.
Cisco account setup
You need to have a CCO account
with a contract in order to download the Cisco SD-WAN images. The photos are
accessible through Cisco's Software Download. Cisco SD-WAN can be used with a
variety of operating systems, including Microsoft Azure, VMware ESXi, and KVM.
For EVE-NG, we need the KVM images.
From the download page, you can
get EVE-NG. There are two possibilities
Community Edition Version
Professional/Learning Center Version. The professional version's ISO download is
best for the following two reasons:
The most recent version.
You can add and remove links
without logging off of virtual devices.
The professional version costs
money but is unquestionably worthwhile. Transfer the ISO file to your VMware
ESXi server's datastore. We must first build some additional port groups before
we can create the virtual computer.
The EVE-NG virtual machine's eth0
interface is connected to the first port group (LAB). We use this so that we
may connect to the SSH server or the EVE-NG GUI. The other three port groups
are connected to various EVE-NG "cloud" networks. These can be used
as a bridge between our real network and virtual devices. Every port group
makes use of a distinct VLAN. These cloud icons are helpful for SD-WAN because
we'll be simulating various WAN connections using them.
The Wall