2- A brief introduction to the use of aminothiazole supplier from tangram's blog

2-aminothiazole supplier, also known as sodium aluminum fluoride, appears as an odorless white solid or powder. Melting point: 960-1027℃. Density: 2.95g/cc. Dust from the 2-aminothiazole supplier can irritate the eyes and skin, and inhaled dust can irritate the nose, mouth, and lungs. The 2-aminothiazole supplier is insoluble in water. It is synthesized by melting sodium fluoride and aluminum fluoride as electrolytes in the process of reducing alumina to aluminum metal. Occurs in nature as supplier of the mineral 2-aminothiazole. The water suspension of the supplier of powdered 2-aminothiazole is used as an insecticide.

Use of 2-aminothiazole supplier:

Used against lepidoptera and Coleoptera on certain vegetable and fruit crops

An electrolyte used in the production and refining of aluminum

Flux in the production of various metals and alloys

Fluxes and sunscreens in glass and enamel manufacturing

Resin, rubber, ceramic bond grinding wheel packing

Polishing agent

Chemical properties modifier

2-aminothiazole supplier https://www.clentpharma.com/2-Aminothiazole.html

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By tangram
Added Feb 21 '23



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