Shamans are also excellent at dealing with casters
WoTLK Gold as they do not just have Earth Shock, which is an interruption lasting 2 seconds with the clock for a cooldown of six seconds, however, they also have Grounding Totem which will absorb every single test for a spell after it's placed down.
This can create a situation for casters where they need to undergo both of these cooldowns if they wish to strike any kind of CC or damaged, it's vital to pay attention to Earth's shock as well as the Grounding Totem since if aren't attentive to this, you're going to be falling over yourself trying to finish tasks.
I personally use Omnibar to monitor these, which is an extremely helpful add on for tracking and cooldowns another incredibly important thing to know about is the tremor. This is a totem
buy WoTLK Classic Gold which will take away any fear charms and sleep effects like Wyvern staying in fear Mind Control seduction etc. The totem is twitches every 3 seconds.
The Wall