Mmoexp Elden Ring Items: Exploring the Upper Balconies from lijing's blog

Exploring the Upper Balconies

Follow the pipe upwards until you see two balconies you can jump to: one on the left and one on the right. Go left first and pick up the Smithing Stone [4] from the corpse on the ground. There are two Golem Smiths here; ignore them for now and go to the back of Elden Ring Items the room where the second Golem Smith is standing. Collect the Ancient Dragon Smithing Stone from a corpse next to the metal pipe and jump back onto the pipe.

Next, head to the balcony on the right. The room to the right leads back to the pipe, and the tunnel in front of you progresses deeper into the Ruined Forge. Go through the tunnel to find a room with two more Golem Smiths and a Lava Slime. Walk up the broken pillar to the section where the Lava Pot-wielding Golem is, and you'll find the Smithscript Shield on a corpse. Turn back around, and you'll see a balcony you can jump over. Do so to drop down to the floor below.

Reaching the Final Section

After dropping down, turn right and pick up the Smithing Stone [8] from the corpse next to the wall. There will be a small tunnel behind this corpse with a ladder inside. Climb the ladder to reach the final section of the dungeon. At the top of the ladder, you'll find a platform with a Golem Smith and a Lava Slime directly behind you. Collect the Somber Smithing Stone [3] from the corpse there.

Proceed up the stairs in front of the ladder and pull the lever at the far end of the room to the left. This will trigger a mechanism to change the direction of the large metal pipe, providing a new path to progress further.

Drop down to the metal platform below this room, and then down again to the stone floor. Go down the stairs, and you will see a corpse with Somber Smithing Stone [8] on it next to cheap Elden Ring Items a hole in the wall.

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The Wall

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By lijing
Added Jul 23 '24


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