Mmoexp Skull and Bones Items: Understand Wind Direction for Optimal Sailing from lijing's blog

7. Understand Wind Direction for Optimal Sailing

Your ship's speed dial includes an arrow indicating wind direction. The arrow turns red when sailing against the wind, reducing speed, and green when sailing with it, enhancing speed. While you don’t have to sail directly with the wind, being aware of Skull and Bones Items its direction helps prevent course deviations.

8. Increase Ship Rank for Improved Performance

Starting with a basic Dhow, you'll soon discover blueprints for more advanced ships. Ship Rank, akin to a gear score, can be increased up to five. Equip superior weapons, hulls, and furniture to enhance your ship's capabilities and survive against higher-ranked enemies.

9. Specialize Your Ships for Different Combat Styles

As you progress, experiment with various ship builds to Skull and Bones Items for sale match your playstyle. For example, the Padewakang excels in explosive hits, making it ideal for Bombard and Mortar weapons. Conversely, the Hullbreaker Brigantine, focused on ramming damage, pairs well with Demi-Cannons for close-range combat.

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By lijing
Added Jul 26 '24


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