I have to
cheap PSO2 Meseta vhard along with I am being given a difficult time by the bosses. Junk is easy to clean but the reason is from iron will and automate and I run through my whole supply in 1 fight even with resta and megiverse. I may use my whole subpalette and got my controller so subpalette swaps and weapon ring are simple and fast to use macros but I don't know when to use the different skills. I have both am going to max dash plus from the hunter tree and focus the iframe skills in the bouncer tree and abilities but what should my strategy be for bosses? When should I be using the shockwave within the tornado kick? Which techs are best to set to the sub palette for element changing?
I basically just try to charge up my gauge in jet boots style and attempt to kick when jet boots ability is active and swap into soaring blades with its busy but I am having trouble managing my iframes and'm basically spamming skills without understanding what I am doing in these fights. For blades, I attempt to search for openings for kestrel blade since that appears to be the burst for blades, but I am finding it difficult to use. What should my plan be with soaring blades in boss fights? I have observed vids but they examine the absolute basics of what the skills do but not so much on when to use them and there is so much nuance when airborne vs ground, chained in a combo in using the abilities.
And cartoon canceling with jumps and shift action that I'm discovering the class higher ability cap than I thought. Think about checking out Ryuutensei's manual, it should answer the majority of your questions. So I can't help you out with 16, I don't play gamepad for bouncer. I'm not really experienced with bouncer but I will answer as best as I cantechs for jet boots should be achieved after a PA, if you have the Jet boots ring that make you bill up to 50% faster.
It seems to land every strike although I believe Gran Wave has dps that is greater than Strike Gust. You got the idea cooldown wise, utilize JB when Rapid Boost cd is upward, use blades if photon blade temperature is up, keep up fields on cooldown no matter which weapon. I go back to jet boots if neither cooldowns are up. Living during blade temperature requires you to learn how to use the weapon actions so you can iframe during your attack, sometimes you need to delay your wpa or you've got to skip the JA into iframe an incoming attack. I don't actually utilize kestrel rampage (and I bet that's actually wrong of me lol) so that I can not help you there.How it Seems to play Force in PSO2 Hardcore Narrative mode
It was certainly frustrating to do a few sections of Phantasy Star Online 2, moreso since I did it almost all with off-classes and solved the problem. It worked somewhat, however the problem is that the difficulty is all around the place, so when you die it is in the middle of a 30 minute pursuit where your only thought is"I realllllly don't wish to start over" I pulled out on hardcore before the very final one. I eventually brought out the best I had at the time, but I wasn't going to go through a 30m ultimate dungeon solo as a force, and need to beat directors not supposed to
pso2 sales be solo had after 10-20m of reaching them.
The Wall