5. Salvage and Sell Unwanted Gear
Salvage Low-Level Items: Salvage items that you don't need for crafting materials, such as Iron, Leather, or Gems. These materials can be used to Diablo 4 Items upgrade gear and weapons.
Sell Rare/Legendary Items: Unwanted rare and legendary items can be sold to vendors for gold. Items with good modifiers may also fetch a high price from other players if you're on a trading platform.
6. Crafting and Upgrading Gear
Crafting: Use your collected materials to craft higher-tier gear. Crafted items can be upgraded or sold for gold. Be sure to focus on crafting for the items that fit your build or can be sold for a higher value.
Upgrading Gear: Upgrading existing gear through Enchanters and Blacksmiths is another way to improve your arsenal, and cheap Diablo IV Items the crafted enhancements can make gear more valuable when sold.
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