Mmoexp Path of exile currency: Recognizing When Minions Appear from lijing's blog

Handling Minions During Damage Phases in the Xesht fight is a critical component of survival. Xesht summons minions to Path of exile currency add pressure, distract you, and potentially overwhelm you during the more dangerous damage phases. These minions can turn an already chaotic encounter into a nightmare if not dealt with properly. Here’s a comprehensive guide on how to handle them effectively:

1. Recognizing When Minions Appear

Minions typically appear during or just before Xesht enters a damage phase. They can be summoned quickly and in large numbers, adding layers of complexity to the encounter. Be on the lookout for:

Summoning Effects: You’ll often see a visual cue, such as a dark aura or swarm-like summoning effect when minions are about to appear.

Additional Phases: When Xesht enters more aggressive phases, the frequency and variety of minions increase, forcing you to Path of exile currency for sale manage multiple threats at once.

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