Fifa returns to Morocco for more inspections amid World Cup from seestyle's blog

Fifa, the global football Patrick Kerney Jersey authority, is expected to travel to Morocco where they will carry out an unexpected second inspection of Morocco as part of the bidding proce s for the 2026 Fifa World Cup.

Bid president Moulay Hafid Elalamy acknowledged, last week, that Morocco still has to improve the quality of their bid after grievances with the quality of stadiums, training camps and other facilities last week Bobby Wagner Jersey in Agadir, Casablanca, Marrakech and Tangier.

Elalamy said that a group of Fifa experts would return this week to inspect the hotels and facilities for VIPs this week.

Elalamy told the A sociated Pre s news agency that Justin Britt Jersey Morocco still has to improve the quality of our bid book, Cortez Kennedy Jersey with last weeks inspection team having made some remarks on the conditions of some of the stadia.

The task force visit allowed Moroccos bid committee to understand certain Fifa requirements that we will addre s with a lot more precision in the upcoming days, Elalamy said.

Communication Mike Iupati Jersey between Morocco and Fifa was very weak extremely limited. Now, we have adopted an open dialogue so that we can improve the quality of our bid book.

He added: We are currently negotiating with Fifa to find a solution.

Fifa will vote on June 13 on the host of the 2026 tournament, with Morocco up against a joint bid from Canada, Mexico Quinton Jefferson Jersey and the US.

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By seestyle
Added Aug 1 '22


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