Knicks free agency rumors New York targeting Robin from seestyle's blog

The Knicks have their eye Jason Zucker Jersey on a backup for Mitchell Robinson.According to , New York has targeted former Bulls center Robin Lopez in free agency.The 31-year-old big man averaged 9.5 points and 3.9 rebounds for the Bulls last season.New York has its eyes set high in free agency as it is targeting big names Chris Stewart Jersey such as Kevin Durant, Kawhi Leonard and Kyrie Irving.It has meetings set up already with Durant and Leonard who reportedly want to team up and play together.As for Irving Matt Dumba Jersey , it appears the former Celtics guard has his eyes set on playing for the Nets next season.However, Ryan Suter Jersey heis also being pursued by the Lakers.Free agency kicks off at 6 p.m. ET on Sunday.Several players are likely to sign at that exact moment, but the big names such as Durant and Leonard could wait a little while before making Charlie Coyle Jersey a decision. Related Articles

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By seestyle
Added Aug 30 '22


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