Shanghai Travel Tips: Things to Know Before You Go from wisepowder's blog

Planning to visit one of the best cities in the world? Look no further. We at China Highlights have compiled the most important list of things you need to know before you confirm your plans. Our list includes a variety of Shanghai travel tips that will ensure that you make the most of this city.To get more news about Shanghai travel tips, you can visit shine news official website.

1. The best time to visit Shanghai
Shanghai experiences all the seasons, right from fiery heat of summer, to a breathtaking spring, to autumn and a chilly, sometimes snowy winter with a regular dose of rains thrown in.

The best seasons to visit Shanghai are definitely spring (March–May) and autumn (September–November). In Spring, the days are warm, sunny and the evenings are cool to chilly. While autumn has it’s own charm when the weather is starting to cool down and people enjoy the city the most.
2. What to see: Shanghai sights
Shanghai is bustling with a lot of activity and events round the clock. Naturally, there is plenty to do and suit all kinds of interests, especially if you are traveling in a large group. In Shanghai, you can immerse yourself in quite a few things. There is theater and art, there are lots museums, parks, iconic sights such as the Bund and the Pudong skyline, old water towns like Zhujiajiao, historic temples like Jing’an Temple and the Jade Buddha Temple, tea houses, and loads and loads of food and shopping options all over.

3. What to do at night: Shanghai nightlife
The city’s Puxi district is also the perfect hub if you are looking for an action-packed nightlife. Below are hot spots you should check out to start off your night:

This is the perfect party spot with lots of bars and restaurants to pick from. The choices will spoil you, right from New York Style pizza at Homeslice, craft beer at Little Creatures or Zapfler, Thai fix at Cyclo, Brazilian meat fest at Boteco, hip hop music with beer pong at Ballers, the hidden whiskey bar Alive, a raging and one of the biggest nightclubs in Shanghai called TAXX (popular with the young affluent) and much more. If you are in the mood, you could spend a couple of hours enjoying some magic at Blackstone or grab some tacos and tequila shots at El Luchador.

4. Business hours in Shanghai
The Chinese government stipulates a five-day workweek, from Monday to Friday, at the general 8 hours a day. The normal business hours are generally from 9:30am to 6pm, with a break from 12pm to 2pm. Restaurants: 11am–2pm, 6–9pm, in general.
5. What to eat in Shanghai
Food is a big part of Chinese (and Asian) culture. If you are coming to Shanghai, you must have a plan to try to all the best dishes and different Chinese cuisines, because this city offers it all. The food in China is rich in history and culture.

The top things that come to mind of course, are dumplings and noodles, which are available in plenty. But there is a whole world of dishes out there waiting for you to try! Priority foods include the famed xiaolongbao (soup dumplings), Hairy steamed crab, hongshao rou (Shanghainese braised pork dish), the quintessential baozi (steamed bready buns stuffed with veggies or meats – perfect breakfast), scallion pancakes, and more. We have a detailed list of the top 10 Shanghai dishes that must be tried.
6. Getting around Shanghai
The public cab availability in Shanghai has changed a lot in the last few years. If you haven’t heard of Didi (they pushed Uber out of China) then now is a good time to look them up. Download the Didi app on your phone and you will not have to worry about a thing when you arrive. Didi is everywhere, and super convenient and quick. You can connect it to your international credit card for instant payments and hassle-free commuting.

For your transport from the airport to your hotel, you can take the Maglev and then a local taxi or you could simply take a taxi at the airport – it is really very convenient as there is never a shortage of taxis at the airport.

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By wisepowder
Added Apr 5 '21


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