Unique Features of the Snapmaker Rotary Module from Snapmaker's blog

The Snapmaker rotary module adds a 4th axis to your 3D printer. This makes it a more powerful CNC machine, and it also greatly improves other features of your 3D printer. The Snapmaker 2.0 rotary module is great for those who want to create three-dimensional pieces such as small sculptures or miniatures without layer shifting, under extrusion, stringing or support of SLA or FDM. 


The Snapmaker rotary module is still able to accomplish a high level of craftsmanship and intricate detail that is impossible to achieve with other 3D printing technologies. Adding a fourth axis to your 3-in-1 printer allows it to rotate during a laser or CNC carve function.

By using a strain wave gearing technique, the Snapmaker 2.0 comes with a 100:1 speed reducer. This means that it can convert that power into a lower output speed, thus allowing the 3-jaw chuck to rotate on a minimum angle of 0.1°. As such, you can now create even on irregular and uneven surfaces without missing your rhythm or pattern.

The rotary module is a very fast sculptor, and it works with a 360 continuous rotation at a maximum angular speed of 45 per second. The precise control ranges from 0.2°, 1, and 5-degree rotations on the touchscreen.

Snapmaker Luban is a free CAD and CAM software that you can use for any of your 4-axis projects. They allow you to create your designs from scratch with ease. The software allows you to import STL files and carve out hollow models with unique outer shell designs.


Origin Assistant is the new touchscreen feature that allows you to have a smooth and interactive experience with rotary carving. It is now easy to install materials, preset CNC bits, and set Z-offsets and origins. You have the option to select Assist Mode if you want a manual mode or an easier process, thus allowing for more flexible control.

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