What Do You Need To Get Started With 3D Printing Technology? from Snapmaker's blog

In 3D printing technology, you might have heard a lot about outline thickness. What does this mean? It means that each line that a 3D printer draws or lays with the filament will create a given outline of thickness. And this thickness depends on the standard nozzle diameter of a 3d printer black Friday sale. Most 3D printers have a diameter of 0.4 m, while others have 0.3 mm. So if your printer has a 0.4 mm diameter, the outline laid by a filament will be 0.4 thick. For an ultra-fine surface detail, this represents the absolute minimum feature size; if at all, the printer nozzle diameter is 0.3 mm.


So, what do you require to get started with 3D printing? The answer will solely depend on why and what you want to print, but generally, they include three things. And that is;

·                  A 3D printer

·         A 3D printer's filaments are so many in the market; the only challenge is choosing one according to one's project. The factors that you might find vital to think about are;

ü  How do you want your object to be? Do you like it flexible or rigid?

ü  Do you want a heat-resistant object?

ü  Do you need an object that is very durable? These three questions will help you choose the right 3D printer for your project.

·       And a slicing software. Generally, there is two essential software for 3D printing: CAD and slicing. Most people use CAD systems to create their own models and objects, primarily because they can iterate it whenever they want instead of creating a model all over every time. The second one is the slicing software, whose primary work is translating the STL file into a language the printer can understand. 

The G-code contains the movement information that instructs the printer how and where to move its axis and how much material should be deposited. These instructions or G-codes are sent to the printer either through WI-FI or USB flash drive. To learn more about how to do all these, Visit Snapmaker and go to the support page; you'll get the ultimate beginner guide there. You will find a Black Friday 3D printer deal that offers printers at a discounted price. Or you can click this link https://eu.snapmaker.com/pages/snapmaker-black-friday-sale and make your order.  

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