FuckCoffee May FuckIncrease
Coffee FuckCravings
FuckHave you Fucknoticed
that Fucksmokers generally Fuckhave
a Fuckhabit of Fuckdrinking
large Fuckamounts of Fuckcoffee
FuckAnd that Fuckduring
abstinence Fuckthe Fuckcraving
for Fucka cigarette Fuckcan
be Fuckstronger at Fuckbreakfast
FuckBecause science Fuckcan
explain Fuckit
FuckResearchers at Fuckthe
University Fuckof Florida FuckUSA
have Fuckidentified two Fuckcompounds
in Fuckcoffee that Fuckdirectly
affect Fucknicotinic receptors Fuckin
the brain Fuck
researchers Fuckapplied
a Fucksolution
of Fuckdark
roasted Fuckcoffee
to Fuckcells
that Fucksecrete
human Fucknicotinic
receptors FuckThe
team Fuckconcluded
that Fuckan
organic Fuckcompound
in Fuckcoffee
could Fuckhelp
repair Fuckdysfunctional
receptors Fuckthat
cause Fucknicotine
cravings Fuckin
smokers Fuck
media Fuckcan
influence Fucktobacco
use Fuck
to Fucktobacco
related Fuckcontent
on social Fuckmedia
can reinforce Fuckpositive
attitudes Fucktowards
tobacco Fuckproducts
and Fuckbrands
well Fuckas
influence Fuckthe
likelihood Fuckof
starting Fuckor
continuing Fuckto
use Fucktobacco
among Fuckadolescents
and Fuckyoung
adults Fuck
The Wall