Proof that Jagex does
Buy OSRS Gold remove content... Old Bounty Hunter- Was one of the first new methods of pking. A crater appeared from out of space, and it smashed every wild old pking sites such as the big bone and the small bone yards were destroyed; # in your article in case you've have read this long.
Pvp Worlds- The number of PvP realms has been cut down to around two over the years. DA tournaments - The previous one was taken out and replaced by some shzzlety stuff that fails just as often. The changes made it difficult to conduct certain activities. Shops run by players These are the sections that sell goods and services through forums. The rune-based business model is a great way to make money.
Duel Arena- A way for players to win big or even lose a lot of money. Trading- Self explanatory. Pking- Self explicatory. Merchanting- Self explanation. Still possible but not very practical. Hotspots for trading such as Varrock, Falador and all five of the first worlds were always packed with traders from different regions.
My mind has just exploded with ideas about how to impart multiple skills to 99 people while making a huge profit. I have a goal of making 100k+ yew-longbows from scratch and then getting 99 Woodcutting, Fletching and Mage. I have the following "supplies" I'm looking to extract 100k+ pure essence. Convert the essence into Nature runes.
Once I have all the supplies in hand and I am ready to flytch my 100kplus longbows. Then I will then high-alch my longbows. If I do a good job, I'll be rewarded by 70+mil and 399s. This is really nice. I just want to hear your thoughts about my goals and whether it is a worthy goal, or maybe if its an "In your dreams", or a "Your out of your freakin' mind" type of goal, if you know what I refer to as. Please leave your comments. My woodcutting skill level is currently 96, which gives me an yews/hour rate. It could take some time. It could take up to four months...
This is the reason you have to get started
Here are the advantages of begging. While it might not be feasible initially, once you have discovered a suitable woman, things will improve. Benefits: Beingg doesn't affect your combat stats. You get variety and you will never get bored since you can beg anywhere.
In 99 years, I can assure you that you will get maxed typing skills sufficient for the tumult and enough money to buy an yak(not charms), probly even extremes, professional gear, 99 mage and range, based on the way you spend your money. You could earn 42gp or leather boots if you're an expert begger. You don't even need to be a massage therapist professional.
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The Wall