Mmoexp: Diablo 4 Season 3's Drums of the Vault quest from lijing's blog

Blizzard has acknowledged Diablo 4's Drums of the Vault Seneschal Brazier glitch and explained Diablo 4 Items how to perform a workaround while it works on a permanent fix.

The bug is part of Diablo 4 Season 3's Drums of the Vault quest, specifically the part where you're supposed to interact with the Seneschal Brazier and upgrade your construct to move forward through the questline. A number of reports from social media users have claimed the quest is broken and won't let them interact with the Brazier, and now Diablo 4 community manager Marcus Kretz has confirmed the bug and has a temporary solution for players who don't want to wait for the fix.

"The current workaround for this will be that players need to enter a new instance," Kretz explained in a Twitter thread.

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By lijing
Added May 14



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