Guidance From An Immigration Lawyer Depending On Your Country Of Origin from Lincoln-Goldfinch Law's blog

An immigration lawyer ensures that the forms and documents are filed properly for a foreign-born citizen to stay, work, or reside in the United States. They can help an applicant by effectively describing their immigration case to immigration officials. 

Also, they can help explain the laws and procedures so that you can provide the necessary information for your case to be successful.

Understanding the immigration process is important, let alone crucial when immigrants will do this on their own.  Numerous immigration agencies in the United States can assist with the filing of the relevant paperwork and related procedures. The immigration services office should be able to address all of your immigration-related questions. 

Some immigrants may choose to engage the services of an independent immigration caseworker as part of the processing times. For many people, the convenience of working with an immigration lawyer is worth the expenses they pay. In Lincoln-Goldfinch Law in Austin, TX you can find skillful and reliable attorneys.

Gaining Permanent Residency

When this information is certified, applicants may immediately submit an application for immigration status as a dependant or spouse. Applications for dependents' visas and family class visas submitted on or after the certification may be approved provided the applicant can provide documentation of their dependents to the Immigration Department. Those who apply for these visas may thereafter do so for permanent residency and depart to remain in the United States.

Permanent residents can stay in the country indefinitely under the current law as long as they take steps to maintain their residency. Green cards, also known as alien registration cards, are valid for ten years. A person may petition for citizenship if they have been a lawful permanent resident for five years through employment or three years through marriage to a US citizen.

There are several ways to meet the requirements if you're thinking about immigrating permanently to the US. It's best to weigh your options and choose the best course of action before submitting an application for permanent residence.

Being a relative of an existing permanent resident is probably the simplest and most typical way to qualify for immigration to the United States. Priority is given to immediate family members. 

Your spouse and children will also be granted permanent residency if you are the lucky winner of the Green Card lottery. Extended family members may also immigrate, although it is more difficult to apply and they must be sponsored by a permanent resident.

How Immigration Lawyers In the United States Help Immigrants

To aid immigrants, the United States government maintains two sorts of programs. Under the federal immigration policy, eligible applicants can petition for admission to the United States through the federal government's Priority Areas of Entry. Once an immigrant's immigration status is approved, they will be issued a temporary green card. Those who cannot obtain a green card due to a lack of personal information may still apply for an immigrant visa, but their chances of acceptance are substantially lower.

The second approach to obtaining an immigrant visa or remaining in the country is to apply for one using the automated electronic system known as the Electronic Visa Entry (E Visa). Immigrants can use this system to submit their visa applications to the federal government rather than visiting the various immigration departments in their nation. 

While the E-Visa is more expensive than traditional visa systems, it allows applicants to use it while working or traveling outside the US without remembering complicated immigration instructions. Those who do not qualify for green card status may nevertheless be eligible for an E Visa.

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By Lincoln-Goldfinch Law
Added May 17 '24


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