Mmoexp Skull and Bones Items: Specializing in Ships from lijing's blog

9. Specializing in Ships

As you unlock more ships and weapons, experiment with different combinations to Skull and Bones Items find what suits your playstyle. For example, the Padewakang excels with Bombard and Mortar weapons, while the Hullbreaker Brigantine pairs well with Demi-Cannons. Customize your ships for various scenarios to maximize effectiveness.

10. No Furniture Stacking

You can only equip one piece of each type of furniture on your ship. While different furniture can provide similar benefits, you cannot stack identical pieces for additional bonuses. Strategically choose furniture to enhance your ship's performance.

11. Offloading Materials

Manage your cargo space efficiently by offloading excess materials at pirate dens and outposts. This frees up space for loot and other resources. Visit the Warehouse at Pirate Dens or discover Caches in Outposts to store or sell commodities.

12. Check Trade Routes

Use the world map to locate trade routes and identify ships transporting valuable materials. Instead of buy Skull and Bones Items buying limited supplies at settlements, intercept these ships to acquire rare materials and save money. Scanning and attacking trade ships can also yield silver.

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By lijing
Added Jul 13 '24


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