Fat Reduction Procedure from awesomemed's blog

The word Liposuction can be divided into two parts, lipo fat and suction which means fat suction. Fat is simply suctioned out from the areas of the body under the influence of general anaesthesia. A small puncture is made and a hollow suction tube is inserted into the fatty body part and the other end of the cannula is connected to a high-performance suction pump that draws excess fat into a collection bottle. For liposuction, there are a number of crucial modifications available according to standard suction-assisted liposuction, such as VASER, and Laser Assisted Liposuction - Body Slimming Procedure.

Our dedicated team at our clinic we will be there to support you at every step, ensuring your comfort and easing any anxieties you may have. Here, the amount of fluid injected is roughly equal to the amount of fat being suctioned out. Everybody is different and individual patients vary in their recovery time. There are various liposuction techniques available, each with its own benefits. Traditional liposuction, laser lipolysis, and Vaser liposuction are some options. This method uses high pressure liquid jet to dislodge fat cells before they can be aspirated. Body Tite is specifically useful for body sculpting in areas with lax skin due to its unique property to retract dermis. It involves creating bipolar RF current which flows from the internal to the external electrode placed on the skin above the internal electrode/cannula - Surgical Fat Elimination.

The tumescent liposuction technique not only facilitates easier fat removal but also minimizes blood loss and reduces post-operative pain. Moreover, tumescent lipo can be performed on an outpatient basis without the need for general anesthesia, making it a convenient option for many patients. Tumescent liposuction is a highly effective type of liposuction which can be carried out under local anaesthetic for the treatment of small body areas. The procedure first involves injecting a diluted anaesthetic solution into the skin, which makes the area numb and swollen, and is known as tumescent anaesthesia. For more information, please visit our site https://www.vegasliposuction.com/

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By awesomemed
Added Dec 3 '24


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