Mmoexp Skull and Bones Items: Bloody Bones' Legacy Walkthrough from lijing's blog

Skull and Bones: Bloody Bones' Legacy Walkthrough

Bloody Bones' Legacy is an exclusive investigation for players who have purchased the Premium Edition of Skull and Bones. This investigation leads to some interesting rewards, most notably the Death's Hand Pet, which is a unique companion to have in the game. Although this investigation isn't mandatory, it provides great fun and rewards for those interested in completing it. Here’s a full walkthrough on how to complete Bloody Bones' Legacy in Skull and Bones.

How to Start the Bloody Bones' Legacy Investigation

Reach the Infamy Rank of Brigand:

To start the Bloody Bones' Legacy investigation, you must reach Infamy Rank 6 (Brigand). This is relatively easy to achieve by Skull and Bones Items completing main and side contracts in the game. Once you reach this rank, you'll be eligible to start the investigation.

Unlock the Investigations Mechanic:

Go to Sainte-Anne and interact with an NPC marked with a purple eye icon to unlock the investigations. This NPC will give you the option to Skull and bones items for sale cheap start various investigations, including Bloody Bones' Legacy.

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