Please guide me on OSRS Gold the art of Dungeoneering. What is the best way to get tokens quickly and also, what are the top ways (and (un)written principles) of playing in the group and, lastly, how do I earn this prestige?
BTW You have an error at the top... dugneon laws. Prestige is something that you do when you've finished all your floors. Let's suppose I finished the floor 1 using Prestige 1. Prestige 1 means I completed one floor and then hit"premium. That's why I'll have decent XP. Let's suppose I was on Floor 31 and I was on Prestige 1 I'd have lower XP.
Prestige, along with Floor are your basic rate of XP for the dungeon that you go through (then, level-mod, deaths and more. kick in). Thus, if you've completed 30 floors, you press the prestige, and then you do floor 31. The xp you earn should be at least 100%, because of the ratio between your prestige and the floor.
So, that's prestige. In a team, you should always have a copy of the tool kit (whether purchased or bound) along with laws/cosmics or astrals , if you have any extra to. Astrals are a great way to remove poison and are thus valuable in abandoned or warped (abandoned generally and rushed. CRUSH skeletons. Attack styles are the most popular feature of dugneoneering.
BIND a 2h sword (the highest quality you can find) and Buy RuneScape 2007 Gold if you don't have the smithing skill to make it, go to the 'Dung Smith FC. Once you've obtained a Shadow Silk Hood from a night spider, then bind that as well . Until then, use the highest tier platebody (again the 'Dung Smith' FC)
The Wall