Brielleariaa's blog

How to Optimize App Development Budget Using a Cost Calculator?

With the increasing usage of smartphones, there is no doubt mobile apps have become a crucial part of everyone’s life. People are spending most of their time, approximately 5-6 hours, on their smartphones, excluding chatting. With more than 7.26 billion active smartphone users in 2022, there is no reason to let them go, given how well-liked they are and the amount of profit they might bring to you.

On average, the app costs you can forecast spending anything from $2000 to $50,000 on an app development project is no big deal. But before all this, you need to know how much it costs to create an app. Most people with brilliant app ideas seek an answer to the above question. This article talks about the overall look at app development cost. We will cover all app cost calculator benefits, factors affecting the app development cost, some famous app cost calculator and our final thoughts on how to optimize the cost of your app development.

Benefits of Using an App Cost Calculator

1- Accurate Cost Estimation: One of the biggest advantages of using an app cost calculator as it offers you to know the accurate cost of developing an app.

2- Budget Planning: After you are aware of the cost of developing an app now you can plan the budget and adjust your requirements accordingly.

3- Time Management: the mobile app development cost calculator might help you plan your app development timeline effectively.

4- Transparency: Another benefit of using app cost calculator is it comes with complete transparency and allows an individual to understand the development process better.

5- Cost Optimization: Now you have got an estimate about your project with an app cost calculator that you can use it as leverage in negotiations with app development firms.

6- No Charges: Another considerable benefit of using an online app calculator it’s free so there is no harm in trying out one for your next minimum viable project (MVP) project.

Some Famous App Development Cost Calculators

Agicent App Cost Calculator: The online tool consisting of 9 Steps help individuals and businesses to get an estimate on the cost of developing a mobile app. From step 1st to till step 9th you will be asked to input various parameters which are important to calculate the app cost. With the Agicent app cost calculator, you will get the estimation of app cost effectively and easily.

Buildfire- Step-by-step Calculator: With the Buildfire cost calculator you will be able to estimate the budget for setting the app, developing it and its monthly maintenance.

VenturePact- Get Offshore Cost: VenturePact is the app cost calculator that will give you rough estimates of different geographical locations such as USA, Europe and Asia. We will also recommend consulting the offshore agency with whom you want to connect to get an accurate estimate.

Digitalya-Know your spending limit: Aside from offering the estimation development costs, individuals will also know what price to negotiate with your PWA team when you are using Digitalya.

Estimate My App-Simple and Easy to Use: This is for those who are first timers pickers those who want to build an app. It’s easiest and most intuitive design will help you quickly by giving you a rough idea of the app cost.

Final Thoughts on Optimizing App Development Cost Calculator:

With the constant technology evolving and the rise of IT services cost, developing a mobile app can be a tedious job. Optimization of app development cost is an crucial factor in achieving success in the highly competitive mobile app market. By using the app development cost calculator you will be getting an estimate of the costs app and identify the areas where you will be able to save money. Thus, by using a cost calculator, you will be able to reach efficient budget planning for your app development high-quality at a reasonable cost.


Unlock the power of Full Stack Development tailored exclusively for startups with our managed teams. For just $2900 per month, you'll have a dedicated Full Stack Developer (full-time), along with fractional Project Management, Design, and Testing expertise. This team is your ideal launchpad for product development, and as you grow, you can effortlessly expand your team.

Here are some of our prominent Full Stack app releases, with their respective App Development Costs


Ubteo is a real estate tech platform that provides a suite of tools and services to buyers, sellers, appraisers, and vendors and more. The platform is powered by a full-stack web product built with React, Vue, Redux, Node.js, and AWS. Approx Development Cost: $ 9000 Monthly for the retainer team.


An AI laden new generation Video Steaming OTT Platform is about to be launched named as StorieTV. Storietv is bringing users, creators, and entertainment industry professionals together as one cohesive community. Approx Development Cost: $ 12000 Monthly for the retainer team.


A full fledged natural healthcare remedy platform that includes a web App, mobile apps, admin panel, analytics, backend algorithms, payment processing and much more.

Approx Development Cost: $ 50,000

Best Practices Followed by Agicent Full Stack Development Company:

Product Development Approach and Not Just Coding:

As described in the Full Stack Development Process above, we put a great emphasize on taking a “Product Development Approach” and not just “Project development”. This entails (but not limited to) – doing deep analysis of end user’s expectations out of the product and the competition, creating a quickly scalable architecture, creating quick MVPs by finding and using ready to use libraries and frameworks (that can be easily replaced or upgraded in the future scaling), integration with the marketing SDK and much more.

Design Led Engineering:

Gone are the days when software were being made for functionality only with bare bone designs and experience. In today’s day and age, User Experience and also Interface are the key differentiators between the success and failure of the product.

Comprehensive Full Stack Expertise:

At Agicent, our full stack development teams boast extensive expertise in a diverse range of technologies, including React, Vue, Redux, Node.js, and more. This breadth of knowledge empowers us to provide holistic solutions that encompass both front-end and back-end development.

Difference Between Full Stack Development And Front-End Development And Backend Development

Full Stack Development:

Full stack developers are versatile professionals who have expertise in both front-end and back-end development. They are capable of working on all aspects of a web application.

Front-End Development:

Front-end developers are responsible for creating the user interface and user experience of a web application. They focus on the visual and interactive elements that users see and interact with in their web browsers.

Back-End Development:

Back-end developers focus on the server-side of web development. They work on the logic, databases, and server infrastructure that power web applications, handling data storage, processing, and retrieval.


A Fractional CTO helps you in quickly launching your MVP in “weeks” and not “months”, and creating some low-hanging revenue stream for the product and leaves room for quick future scaling, and saves you from going off-track.

Fractional CTO for Early-Stage Startups

1. Understanding Your Product Idea and Long-Term Goal:

This is the first task essentially. The Fractional CTO understands what you want to create thoroughly, divide the total feature list of your product into “Regular features”, “Unique features”, “Complex Features” and goes to the next Step.

2. Help You Create the MVP Quickly:

A Fractional CTO will guide you to create a lean but useful MVP version of your product and launch within weeks and then put that into iteration for gaining more market.

3. Tech Stack Identification, Architecture Design, Building Technology and Product Development Roadmap:

Based on the specific demands of your product, a Fractional CTO will identify the Technical Stack to be used to achieve the goals and also considering the long term scalability of the product.

4. Guiding the Startup in Sourcing the Talent:

Depending upon the project needs and budget, a Fractional CTO may suggest you to either outsource the whole project to a proper Development Company like Agicent or to distribute different components of your product to different vendors.

5. Overseeing the Developmental Operations:

So they get involved in implementation as a Supervisor or a guide and review deliveries, give feedback to the team, help them with troubleshooting when needed.

Fractional CTO for Bigger Startups

1- All or a Part of What a Fractional CTO Does in an Early Stage Startups

2- More Strategic Involvement:

Assuming that a bigger or mature startup will have more Technical leaders and Project and Product Managers, the role of the Fractional CTO here would be more focused on creating short and long term Strategies related to product development and Technology as a whole.

3- Creating and Owning Distributed Development Teams:

The CTO will define which team does what, and also design their collaboration protocol, setup up KPIs and KRAs and oversees and makes sure the work is being done as expected.

4- Helping in Creating Partnerships and Profitable Collaborations With Other SAAS Providers or Tech Companies:

You need your Fractional CTO whenever you want to forge a tech Partnership with another technology provider or a SaaS provider. The CTO will help you getting a better revenue sharing deal here.

5- Team Transition:

A Fractional CTO will guide the process of Transition when you outsource all or a part of the work to an offshore team or vice versa when you bring back your outsourced work and create your own inhouse development team.
