Ericcclaw's blog

Family Law issues can be complex and challenging for both parties involved and a stressful period for the family, especially if there are children involved. Moreover, most divorce proceedings include other disputes as well, like spousal support, child custodianship, asset division, etc.

Eric is an experienced family lawyer and a child custody attorney in Brea with extensive experience that can help you with any and all family disputes. His dedicated team of attorneys walks the extra mile to win the best verdict for our clients and ensures that the whole process is smooth and stress-free for them. Whether we represent you at a trial or sit down at the negotiating table for you, our professional family attorneys will always serve your best interests with your family's well-being in mind.

Our Family Law Services

We offer our full suite of family law services with a successful record of favorable verdicts and settlement terms for our clients. Our services include:

● Divorce
Going through a divorce can be very stressful for anyone. We make the process easier by protecting you and your interests judiciously.

● Child Custodianship
Our child support and custody arrangement ensures that the child's best interests are protected and served by both parents.

● Division of Assets
We take inventory of all your assets, including real estate and investments made, to give you your fair and equitable rights from the dissolved marriage.

Hire a Successful Child Custody Attorney in Brea

Mr. Eric M Nakasu and his professional team of attorneys will always fight for your rightful interests, be it in the court of law or at the negotiating table. We're here for you every step of the way to ensure that whatever family dispute you have, is resolved without any hassle and as per your satisfaction.

We've got a team of experts to assist you in legal matters, investigations, and negotiations in any family dispute.

Divorce is a difficult step to take for anyone. However, there may be a time when it feels that the only recourse is a dissolution or marriage. In times such as this, it's important to seek a divorce attorney who can help you win fair and equitable outcomes in your divorce case.

Ending a marriage is tough, but having a competent La Habra child custody lawyer on your side can make the process easier. Consult with an expert family lawyer like Mr. Eric M Nakasu for professional guidance to navigate your way through the complex process of divorce.

Eric can ensure that the outcome of your marriage dissolution is fair and just, not just for you but also for your children. Apart from representing you in court, he can also deliver fair arrangements with regard to support and custody of your child.


Obtaining a divorce can be tough, which is why you need an experienced La Habra child custody lawyer with comprehensive experience in the complexities of divorce.

Eric can provide you with the right guidance during divorce and other family law matters. He has extensive experience practicing law, having successfully handled thousands of divorce cases in California.

Child Custody

Every parent wants to minimize the stress that their children may feel when coping with a divorce. A La Habra child custody lawyer can ensure this by considering your child's best interests.

At the law office of Mr. Eric Nakasu, he can provide you with the right legal counsel that helps you attain the best possible outcome in child custody, support, and visitations.

Speak to a La Habra Child Custody Lawyer Today
It's your right and responsibility as a parent to care for your children. Speak with Mr. Eric to reach an equitable arrangement in your divorce case. He can guide you past legal obstacles in divorce, child custody, and other family law matters.

Call 7149169800 for a free consultation.

Eric is here to protect the needs and rights of your children in case of any family dispute. Having over three decades of experience behind him, Eric holds expertise in divorce, child custody, marital agreements, property division, domestic abuse, paternity, and other matters pertaining to your family. 

Over the years of his service, Eric has developed a pragmatic and child-centric approach with affordable legal representation to win you your fair and just rights. His prime focus lies on resolving family disputes in an amicable manner, which benefits both the parents and the child. 

Practice Areas

As the leading La Habra child custody attorney, Eric specializes in the following:

● Child Support

● Child Custody and Visitation

● Divorce

● Legal Separation

● Domestic Violence

● Modification of Orders

● Paternity

● Property Division

● Prenuptial and Postnuptial Agreements

Whether you're applying for physical or legal custody or want to close the parental agreement outside of court, Eric can help. You need a La Habra child custody attorney who has extensive knowledge of family law and considerable experience in legal representation in California courts. 

Contact Eric today at 7149169800 for speedy legal assistance on all family disputes and for protecting your child's best interests.