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Aging is a natural process that affects us all, no matter how successful our skincare routine is. At some point we will witness the appearance of wrinkles and expression lines on our face, we will see how our skin loses elasticity and how its tone changes. But our hands are not tied as it may seem. Although aging is something that we cannot directly stop, there are certain things that we can do and change in our lifestyles that will stop this process, at least for now. By making subtle changes to your daily routine, you can prevent your skin from aging prematurely. And it is not as tedious a process as it seems. These changes are fairly easy to implement, and take very little time.

Have you ever wondered what is under the epidermis? There is actually a combination of collagen and elastin, proteins that keep our skin elastic and firm. This is what puts the skin we pinch back into place. However, as we age, the amount of these proteins decreases and weakens, leading to loose, sagging skin. But are collagen and elastin the only culprits for premature aging of the complexion? The truth is that aging is a much more complicated process. Not only does the amount of protein change, but our skin also becomes thinner. This goes hand in hand with the loss of facial fat that is inevitable as we age. Longevity activatoris natural supplement. It helps to control skin aging problems.

Perhaps the most important factor when it comes to skin aging is genetics. Genetics is the factor that most influences the appearance of our complexion when we are older. And while you can't change your genetic code, you can increase your chances of smooth, firm skin in the long run by putting the following tips into practice. The next notable change that occurs is that of the texture. Our skin becomes rougher and is often accompanied by hyperpigmentation and dark spots, especially if we have not protected it throughout our lives. Unfortunately, none of these processes can be influenced. Aging is a natural thing that happens to everyone. But don't despair. What you can do is make some adjustments in your day to day that will translate into great improvements in the future.

·        Laser treatment is a non-invasive body contouring procedure

·        It has been found that this technique can remove excess fat

·        Cold, soft, non-invasive laser beams are directed on the body

Do you want to shed unwanted fat from your body with 40 minutes of painless treatment? If yes, laser treatment is the way for you. It is a revolutionary option for people who have lost faith in exercise and diet control. Laser treatment is a non-invasive body contouring procedure which can effectively remove excess fat from the human body. To help you win the inescapable race to lose body weight in a short period of time, science has come up with effective laser treatments and therapies. These therapies are becoming extremely popular among people belonging to higher and upper middle class in India. They are costly treatments which makes it difficult for masses to afford them.


Until a few years ago, liposuction or lipoplasty was popular among people who wanted immediate weight loss but after the introduction of therapies such as Low-Level Laser Therapy (LLLT), also known as cold laser, soft laser, or therapeutic laser, people are bending towards this carefree and painless treatment.It is an effective treatment modality for those who are overweight. Results can be quite dramatic where conventional weight loss methods have failed. A patient doesn’t need to go through an operation. They don’t even realize any sensation or pain during the treatment.

Comparing liposuction with (LLLT) for weight loss, Pramada Das, user of LLLT, Account Manager in a leading Advertising agency says, “When I had liposuction treatment 5 years ago, doctors removed the entire area of fat cells from beneath the skin using a hollow stainless steel tube used with a powerful vacuum, but again, I gained weight within 2 years. Liposuction is not less than an operation which can be accomplished either with the use of general anesthesia.”

“In contrast, laser treatment is a 100% non-invasive and the machine is applied externally to the body. I don’t have to go through any anesthesia or pain. The session as relaxing for me that during sessions I am listening to music, reading books and magazines. During the entire process I lay down in a comfortable position for approximately thirty minutes at a time, in a relaxed environment, while I am losing a significant flab from my body” he adds.

Mainly there are two kinds of laser therapies for weight loss:

·        Low-level laser treatment- Also called cold laser treatment; it is the most popular among all laser treatments for weight loss.

·        Laser acupuncture- This other type of laser treatment for weight loss is not only to remove fat from particular areas of the body but to suppress appetite and increase metabolism.

According to researchers, it has been found that there are specific acupuncture points in the ear which on stimulation suppresses our appetite and cravings for food. It enhances the current diet and exercise programs practised by the body.


Cold, soft, non-invasive laser beams are directed at 37 points on the body. It is similar to acupuncture but without a needle. The stimulation of the specific body points signals the brain to release endorphins (a hormone which reduces production of stress hormone) which in turn reduces cravings for extra food.

The experts who perform laser treatment take notice of the patient’s history before selecting the method of treatment as each patient requires a customized approach. When the experts feel there is need to correct internal body imbalances to reduce the body weight, laser acupuncture is recommended to the patient. It is advised especially to those patients who have gained body weight because of:

·        Hormonal Imbalance

·        Personality or emotional eating

·        Liver dysfunction

·        Malabsorption (faulty absorption of nutrient materials from the alimentary canal)

A 38-year-old user of laser acupuncture, Marlene Koester exclaims her happiness, “In all honesty, I was 25 kilos overweight when I started my laser treatment. I didn’t find the energy and was completely depressed. In 2 months I lost 8 kilos, and then I joined a gym. I felt re-energized, desired to go out and enjoy life with my family. This whole experience has also changed my relationship with my husband and kids in the most positive way”.It can be a miraculous treatment method for weight loss but it has its own benefits and disadvantages.


·        Reduced bruising (possibly)

·        No anesthesia

·        Quicker recovery (possibly)

·        No pain

·        Quick results

·        No need for bed rest after treatment


·        Expensive

·        Risk of Burns

·        Allergic reaction to medications or material used during surgery

·        Infection

·        Damage to the skin and surrounding tissues

·        Skin necrosis (dead skin)

·        Puncture of an internal organ

·        The skin may look bumpy and/or withered

·        Fluid imbalance

Find out from your health practitioner if you are fit to go through a laser treatment for weight loss, and understand how it would benefit you.


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Some medical benefits of seawater have been investigated, among them are: having an antibiotic effect, helping in the healing of wounds, cleansing the nasal passages in cases of sinusitis, among others. Folexin is a natural method for promoting hair growth and reducing hair loss in users.

What is the use of the sea water taken?

Below are the supposed 10 benefits of drinking seawater in its commercial bottled form, taking direct seawater is bad.

Below we will see a proposed list of diseases that cure seawater, some of them, has only been proven experimentally:

1. - Seawater helps to relax the muscles

Allows muscle relaxation when swimming or floating in seawater. Promotes the recovery of muscles if you have had injuries

2. Seawater could help prevent wound infection

It has been proposed as a natural antiseptic, helps to absorb water in wounds to prevent infections in them, ideal to prevent infection of wounds.

In an investigation done in the University of San Francisco (California-US), its benefit in some type of dermatitis is noticed.

3. - Seawater could help in respiratory problems

Improves and relieves symptoms in respiratory problems, facilitates the elimination of toxins and eliminate mucus from upper respiratory tract and paranasal sinuses.

4. - Seawater could help in joint pains

Relieves joint pain in rheumatic problems, therefore, a saltwater bath is advised

5. - Seawater could be used as an exfoliant

For skin care, seawater is also very useful, as its function will be as an exfoliant or for its cosmetic properties

6. - Breathing the sea breeze could help improve the circulation of air in the lungs

Breathing breeze from seawater will be very beneficial because it cleans lungs, improving health and / or preventing future respiratory problems. Taking sea baths will help calm anxiety and stress.

7. - Help to detoxify

Some studies, experimentally, have revealed that sea water is not only useful, used externally in the organism, but also internally, it provides several benefits, it needs to be evaluated in scientific works in humans with large samples.

Properties of sea water:

·        Cardiovascular beneficial effects

·        Improves the lipid profile

·        Helps to maintain and improve the health of the organs, preventing the development of various pathologies, by endothelial effects

8. - Seawater nutrient?

Among the benefits of seawater at the nutritional level are: it contains nutrients such as carbohydrates, fats, proteins, hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen, magnesium, manganese, calcium, iron, phosphorus, fluorine, copper, iodine, etc. macronutrients and micronutrients necessary for the proper functioning of the body, therefore, is considered a nutritious water, is an organic water, bioavailable that nature provides, and that you can make the most of its properties, considered therapeutic, by some experts.

Many consider that to obtain more benefits from sea water, it must be added as water for daily use, however, before starting to drink large quantities of it, it is necessary to consider all the advantages and disadvantages of doing so, as well as the effects that it could bring to the future if it is not taken in the proper way.

From the medical point of view, seawater has its specific properties.

9. - Benefits of seawater to improve breathing:

As mentioned, the use of seawater to unclog the nostrils is a remedy or recommendation even by experts, to keep these routes clear, and be able to breathe properly. Many studies have revealed their effectiveness so that this type of water is a great ally to reduce nasal obstruction.

Seawater strengthens immunity, drags and facilitates discarding secretions, mucus, naturally, and due to its properties, improves the auditory function.

10. - Benefits of seawater in rhinitis and sinusitis:

Since ancient times, seawater has been used as a natural treatment, in cases of allergies, sinusitis.

·        Help eliminate bacteria

·        Lubricate

·        Decongest

·        Cell regenerator

·        Reduces tissue irritation, caused by rhinitis

·        Avoid inflammation

·        It is a natural analgesic that prevents the evolution of rhinitis

·        Function as an anti-allergenic

·        Rehydrates, preventing the accumulation of mucus

It is one of the most effective and useful natural treatments to combat and reduce symptoms.

Benefits of seawater for hair

Sea water is very beneficial to the hair if used with care and without excess. Seawater contains several salts and important elements for the nutrition of the scalp and hair follicles such as zinc, sulfur, magnesium and calcium. Many hair products use seawater in their composition.

Benefits of seawater for cancer

This is false, there is not enough scientific evidence that seawater cures cancer, there are no studies that support these ideas and we must be careful to choose this type of therapy in cases of cancer. In holistic natural medicine based on holistic principles, proposed by Dr. Hammer, water has been proposed as part of treatment in some types of cancer, but science does not approve of this nor is there scientific evidence on this.

Benefits of seawater for the skin

The high mineral content of seawater, such as sodium, chlorine, magnesium, sulfur, calcium, iodine and zinc, provides a product with a great mineral richness that can be used to benefit some health problems.

On the skin, they help eliminate eczema and desquamative lesions. It is also used as an exfoliating effect for the skin.

Benefits of seawater for the eyes

Although there is no scientific evidence to support this knowledge, some people have proposed and used seawater in drops for the treatment of dry eye and cataracts.

Several testimonies are obtained with anecdotal evidence but it is advised to consult with your ophthalmologist before starting a treatment on your eyes with any product.

Benefits of seawater for acne

Seawater has certain antiseptic and exfoliating properties that have been used for the treatment of acne. Its astringent effect eliminates cell debris and prevents clogging of pores and subsequent infection.

Several skin products have been developed from seawater as the basis of their formulations made for the cosmetic industry.

Benefits of seawater for dogs

There have been many proposed benefits of seawater for dogs, gastrointestinal, blood, kidney, for tumors and allergies, among others.

There are several types of commercial seawater for sale available for sale. Or you can let the sea water stand for 1 week and then dilute at a rate of 1 cup of seawater with 3 cups of drinking water. Give this mixture to the dogs occasionally.

Benefits of seawater for diabetes

There are studies that have revealed experimentally in animals, the benefits of the use of seawater in the treatment of obesity and diabetes. This occurs thanks to the trace elements that generate an adequate balance for the correct functioning of the metabolism and hormones.

However, studies in humans are needed to corroborate their beneficial effects, administration forms and the appropriate doses, in case the advantages of their use in diabetes are demonstrated.

Contraindications to drink seawater

Despite recent interest in demonstrating the beneficial properties of seawater, there are still many doubts about its potential dangers. The recommended way to drink bottled sea water, which has been processed for human intake in a safer way.

Drinking water directly can bring certain problems, due to the high amount of minerals that can bring other unwanted consequences

In general it is necessary to consult your doctor before incorporating bottled sea water to your normal consumption in the diet.

In particular, in patients with high blood pressure, heart disease, and patients with kidney problems should be avoided.

What diseases does sea water cure?

None, sea water does not cure diseases. Adherents to the consumption of sea water have awarded a long list of diseases that can be cured with their usual consumption. However, reviewing the medical literature does not provide evidence of the greater benefits for which it is conventionally used.

For now, there are no diseases that have been proven to be cured with seawater. In any case, help solve some health problems in conjunction with other treatments of proven efficacy.

Where to buy sea water?

In Mexico, Panakos bottled sea water, hypertonic, is obtained. The price is 590 Mexican pesos for 20 liters (29 US $). In free market Mexico.

In the web pages and you can get several types of seawater for human consumption.

Is there bottled sea water?

There is commercially bottled sea water, which has gone through a process of elimination of toxic and infectious components, leaving only minerals and trace elements. It is not advisable to drink sea water directly because there are certain risks.

Can you drink sea water directly?

Although its benefits are multiple, we must not leave behind, the fact that if it is not taken properly, it could bring serious consequences to the body, instead of the body taking advantage of its benefits.

It has been recommended to drink sea water, along with the sweet, to enjoy all the benefits it brings to the body. You can take advantage of the properties of seawater, but always prefer to be processed or bottled, where it is guaranteed that the proportions of electrolytes are adequate for the organism. Drinking sea water directly is bad.

Currently, there are several options to consume and obtain it, some people, and more those who live in islands, ports, may have direct access to sea water, but, another alternative, is to drink it already bottled, some have passed a sanitary control process, which guarantees its safety when consumed. But before using for therapeutic purposes, it is necessary to consult with a health expert.

In addition, it has been recommended to use seawater as a liquid salt in the kitchen, suggesting that you can also make the most of its benefits.

How to filter sea water to drink?

The main recommendation is to locate the bottled sea water. Some have proposed to combine it with fresh water, and / or drink only a few tablespoons, and get to consume it up to a quarter of a liter, used in various drinks, such as juices. Other suggestions are to add the cap of sea water to one liter of fresh water. Obtaining a mineral water, but there is no scientific evidence to validate these procedures.

Seawater poisoning

There are several reports of excessive seawater intake, with serious health complications, especially in children. Being able to generate a serious situation called Hypernatremia, or elevation of the levels of Sodium in blood and Rhabdomyolysis (destruction of muscle fibers). Both with very severe consequences.

Dangers of drinking sea water

In case of having the bottled version (processed), there are some contraindications to drink seawater. Basically, referring to cardiovascular diseases and kidney diseases, due to the salts that contain it. You should consult your doctor if you have any questions.


If you drink seawater accidentally, for small amounts there are no greater risks, it is recommended to drink plenty of drinking water and consult in case of symptoms. If the equivalent of more than 1 glass (250 cc) was consumed, you should go to the doctor to take measurements and determine if there is any consequence. The consequences of drinking seawater in small or moderate amounts are treatable and do not leave sequels.

Although currently, there may be information either against or in favor of the use of seawater, there are more investigations every day about its effectiveness, whether it is used directly or Quinton plasma (used in marine therapies).

Some researchers propose, that the habitual use of sea water, brings some benefits to maintain the health of the organism, since it is a way of feeding it with all the elements it needs. Therefore, some research claims that if you can drink because it is:

·        A regulator of the internal environment

·        Disinfectant

·        Neutralizes acidity in the stomach

·        Alkalizer

·        Restorative

What is seawater composed of?

Seawater is composed of minerals, which differentiates it from fresh water, it has minerals such as zinc, iodine, potassium, trace elements, which is why it is salted by the concentration of minerals, experts recommend that when you go to the beach The benefits of seawater are maximized.

See also:

·        6 Benefits of sea salt

·        Benefits of water

Moringa comes from the Moringa oleifera tree, which is found in South Asia and the tropics and has been consumed by indigenous populations around the world for more than 4000 years. Moringa seeds have anti- oxidant, anti-inflammatory properties, provide a large amount of nutrients, are rich in vitamin A and help reduce cholesterol.

What are moringa seeds used for?

In medicine Aryuveda is used a lot for its supposed medicinal to treat bacterial infections and to lower blood sugar, it is widely used as a home remedy to lower blood sugar and diabetes but without significant scientific evidence, until now the mostly only with studies in mice.   

It is used in countries like Senegal, Malawi and India to fight low-cost malnutrition, because it provides a large amount of healthy proteins and fats (such as oleic acid) and serves to treat vitamin A deficiency. The moringa tree is resistant, adapts to any place and grows in a short time, which is very helpful in countries with high rates of nutritional deficiencies. Glucoberry is a dietary supplement. The body's blood circulation is improved by taking glucoberry supplements.

It is also used in the purification of water for animal and human consumption, the extracts of the leaves and seeds have biopesticide activity.

What is the use of moringa seed in women?

Moringa has been used for women in the menopause stage, because it improves the symptoms of intermittent hot flashes and profuse sweating that women present due to hormonal changes.

This effect of moringa is obtained thanks to one of the components that is Quercetin that is contained in the leaves of the plant.

Benefits of moringa in women

Among the most important benefits is its effect to improve the symptoms of sweating and hot flashes in menopause.

Also because of its high calcium content, it is a very beneficial plant in women who have osteopenia or osteoporosis.

Its high content of vitamin A and vitamin E, help repair skin damage from dry menopause.

Benefits of moringa seed in men

Moringa has been used to improve sexual dysfunction in men. Through its antioxidant properties that remove free radicals from the blood and vasodilation occurs, which is the mechanism used by drugs known for male sexual dysfunction.

Does moringa up testosterone?

Although moringa is used by Ayurvedic medicine as an aphrodisiac, experimental studies have not shown that there is a relationship between moringa consumption and increased sexual activity and tetosterone. 

The usefulness of moringa leaves according to Ayurveda

This traditional science of India uses moringa leaves to prevent and treat more than 300 diseases, for its antihypertensive, diuretic, antidiarrheal, anxiolytic, antidiabetic and anti-colitis properties, but of this there is no significant scientific evidence; most are only studies in mice.

What is moringa used for in the food industry?

In Bangladesh, a healthy powdered vegetable soup was prepared, supplemented with soy flour, mushrooms and moringa leaves. Compared to other locally available soup powders, a higher content of vitamin D, minerals, proteins and fiber and lower moisture, fat and carbohydrate content were found in this powder. Vitamin C was also significantly higher than in other soup powders.

In addition, yoghurts have been prepared for the supplementation of pregnant women prone to malnutrition. It was found that this yogurt improved the intestinal flora, which plays an important role in our immune defense.

Nutritional data of moringa seeds

Moringa seeds are globular and measure about 1 cm, with oil being the largest component of their weight.

The moringa seed has the following nutrients in 100 g: 

·        35 g of protein

·        38 g of fat

·        8.67 mg of carbohydrates

·        751 mg of vitamin E

·        4.5 mg of vitamin C

·        45 mg of Calcium

·        2.87 g of fiber

·        75 mg of phosphorus

·        5.2 mg of phosphorus

They also contain fiber and moringa leaves have 35 g of protein in 100 g, the same as an egg and twice as much as milk.

Why eat moringa seeds?

Because many of those who consume moringa seeds say that it renews energy, improves the quality of sleep, blood pressure and balances blood sugar levels, strengthens the hair and gives firmness to the skin.

In one study, the anticancer effect of leaves, bark and seed extracts of Moringa oleifera was investigated. The extracts of leaves and bark showed remarkable anticancer properties, especially for breast and colon cancer, while, surprisingly, the seed extracts did not exhibit any such properties.

Benefits of consuming moringa seeds

Let's see below 7 important benefits of moringa for your health.

1. Lower blood pressure

More research is needed to ensure this virtue of moringa seeds. However, moringa oil, containing oleic oil, has a cardioprotective effect. In addition, moringa has a sedative effect and by the presence of antioxidants regulates blood pressure. Antioxidants prevent oxidation caused by free radicals, toxic substances responsible for causing diseases and aging.

2. Improves sleep

Drink an infusion before going to bed with moringa leaves soaked in hot water for 15 minutes. Moringa promotes sleep and is sedative. In experimental studies its anxiolytic effect was demonstrated.

3. Increase energy

The moringa provides important amounts of iron, which is responsible for transporting oxygen in the body and moringa is also combined with vitamin C, which favors its absorption. So if you are a vegetarian or present anemia, consider taking it.

On the other hand, moringa oil has antioxidant and anti-fatigue properties demonstrated in experimental studies.

4. Decrease blood glucose levels

Few studies support this and others are in the research stage in rats, so we must await the results in humans. However, a possible effect of reducing insulin resistance has been tested, but it could also be due to flavonoids, antioxidants present in moringa.

Moringa is not approved for use in diabetics because the recommended daily dose is not yet known.

5. It provides a lot of fiber

Fiber improves your intestinal transit and helps reduce cholesterol and blood glucose values, as well as protect the immune system.


6. Reduce cholesterol

Moringa oil is rich in oleic acid, which helps to lower cholesterol levels and for this the flowers are also useful, since they reduce cholesterol, phospholipids and triglycerides, as well as fats in liver and heart.

The use of moringa in animals proved to be as effective as the drugs prescribed for cholesterol and to prevent the formation of platelets that cause circulatory and cardiac problems. In these studies the leaves of moringa decreased the total cholesterol, increasing the good cholesterol.

Other studies also conducted on animals revealed that moringa leaves managed to improve liver damage caused by drugs, but further research in humans is still required.

7. Embellishes the skin

Moringa seed oil contains antioxidants, so it repairs damaged tissues and is used as a moisturizer and antiseptic for its high content of oleic acid.

Moringa cream revitalizes the skin from the harmful effects produced by sun exposure and has an anti-aging effect.

Moringa seed benefits and consequences

There are many beneficial uses attributed to moringa, among them, for the treatment of bronchial asthma, diabetes, controlling glycemia. Because of its antioxidant and vasodilator effect it is used in some cardiovascular diseases. It is also used to care for the skin and hair for its vitamin A amount.

It has been used as an energizer, also to treat constipation.

The consequences of consuming Moringa seeds are basically of gastrointestinal origin, with nausea, vomiting and diarrhea.

It should not be consumed during pregnancy or lactation.