KarmanFoods's blog

If you love to cook and make spicy foods, you might be shopping at a Korean market to find the spice blends and sauces you love. They continue to grow in popularity with the explosion of interest in spicy foods, and many culinary experts agree Korea gets spicy right. Everyone who enjoys hot-and-spicy flavors should try making Korean food at home because the flavor profiles are nuanced and complex. The tastes pack heat but aren't overpowering for the sake of being hot. Once you begin cooking with Korean sauces and marinades, you can add them to many other dishes that you make; there are no rules. 

The first foray into Korean food comes with BBQ, either traditional or LA style, for many people. You can select from a range of sauces, each unique to give your barbecue a perfectly zesty taste. Trying different sauces until you decide on a favorite is an excellent idea because the only way to know for sure is to taste them. Flavoring pastes are popular among Korean cooks, similar to Thai cuisine. They always add flavor and often bring a spicy taste. Red pepper flavors are among the favorites, and you can increase (or decrease) the amount used to suit your tastes. Many people enjoy foods full-on spicy. 

You'll find some fun and exciting choices in the tea and coffee aisle at a Korean supermarket. Some of the most unusual are teas made from corn and barley. It's a switch from traditional black tea and an interesting one to try. Korean coffee is also a global sensation, and people everywhere love it. It's a form of instant coffee that comes ready-made with sweetener and creamer. Convenience and an enjoyable taste are the advantages. You'll also find herbal tea and medicinal ones you can brew for various health benefits. Many herbal varieties are naturally caffeine-free and are soothing at bedtime.

Umami flavor – the fifth human taste that's savory or savory-sweet – is in abundance in the products at a Korean market. Items rich in the amino acids that produce it include a range of seafood-based sauces and soy sauce. It's why everything tastes better when you add umami. There are even organic products that are soy sauce alternatives that are umami-rich. You can use them in your cooking as you choose, and everything you serve will be more flavorful. If you want to lose weight or eat a healthier diet, one of the best ways to do it is to cook and eat at home. You can control the ingredients and portion size.

If your life has been turned upside down during the pandemic, you may have overlooked a few things that have been going on. One of them is the vast improvement in online food shopping. You'll see better sites from grocers across the spectrum, from an Asian market to a supermarket chain. The noticeable improvements are in better user experience that saves time and money. Today's virtual markets provide the same coupons and sale prices as the in-person store and have orders ready for pick up or home delivery. You'll be surprised and impressed by how much time you'll save ordering online.


One of the best ways to eat healthier is to shop when you aren't in a hurry. Everyone makes better choices when they have time and the ease of searching and sorting all options. Larger food processors with mega budgets gobble up the attention in markets with elaborate displays and signage. The purpose is to attract your attention and distract you from other products nearby. If their foods aren't the healthiest, but their marketing sells them to you, it's not an ideal scenario. When your browse online, the playing field is leveled, and you can read other shoppers' reviews of products.


You're going to notice the added free time you have when you order your groceries online. It's a significant time saving compared to making a weekly trip to the supermarket that takes several hours by the time you're finished. You can also keep your shopping list virtually, and when you do it on a grocer's website, it's quick to convert it to an order. You can also re-buy items quickly and make weekly shopping a breeze. The recent site improvements from grocers have been helped along by the pandemic that encouraged more people or food shops virtually. Stores noticed and accelerated the upgrades. 


The best feature of online food shopping is the search and sort feature. There are dozens of products you might enjoy but have never heard of or tried. Pick any search terms and try them. You'll find things you never knew existed. Every category has new hidden gems, from fruits to cheeses to baking mixes. It's hard to notice them on crowded store shelves, but when they show up in lists, you'll never miss them again. Each item on a grocery website has a page with complete descriptions and all the size and price options. Selecting the best one is as easy as making a single click to add the item to your shopping cart.