LiamKev's blog

An extensive examination of your consumer profile is called a background check, and it determines if you are qualified for a particular job, rental property, or other opportunity. While it's not a requirement for every employer, landlord, or vacation rental, when it is and something goes wrong, it can quickly ruin plans for a career, place to live, and vacation.

Background checks can include your credit profile, criminal record, driving record, job history, and educational credentials, depending on the requirements of the firm requesting the research. The report usually contains only those aspects that are pertinent to the specific opportunity.

For example, your driving history will probably be included in an employment-based background check for a job where you operate a motor vehicle. Still, it probably won't be in a background check for a job that is only office-based. Likewise, qualifications for education, credit, criminal history, and previous work experience are evaluated as needed.

What goes into compiling background check reports?

Consumer data is essentially purchased, reviewed, and reported upon to generate background check reports. Instead of doing background checks themselves, employers and property owners contract with other businesses to undertake them. Although, an error in background check might happen even in those reports provided by verified credit reporting agencies.

Companies known as consumer reporting agencies (CRAs) handle the actual reporting. These businesses offer employment and property owners background check services. Companies referred to as data furnishers provide data, which the CRAs collect and buy. These are the well-known businesses, such as banks, credit card firms, and service providers. The data from municipal records is also scanned, gathered, and sold by outside businesses.

The CRAs merge the data streams into a report about each customer using an algorithm and a degree of human assessment. Because there are so many data streams involved and because neither data furnishers nor CRAs have the financial motivation to undertake the kind of inspection and filtering that would significantly reduce errors, errors are common.
