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How Many Acts Are There?

Act I: “A Cold and Iron Faith” – Fractured Peaks

Act II: “The Knife Twists Again” – Scosglen

Act III: “The Making of Monsters” – Dry Steppes

Act IV: – Takes place across Sanctuary, acting as the convergence point of the story

Act V: – Set in Hawezar, the longest act

Act VI: – The finale, covering multiple zones in Sanctuary and Diablo 4 Items introducing new locations

Nonlinear Act Structure

In Diablo 4, the first three acts are nonlinear, meaning you can tackle them in any order. This flexibility allows players to explore different regions and storylines based on their preferences. However, there are recommended levels for each act:

Act I is accessible immediately after the prologue, typically around level 5-6.

Act II is recommended to cheap Diablo 4 Items start around level 10.

Act III is suggested for characters around level 15.

7. Understand and Utilize Wind Direction

Wind direction plays a critical role in your sailing speed and maneuverability. The small arrow on your speed dial indicates the wind’s direction: red signifies you’re sailing against the wind, while green means you’re sailing with it. Adjust your sails accordingly to optimize your speed and maintain control over your course. Although sailing with the wind is ideal, being aware of Skull and Bones Items its direction helps you avoid deviations and ensures a smoother journey.

8. Advance Your Ship Rank

As you progress, upgrading from your initial Dhow to more advanced ships is essential. Ship Rank, similar to a gear score, reflects your vessel's overall power. Equip superior weapons, hulls, and furniture to increase your Ship Rank. This enhancement is crucial for surviving against stronger enemies and enduring tougher battles. Invest in high-damage weapons and durable hulls to improve your chances of success in late-game scenarios.

9. Specialize Your Ships

To tailor your ships to your preferred playstyle, experiment with different builds and ship types. For example, the Padewakang excels with explosive weaponry and increased weapon radius, making it ideal for Bombard and Mortar weapons. Alternatively, the Hullbreaker Brigantine specializes in ramming damage, making it effective with Demi-Cannons for close-quarters combat. Customize your ship’s loadout to Skull and Bones Items for sale match your combat strategy and enhance your effectiveness in various scenarios.

Difficulty of Obtaining Scadutree Fragments and Revered Spirit Ashes

Finding these crucial items presents its own set of Elden Ring Items challenges:

Scadutree Fragments: These can be scattered throughout the world, often hidden in hard-to-reach areas or guarded by powerful enemies. Locating them without guidance can lead to extensive and frustrating searches.

Revered Spirit Ashes: Similarly, these ashes are distributed across various locations and may be protected by formidable foes. Without proper knowledge, players may struggle to find these items efficiently.

The need for Scadutree Fragments and Revered Spirit Ashes significantly impacts the perceived difficulty of the DLC. Unlike the base game, where players could explore freely and progress at their own pace, the DLC seems to funnel players towards specific areas to collect these essential items. This design choice can create obstacles if you do not prioritize gathering and upgrading these items, making the DLC feel more restrictive compared to the base game’s open exploration.

Adapting to the Challenges of Shadow of the Erdtree

Recent updates, such as patch 1.12.2, have adjusted the balance by increasing the attack and damage negation for the initial and final levels of both blessings. While these changes may help, players should still focus on collecting and upgrading Scadutree Fragments and Revered Spirit Ashes to ensure a smoother experience.


Navigating the Shadow of the Erdtree DLC requires more than high levels and powerful gear. Scadutree Fragments and Revered Spirit Ashes are essential for enhancing your combat effectiveness and survival. By prioritizing these items, you can better handle the DLC’s intense challenges and enjoy a more manageable journey through the Shadow Realm. Every fragment and ash you collect will bring you closer to Elden Ring Items for sale conquering the formidable trials that await.

7. Understand Wind Direction for Optimal Sailing

Your ship's speed dial includes an arrow indicating wind direction. The arrow turns red when sailing against the wind, reducing speed, and green when sailing with it, enhancing speed. While you don’t have to sail directly with the wind, being aware of Skull and Bones Items its direction helps prevent course deviations.

8. Increase Ship Rank for Improved Performance

Starting with a basic Dhow, you'll soon discover blueprints for more advanced ships. Ship Rank, akin to a gear score, can be increased up to five. Equip superior weapons, hulls, and furniture to enhance your ship's capabilities and survive against higher-ranked enemies.

9. Specialize Your Ships for Different Combat Styles

As you progress, experiment with various ship builds to Skull and Bones Items for sale match your playstyle. For example, the Padewakang excels in explosive hits, making it ideal for Bombard and Mortar weapons. Conversely, the Hullbreaker Brigantine, focused on ramming damage, pairs well with Demi-Cannons for close-range combat.

Elden Ring: Shadow of the Erdtree’s Most Crucial Items and Why You Shouldn’t Ignore Them

In Elden Ring: Shadow of the Erdtree DLC, the Land of Shadow presents formidable challenges that demand more from players than the base game. Despite achieving the recommended level of 150 and Elden Ring Items equipping top-tier gear, players will find survival difficult without two critical items: Scadutree Fragments and Revered Spirit Ashes. These items are vital for both offensive and defensive enhancements, making them indispensable for tackling the DLC's tougher battles.

What Do Scadutree Fragments and Revered Spirit Ashes Do?

Scadutree Fragments and Revered Spirit Ashes provide significant boosts to your character's abilities, tailored to the unique demands of the Shadow of the Erdtree DLC:

Scadutree Fragments: These fragments enhance your direct combat abilities. Specifically, they increase the damage you deal to enemies while simultaneously reducing the damage you receive from them. This balance of offense and defense is crucial for overcoming the tough adversaries you'll face in the Land of Shadow.

Revered Spirit Ashes: These ashes improve the performance of Torrent (your steed) and all summoned Spirit Ashes. They boost both the offense and defense of buy Elden Ring Items these summons, making them more effective in battle and increasing their survivability.

To utilize these items, rest at a Site of Grace and select the “Shadow Realm Blessing” tab. Note that these enhancements are specific to the Land of Shadow and do not transfer to the main game’s Lands Between.

Exploring the Upper Balconies

Follow the pipe upwards until you see two balconies you can jump to: one on the left and one on the right. Go left first and pick up the Smithing Stone [4] from the corpse on the ground. There are two Golem Smiths here; ignore them for now and go to the back of Elden Ring Items the room where the second Golem Smith is standing. Collect the Ancient Dragon Smithing Stone from a corpse next to the metal pipe and jump back onto the pipe.

Next, head to the balcony on the right. The room to the right leads back to the pipe, and the tunnel in front of you progresses deeper into the Ruined Forge. Go through the tunnel to find a room with two more Golem Smiths and a Lava Slime. Walk up the broken pillar to the section where the Lava Pot-wielding Golem is, and you'll find the Smithscript Shield on a corpse. Turn back around, and you'll see a balcony you can jump over. Do so to drop down to the floor below.

Reaching the Final Section

After dropping down, turn right and pick up the Smithing Stone [8] from the corpse next to the wall. There will be a small tunnel behind this corpse with a ladder inside. Climb the ladder to reach the final section of the dungeon. At the top of the ladder, you'll find a platform with a Golem Smith and a Lava Slime directly behind you. Collect the Somber Smithing Stone [3] from the corpse there.

Proceed up the stairs in front of the ladder and pull the lever at the far end of the room to the left. This will trigger a mechanism to change the direction of the large metal pipe, providing a new path to progress further.

Drop down to the metal platform below this room, and then down again to the stone floor. Go down the stairs, and you will see a corpse with Somber Smithing Stone [8] on it next to cheap Elden Ring Items a hole in the wall.

Ammo Skills

The introduction of Ammo Skills adds another layer of Path of exile currency complexity to combat. These skills enhance the Crossbow shots with various effects:

Armour Piercing Ammo: This type of ammo allows shots to penetrate multiple enemies, making it effective against large groups.

Incendiary Ammo: Inflicts fire damage and interacts with other explosions, useful for dealing damage over time and causing area-of-effect destruction.

Permafrost Ammo: Chills and freezes enemies, providing crowd control and slowing down opponents.

By toggling between different Ammo Skills, Mercenaries can customize their combat approach to buy Path of exile currency suit various scenarios. For example, using Incendiary Burst Shot to clear a mob and Permafrost Power Shot to slow a boss provides strategic versatility.

14. Respawn Options

After a shipwreck, you can respawn on the water or at an outpost. Respawning on the water allows you to continue the fight immediately, but Skull and Bones Items your ship suffers permanent damage. Respawning at an outpost incurs higher costs but lets you repair your ship before re-entering battle.

15. Toggling Ship Status Effects

Enable status effects display for enemy ships in the settings menu. Navigate to Interface, select Customize UI, and then Toggle All. This feature is especially useful during world events or PvP, helping you prioritize targets and support allies effectively.

Armed with these tips and tricks, you're ready to cheap Skull and Bones Items navigate the perilous waters of Skull and Bones. Hoist your sails, ready your cannons, and embark on an epic adventure to become the most feared pirate on the high seas!

Elden Ring: Shadow of the Erdtree - Needle Knight Leda Quest Walkthrough

Needle Knight Leda is a devout worshiper of Miquella and a pivotal NPC in the "Shadow of the Erdtree" DLC for Elden Ring. Her storyline is intricately connected with Elden Ring Items other characters, culminating in significant events towards the end of the game. This guide will walk you through Leda's quest, detailing key encounters and decisions that impact her narrative.

First Meeting with Leda

You will first encounter Needle Knight Leda after defeating Mohg in the Mohgwyn Palace. Once you have rested at the Site of Grace in the boss arena, a figure in neat armor will appear next to the giant cocoon. This is Leda, who will instruct you to touch the hand sticking out of the cocoon, prompting a journey to the Realm of Shadow. She also mentions that your paths will cross again in the future.

For more details on accessing the DLC location, refer to the guide on "How to Elden Ring Items for sale Get to the DLC?".

Tips for Maximizing the Anniversary Event

To make the most of the anniversary celebrations and events in Diablo 4, consider the following tips:

Daily Logins: Ensure you log into the game daily to Diablo 4 Items claim all available gifts and participate in events.

Event Participation: Allocate time to participate in the March of the Goblins event to maximize your XP gains and loot.

Build Experimentation: Utilize the XP bonus from the event to try out different character builds and playstyles without the usual grind.

Stay Informed: Keep an eye on announcements from Blizzard Entertainment regarding the anniversary event to stay updated on any additional surprises or extensions.

Preparing for Future Updates

The timing of the anniversary event and the March of the Goblins event is strategic, preceding the next major update for Diablo 4. This upcoming update may bring changes that impact your current strategies and character builds. By leveraging the anniversary gifts and participating in the XP bonus event, you can strengthen your characters and adapt more effectively to any forthcoming adjustments.


Diablo 4’s anniversary event offers players a fantastic opportunity to enjoy free gifts and special events within the game. Follow the steps outlined in this guide to ensure you claim all your anniversary rewards, and cheap Diablo 4 Items make the most of the celebrations by exploring new content and enhancing your character’s capabilities. Join the festivities, collect your rewards, and continue your journey through the dark and immersive world of Diablo 4.

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