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The surface of the circuit board usually has three colors: gold, silver, and light red. Gold is the most expensive, silver is cheaper, and light red is the cheapest. So, how to identify the PCB surface treatment process by color? Next, Shenzhen PCB board manufacturing pcb manufacturer will introduce it to you.

Identify PCB surface treatment process by color
Gold is real gold. Although it is only a thin layer, it accounts for nearly 10% of the cost of the circuit board. The purpose of using gold is firstly to facilitate welding and secondly to prevent corrosion. The gold plating layer is widely used in component pads, gold fingers, connector shrapnel, etc. of circuit boards.

2. Silver
The silver circuit board is called a spray tin board. Spray a layer of tin on the outer layer of the copper circuit to help with soldering. Spray tin plate has no effect on the components that have been soldered, but the reliability is not enough for the pads that have been exposed to the air for a long time. It is easy to oxidize and rust after long-term use, resulting in poor contact.

3. Light red
OSP, organic soldering film, is an organic substance rather than a metal. It is cheaper than the tin spray process. Its only function is to ensure that the inner copper foil will not be oxidized before welding. When welding is heated, this film evaporates. OSP can weld copper wires and components together during soldering, but it is not corrosion-resistant. If an OSP circuit board is exposed to the air for more than ten days, components cannot be soldered.

Regarding how to identify PCB surface treatment process through color? Knowledge points about identifying PCB surface treatment process through color. If you want to know more, you can follow PCBAmake. If you need to know more about PCB proofing, PCBA service patching, and PCBA processing related technologies Knowledge, welcome to leave a message to obtain it!
There are very big differences in the scenes, products, performance, materials, area, etc. pcb board of PCB boards when they are used, resulting in very big changes in the types of components used in different PCB boards, the thickness of the connection lines, and the wiring density. So, what factors need to be considered when choosing PCB board?

1. For general electronic products, use FR4 epoxy glass fiber substrate; for high ambient temperature or flexible circuit boards, use polyimide glass fiber substrate; for high-frequency boards, you need to use polytetrafluoroethylene Glass fiber substrate; for electronic products with high heat dissipation requirements, metal substrates should be used.
2. Plates with higher glass transition temperature (Tg) should be selected appropriately, and the Tg value should be higher than the circuit operating temperature.
3. The coefficient of thermal expansion (CTE) of the sheet is required to be low.
4. High heat resistance of the board is required. Generally, PCBs are required to have a heat resistance of 250°C/50S.
5. The flatness of the plate is required to be good.
6. In terms of electrical performance, for high-frequency circuit boards, materials with high dielectric constant and low dielectric loss are required, including insulation resistance, voltage strength, and arc resistance to meet product requirements.

The above are the factors that should be considered when selecting PCB plates. I believe that after customers and friends understand,quick turn pcb they can be targeted when selecting plates in the future.