برزت العملة المشفرة كقوة تحويلية في المشهد المالي العالمي، مما يبشر بعصر جديد من الشمول وإمكانية الوصول. ومن خلال الاستفادة من تكنولوجيا سلسلة الكتل، تعمل العملات الرقمية على كسر الحواجز التقليدية أمام الخدمات المالية، مما يوفر للسكان الذين لا يتعاملون مع البنوك والذين يعانون من نقص البنوك وسيلة جديدة للمشاركة الاقتصادية. تتعمق هذه المقالة في كيفية تسهيل العملات المشفرة للشمول المالي والتأثير الكبير الذي تحدثه على المجتمعات في جميع أنحاء العالم.يمكن أن يكون التداول أيضًا خيارًا رائعًا للاستكشاف وهو أمر بسيط جدًا. ومع ذلك، فإن اختيار المنصة المناسبة أمر بالغ الأهمية. ابدأ بالقراءةتقييمات xtradeلفهم أدائها ومن ثم تحديد منصة التداول التي تناسب احتياجاتك.
ديمقراطية الوصول إلى الخدمات الماليةتجاوز الخدمات المصرفية التقليديةتوفر العملات المشفرة خدمات مالية لأولئك الذين لا يستطيعون الوصول إلى الأنظمة المصرفية التقليدية. في المناطق التي لا يمتلك فيها جزء كبير من السكان حسابات مصرفية، توفر العملات المشفرة بديلاً قابلاً للتطبيق لتخزين الأموال وإدارتها بشكل آمن. وتعد هذه القدرة بالغة الأهمية في المناطق التي تعاني من عدم الاستقرار أو التنظيم المفرط، لأنها توفر وسيلة مستقرة ويمكن الوصول إليها للمعاملات المالية.
خفض تكاليف المعاملاتواحدة من أهم مزايا العملات المشفرة هي قدرتها على تقليل رسوم المعاملات. يمكن أن تكون المعاملات والتحويلات التقليدية عبر الحدود مكلفة بسبب الرسوم التي تفرضها البنوك وخدمات تحويل الأموال. تعمل العملات المشفرة على تقليل هذه التكاليف، مما يسمح للمستخدمين بإرسال واستقبال الأموال بجزء صغير من السعر المعتاد، وبالتالي الحفاظ على المزيد من أموالهم التي حصلوا عليها بشق الأنفس.
تعزيز المشاركة الاقتصاديةالمعاملات الدقيقة والادخارتعمل العملات المشفرة على تمكين المعاملات الدقيقة، والتي لا تكون مجدية مع العملات الورقية التقليدية بسبب رسوم المعالجة المرتفعة. هذه الميزة مفيدة بشكل خاص للأشخاص في البلدان النامية الذين يرغبون في المشاركة في أنشطة اقتصادية صغيرة الحجم. بالإضافة إلى ذلك، توفر تقنية blockchain منصات للمدخرات الصغيرة والإقراض، وهي أدوات أساسية لبناء الاستقرار المالي وتشجيع النمو الاقتصادي في المجتمعات المحرومة.
تمكين رواد الأعمالومن خلال توفير الوصول إلى السوق العالمية، تعمل العملات المشفرة على تمكين رواد الأعمال في المناطق النائية أو المهمشة. يمكن لهؤلاء الأفراد تلقي المدفوعات مقابل السلع والخدمات من أي مكان في العالم، متجاوزين بوابات الدفع المكلفة والمقيدة. إن الطبيعة اللامركزية للعملات المشفرة تعني أيضًا أن الشركات الصغيرة يمكنها العمل على قدم المساواة مع المنافسين الأكبر، مما يعزز الابتكار والمنافسة.
التغلب على التحدياتمعالجة التقلباتفي حين أن العملات المشفرة تقدم فوائد عديدة، إلا أن تقلبها لا يزال يمثل تحديًا كبيرًا. ومع ذلك، فإن تطوير العملات المستقرة - العملات المشفرة المرتبطة بأصول مستقرة مثل الدولار الأمريكي - يوفر حلاً من خلال تقديم فوائد العملات الرقمية دون تقلبات الأسعار المرتبطة بها. يتم استخدام هذه العملات المستقرة بشكل متزايد في المعاملات والمدخرات، مما يوفر وسيلة تبادل أكثر موثوقية.
تعزيز التدابير الأمنيةتشكل المخاوف الأمنية أيضًا عائقًا أمام اعتماد العملات المشفرة. ويساعد التقدم في تدابير أمان التشفير والتطوير المستمر لمحافظ أكثر قوة وسهلة الاستخدام على التخفيف من هذه المخاطر. مع تطور تكنولوجيا الأمان، تزداد الثقة في استخدام العملات المشفرة للمعاملات اليومية والمدخرات، مما يزيد من تعزيز الشمول المالي.
افاق المستقبلالتطور التنظيميلكي تلعب العملات المشفرة دورا أكثر أهمية في الشمول المالي، هناك حاجة إلى أطر تنظيمية داعمة. بدأت الحكومات والهيئات الدولية في إدراك إمكانات العملات الرقمية لتحقيق الإدماج الاقتصادي، وتعمل على وضع لوائح تحمي المستخدمين مع تعزيز الابتكار.
تقدمات تكنولوجيةمن المتوقع أن تؤدي التطورات التكنولوجية المستمرة في blockchain والعملات المشفرة إلى تعزيز قابلية التوسع وتقليل أوقات المعاملات وتقليل التكاليف بشكل أكبر. ومن شأن هذه التحسينات أن تجعل العملات المشفرة في متناول سكان العالم بشكل أكبر، مما قد يحولها إلى أداة رئيسية للشمول المالي.
لا تعمل العملات المشفرة على إعادة تشكيل النظام المالي الحالي فحسب؛ إنهم يحدثون ثورة في هذا المجال من خلال توفير الوصول العادل إلى الخدمات المالية في جميع أنحاء العالم. ومن خلال الجهود المستمرة لمواجهة التحديات والاستفادة من الفرص، أصبحت العملات الرقمية بشكل مطرد عنصرًا محوريًا في السعي لتحقيق الشمول المالي الشامل.
Machine learning is the process of analyzing a volume of data by an algorithm with the ability to make decisions based on previous experience.
A long time ago
Automation has been one of the pillars of successful business since the 16th century. After the first manufactories appeared, for hundreds of years, companies have been looking for and applying ways to reduce costs without compromising the quality of the product. Experiments with automating business processes using algorithms began in the 1950s. In the 2010s, major players began to sponsor and implement machine learning for business, and today it is already available to everyone - just reach out. In this article we will describe: how and where to reach out to painlessly get acquainted with machine learning and robots.
About technology
Before making a decision on implementation, it is necessary to get acquainted with the technology itself and answer the following questions:
Machine learning is the process of analyzing a volume of data by an algorithm with the ability to make decisions based on previous experience. There are several types of implementation of machine learning algorithms:
The points above do not have advantages over each other, and each implementation is designed for its own scope of business tasks. Differences in the application of technology are visible in the solution of a simple problem:
There are 10 eggs in one basket of a farmer, where 1 is cracked. Task: find the defective egg:
About business
The capitalization of the implementation of machine learning in business is growing by more than 44% every year. The dynamics of such growth is justified not only by the involvement of large companies in the development, but also by the availability of this technology for businesses of any size. And what exactly can machine learning give such a business?
Below is one of the possible cases of using ML and robots to optimize a painful process without a single line of program code.
Case: Help Desk
Company : Online store, 50+ employees.
Task : Optimize and expedite the processing of support tickets.
Current Solution : First line support worker accepts online claims via chat or email. The support employee subsequently either tries to resolve the issue on his own, or transfers the request to a more competent specialist.
What we do : First of all, it is necessary to form the current algorithm of the employee's actions, and then look - what can be simplified or accelerated:
oneThe client forms an appeal, where he describes the problem.
2The support officer reviews the appeal and makes a decision.
3If the employee is qualified enough to quickly resolve the problem, he informs the client about it and the application is closed.
4If the employee cannot help with the solution of the problem, then he initiates the collection of information on the current issue.
fiveThe employee passes the information, the application, and the client to a more qualified specialist.
6Then one of the following scenarios is possible:
A certain percentage of hits is limited to the first three steps. The helpdesk has scripts to solve known problems - these can be optimized using machine learning. For complex scenarios, you can automate the collection of information about the subscriber.
What isair duct cleaning nj? Pollution of the indoor microclimate of the premises and cleaning of ventilation systems are closely related. Internal microclimate pollution is caused by a combination of many factors, the physical condition of air conditioning and ventilation systems is one of them.
The main task of air duct cleaning is to remove visible contaminants such as dust, debris and moisture from the supply and exhaust ventilation systems so that the air passing through the ventilation system does not come into contact with contaminated surfaces. Microorganisms that are not always detectable with the naked eye, such as mites, bacteria, and fungi, are also removed by cleaning and subsequent disinfection of the ventilation system. Microorganisms rarely appear in ventilation systems, however, special attention should be paid to them, because they can affect the quality of the microclimate and cause various diseases in people in the room.
These are diseases such as allergies, flu, Legionnaires' disease and even SARS. Dirt in air ducts can be loose or can be associated with fatty deposits. In the air ducts used to supply fresh air, loose deposits are mainly observed. These are dust, pollen from trees, etc. Both types of pollution can be found in the exhaust air ducts. In food and tobacco production, in tea-packing factories, contamination is a loose structure that can be easily removed using vacuum installations and cleaning machines.
In pastry shops, kitchens and restaurants, contamination is often associated with fatty deposits and requires more sophisticated cleaning methods and installations.
Regulation and Regulatory Documentation
At the moment, there is no regulation of ventilation system cleaning in Russia. There are no relevant regulatory and technical documents, and that small part of the regulatory documents, which mentions the need for cleaning ventilation systems and the timing of its implementation, is advisory in nature, and therefore is not implemented.
In other countries, this task is solved by various associations and non-profit organizations. For example, in America there is the National Air Duct Cleaners Association (NADCA). Founded in 1989 by a group of ventilation cleaning companies and cleaning equipment manufacturers, this association develops standards and regulations for its members.
The association also certifies and provides training and practical training for specialists in cleaning ventilation systems (Air Systems Cleaning Specialist, or ASCS). In addition, in close collaboration with environmental organizations, the association determines the quality of ventilation system cleaning and monitors compliance with NADCA standards. In recent years, the Russian climate market has been developing rapidly, more and more modern ventilation systems appear in homes, offices, and factories.
In this regard, great attention has been paid to the hygiene of ventilation systems. The Venture company was one of the first to offer services for inspection, cleaning and disinfection of ventilation systems, and also organized a Russian representative office of a foreign manufacturer of equipment for cleaning ventilation systems. The microclimate of the premises is one of the priority directions of the Venture company, which has existed for more than 15 years. Since 1995, Venture has launched production of air filters for general ventilation systems of all types and cleaning classes.
A subdivision was also organized to conduct work on the inspection of ventilation systems (commissioning, certification) and clean production facilities (microelectronics, pharmacy, medicine), solving problems of air preparation and air cleaning for technological processes and medical purposes. At the moment, the company "Venture" occupies a leading position in the market for the production of air filters and works with many large enterprises and climatic companies in Russia. In 2002, the company purchased equipment for cleaning, inspection and disinfection of ventilation systems abroad and organized a service department to carry out these works.
In 2003, an agreement was signed with a purification equipment manufacturer - AirPower, Finland - for an exclusive representative office in the Russian Federation. AirPower has been manufacturing equipment for cleaning ventilation systems since 1984, its equipment is certified in Europe. The Venture company takes an active part in the development of the industry. In particular, he conducts seminars on hygiene of ventilation systems with a demonstration of cleaning equipment, which anyone can attend.
So far, seminars are held only in St. Petersburg, but a series of seminars are planned in Moscow, Yekaterinburg and other large cities of Russia. In 2004, the Venture company plans to create an association that will unite manufacturers of purification equipment and companies providing hygiene services for ventilation systems on the territory of the Russian Federation.
Equipment and technologies for cleaning ventilation systems
The mechanical method of cleaning ventilation systems is the most effective. In this method, dirt and dust particles are removed from the surface of the duct using cleaning machines. Then, entrained by the air flow created by the evacuating units, the particles enter the filter unit. After filtration, the air is returned to the room. Cleaning ventilation systems from soot, animal proteins, fats, oils, etc. is produced as follows. A special solution is applied to contaminated surfaces using AirPower low pressure sprays, followed by curing until completely absorbed. If necessary, moisten the surface with water.
At the end of the exposure, the swollen contaminants are removed using cleaning devices from AirPower - Reel Master, Master SR / JR, M2001. In this case, both conventional plastic brushes and steel wire brushes can be used. For stubborn dirt, grease scrapers are used. For stratified soils, the holding time and concentration are increased in proportion to the thickness of the soiling.
For stubborn dirt, alkaline cleaners are used. The cleaner does not have a pronounced odor, does not contain organic solvents, does not damage the material of the air duct, has low toxicity, has an anti-corrosion character in relation to ferrous and non-ferrous metals, and exhibits an antibacterial effect. The cleaner creates a hydrophobic monomolecular film on the surface of objects, which greatly simplifies the subsequent removal of contaminants. The standard set of equipment required for cleaning ventilation systems includes the following units: cleaning machine, filtering unit, vacuum unit.
All filtration units that throw air back into the room must be equipped with a fine air filter (HEPA filter) with an efficiency of 99.97% for 0.3 micron particles. Research carried out in Finland has shown the superiority of mechanical cleaning over other methods such as blasting and the like. This method allows cleaning and disinfection of ventilation systems of any complexity without dismantling the equipment.
Versatility, durability, ease of use and low cost of equipment in comparison with analogs make this equipment "mass". The equipment can be purchased and operated not only by companies specializing in cleaning ventilation systems, but also by service departments of large enterprises.
Examination equipment
The duct inspection chamber is ideal for monitoring the condition of both vertical and horizontal ducts. It can be connected to a video system for recording examinations on videotape. The camera lens rotates without restrictions around its axis and in the vertical direction at an angle of 110 °.
The diameter of the module with the chamber is 45 mm, the length is 130 mm. The camera module is equipped with a dimmable halogen backlight to illuminate the duct to be inspected. The color display is equipped with contrast and brightness adjustment, as well as a video output that allows you to record the examination. A magnet behind the display allows for convenient installation on site. Powerful rechargeable batteries located in the monitor provide continuous operation for 1.5 hours.
The 20-meter cable on the reel is marked every meter to determine the position of the camera in the duct. The camera and cable of the installation are protected from shock and moisture. The camera is ideal for examining air ducts with a diameter of 100–650 mm.
Vacuum and filtering installations
There are two main types of filtration units: using high-efficiency Particle Air (HEPA) filters (after passing through fine filters, air is emitted into the room) and without using fine filters (air is released into the atmosphere, usually outside the building). The filtering unit has a multi-stage cleaning, at the final part there is a fine filter, which has a high efficiency. These filters are used, for example, in "clean rooms" and in hospital operating rooms. The effectiveness of such filters is 99.97% for particles of 0.3 microns (1/100 of a human hair) and larger.
The Venture company has organized the production of such filtering units in Russia. These installations are not inferior in their performance to European counterparts, and their cost is several times less. Large vacuum units, which are high-pressure fans, are designed to create a vacuum in the cleaned section of the air duct. This ensures that all contaminants enter the filter unit and not the ambient air.
The operating range of the AirPower А2001 / 220V vacuum unit at an air speed in the air duct of 16 m / s and a diameter of 200 mm is up to 85 m. With the use of a more efficient AirPower А2001 / 380V unit, the operating range increases to 220 m in an air duct with a diameter of 315 mm with the same stream. Industrial vacuum cleaners, which outwardly resemble ordinary household vacuum cleaners, are used to clean the components of the ventilation system (central air conditioner and its units, air diffusers).
Cleaning plants
The type of cleaning machine used depends on the size of the air duct to be cleaned. If the diameter of the duct is small, a drill with a flexible shaft attached to it, at the end of which there is a brush, or a small AirPower M2001 cleaning machine can be used. This method is ideal for small diameter air ducts - up to 300 mm. AirPower ReelMaster is used for medium duct diameters.
Its advantages are mobility, power supply from 220 W and the ability to clean the main range of air ducts - up to 600 mm. For large air ducts (up to 1200 mm), the AirPower Master SR / JR unit with a pneumatic drive is used. This is especially convenient in large industrial plants, where the diameter of the air duct often exceeds 1 m and there is main compressed air. The work was carried out at one of the food enterprises in St. Petersburg, specializing in the production of semi-finished products. The total length of the ventilation systems is 300 m.
The diameter of the air ducts is from 200 to 600 mm. The ventilation system was operated without cleaning for 2 to 5 years. A survey using the AirPower video diagnostic equipment showed that the deposition of flour in the exhaust ventilation systems of the flour warehouse and the workshop for the production of semi-finished products exceeds 3 cm; and in the supply and exhaust ventilation systems of the stuffing shop, dust deposition exceeds 0.5 cm.
It took a team of three people 16 hours to clean the ventilation systems. The weight of the deposits removed from the air ducts was more than 50 kg. After the completion of all work, the company's specialists carried out the commissioning of ventilation systems, measured the noise and dust levels.
In this article, you will discover four of the most popular family activities in the Dubai desert.
Conquer the dunes in an off-road vehicleExtreme jeeping on the dunes will give you incredible emotions and a dose of adrenaline. Rent a powerful SUV with an experienced driver and go! You have to rush along the crests of the dunes, then hovering almost at right angles, then again climbing a steep slope. Do not be afraid, because the local drivers are high-class professionals. Also you can trybuggy rental dubaiThe tour begins with an exciting SUV ride through the sand dunes at sunset. Stay overnight at a Bedouin-themed campsite for a traditional Arabic dinner and a rich entertainment program. During the evening you can try on national clothes or make henna painting (mehendi). When the lights in the campsite go out, the endless starry sky and the serene desert, immersed in deep sleep, open before you.
Meet the camelsMany desert tours include a short camel ride. But if you want to ride longer, book a special tour. Platinum Heritage offers an unforgettable camel safari - Camel Desert Safari. At the nearby Dubai Desert Conservation Reserve, enjoy an evening one-humped camel ride. This is a unique opportunity to get acquainted with the flora and fauna of the desert, including the numerous Arabian gazelles and oryx living in the reserve. To learn more about the lifestyle and traditions of the Bedouins and see the inhabitants of the endless desert with your own eyes, visit the Bedouin camp on the territory of the Al Marmoom nature reserve.
Exciting desert adventuresThe desert offers a lot of extreme entertainment that will please all outdoor enthusiasts. For example, sandboarding is a downhill boarding from the top of a sand dune. This is one of the most popular and safest activities for families with small children, and older children will surely love quad biking on the dunes. A hot air balloon flight with Balloon Adventures is a unique opportunity to admire the beauty of the endless desert. The adventure begins early in the morning: a balloon filled with hot air will rise up to 1200 meters and you will be able to contemplate the falcons soaring over the desert and the sunrise over the majestic Hajar Mountains.
Overnight in the desertAn overnight desert safari is the best adventure for the whole family. Most excursions include a traditional dinner and overnight camping among the majestic dunes. Book an Overnight Desert Safari from Platinum Heritage. Stay overnight in a traditional Arab stone house (mattresses, pillows and sleeping bags provided). Get up early in the morning to watch the desert dawn, then pay tribute to a delicious breakfast of freshly brewed coffee, smoked salmon toast, caviar and fruit.