arianataylorlife's blog

Drug addiction is fatal and life threatening. Usually, individuals start having or procuring drugs because of several reasons such as peer pressure the attempt to become the cool one among the friends and society and thus being acceptable from the people also because of extreme stress. 

There is a myth that exists in our society that drugs help the person to get relief from this stress and thus have a stress free life however this is completely false and one must have a complete knowledge before using drugs. Once the person gets addicted the life of the individual changes for the worse. Let us discuss several symptoms of drug addiction

       Loss of memory

       lack of concentration

       self hatred

       lack of self confidence and appreciation towards ones self

       hatred towards people closets them


       lack of sleep or  Insomnia

       mood disorders

       anxiety issues


       extremely aggressive



There are several drugs that are very common among the people consuming drugs like adderall and cocaine. These are very fatal, dangerous, and life threatening drugs that consume the persons ability to be productive and an asset to their family and the society. The intersection of adrenal and cocaine can be proved extremely dangerous leading to severe symptoms and the death of an individual. Drug addiction is not something that a person can ignore or take lightly. One must reach out to the doctor the professionals immediately to seek a professional guidance and help that could help them get the right direction in achieving a sober, decent, and a peaceful life.


Addreall and cocaine


Both adderall and cocaine are individually very strong drugs and if mixed can cause extremely deadly illnesses like health issues such as heart problem,  addiction to a level that a person can be a threat to the society and to themselves as well does mixing of these two, Is an indication that a person is under extreme addiction of drugs and requires a professional health in the form of inpatient drug or as we say inpatient rehab facility. inpatient rehab facilities include variousf acilities or treatments that aim to help the individual overcome their diction and does reducing the chances of relapse following are the treatment facilities that are mostly provided by the rehab centres-


        food facilities luxurious rehab centres provide with gourmet food that is prepared specially by the chef keeping in mind the health of the individual.

       In medicinal facilities, the health staff insures that the medication prescribed by the doctor is taken without any overuse or any neglect towards the medication.

       24 hour care is provided by the health staff and the nurses so as to keep a check on the progress of the patient.


       Therapy sessions are organised which are always proved very beneficial for the patient be it individualised or group therapy sessions.



Drug addiction is not something that the person cannot overcome but keeping this in mind one must reach out to a health professional at the right time and be determined enough to fight against the addiction so as to return to a life of superiority and peace this journey is often very challenging tough and painful but the life it guarantees, once the recovery is over, is worth to live for. One must not give up at any point . it is possible to win the battle against the addiction with the will and support of the family
