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Excess dihydrotestosterone (DHT) interferes with the hair’s growth cycle by affecting the hair follicles leading to hair loss. So, what is DHT? It’s a sex hormone that is differential testosterone. Since the DHT hormone is one of the primary causes of male pattern baldness, one of the effective ways to prevent hair loss is to block the DHT. 

As testosterone is present in men and women, androgenic alopecia also attacks women, though the number is not as significant as males.   

Androgenic alopecia, or male pattern baldness, affects over 50 million men in the US. It causes a receding hairline or forms an M-shape pattern of hair loss. The number of women is 30 million, which is way less than that of men. 

If you’re one of those affected by this condition, various effective treatments work as a DHT blocker. They prevent the transition of testosterone to DHT, inhibiting the production of dihydrotestosterone in the body. 

Various DHT Blocker Treatments

While agents reducing hair loss boosts confidence in a person suffering from hair loss, some of these treatments may not be safe for everyone. First, talk to your doctor before you start using them. 


Rogaine is the brand name of minoxidil that you can find over the counter and comes in two strengths; 2% and 5%. It’s a topical blocker that stimulates hair growth and enhances the growth phase. It’s one of the treatments that may help block DHT production. 


Finasteride is another treatment that blocks DHT production, preventing enzymes from converting testosterone to DHT. Although this also works by blocking the hormone that shrinks the hair follicles. But the initial development purpose for this agent was to treat an enlarged prostate.  

Vitamin B-12 or B-6

Most of the B vitamins play a vital role in your overall health. But can B-12 or B-6 supplements restore your hair? They may not do precisely that, but they help thicken your hair and keep it healthier by increasing the blood flow to scalp follicles. Lack of these two vitamins may cause hair thinning or hair loss. 

What Causes DHT?

Since we now understand “what is DHT?” we need to know what causes it. The total amount of DHT present in the body will depend on testosterone present. When levels of testosterone rise, it causes the dihydrotestosterone to increase too. 

In Conclusion

As hair loss is a common condition that affects most people worldwide, understand what triggers this. While DHT is an essential hormone in the human body, too much causes hair loss. Though it’s a common condition for older men, this also affects younger men from 21 years old, which can be devastating. However, DHT Blocker treatments may help reverse this condition.  

Hair loss has nothing to interrupt your life when it is occurring with a normal cycle. But, it could become worse that can trigger hair fall in excess. Stress could lead to a severe loss of hair in many cases. Research has shown that hair loss due to stress is possible when one has extreme anxiety due to specific situations. However, the major causes of hair loss are genetics. Many individuals among males and females go through this phase at a certain point in life. But, stress can cause hairs to fall in a different way.

How does stress hair loss occur?

If you have heard that stress causes hair fall, then you have heard it true. Well, genetic hair loss could not be controlled since it happens naturally. But stress is not natural and can lead to a severe loss of hair. But, you can decrease the loss of hair due to stress by managing it positively.

How does stress cause hair loss among individuals?

Stress could be a result of physical and emotional pain. This can be triggered due to surgery, trauma, illness, death of a loved one, or unfavorable situations. This can mainly cause hair loss in two types:

Alopecia Areata

This condition can occur due to excess stress that can lead to loss of hair from the head and body as well. In this situation, the white cells start attacking the hair follicles. This can lead to the falling of hairs in patches, and you can visibly see bald spots. However, the condition might be reversed back but require treatment.

Telogen Effluvium

This condition can occur with a resting phase of hair growth. The stress hair loss can cause TE which can obstruct the natural growth and shedding cycle of hair follicles.


In the context of hair loss due to stress, you must act for its prevention. You must get medical assistance from a hair surgeon. Medication and stress relieving pills can help with this condition. Diet, regular exercise, walking, and physical activities can also decrease stress. However, this is a temporary condition of hair loss. But, if you want to treat the cause, you can try Minoxidil and other hair regrowth solutions.

You must visit the doctor when the condition of stress hair loss is consistent. It might require in-depth evaluation for an effective solution. Therefore, visiting a hair surgeon is a good way to evade the stress-related hair loss problem.

To sum up

I hope you find the appropriate information on how does stress causes hair loss. The good thing is that stress-triggered hair loss can never damage your hair follicles permanently. So, with proper care and stress management, you can improve your symptoms. It would let you have regrowth of hairs in 6 to 9 months. For more details, you can schedule an appointment with a professional hair restoration clinic.