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When putting in a wireless network, a Wireless Site Survey is highly recommended. A site survey is a must-have item for bigger wireless network deployments. A site survey is useful for smaller wireless deployments, but the expense of the study can be prohibitive. When constructing a wireless network, we seek optimal wireless coverage and performance with the least amount of equipment. This saves time, manpower, and money on equipment. We must understand the Radio Frequency (RF) behavior of our wireless network deployment location in order to achieve optimal wireless coverage and performance.

A wireless site survey will provide this information by exposing areas of signal interference, weaker signals, and no signals (dead zones). A wireless survey also aids in avoiding interference caused by existing radio sources as well as interference caused by physical structures such as columns, beams, walls, and metal items. In reality, anything, even furniture, and people can have an impact on a site's radio signal profile. Remember that the goal of a wireless site survey is to establish the feasibility of deploying a wireless network to satisfy your demands and how to deploy a wireless network within the restrictions of your location.

How may a Wireless Site Survey assist you?

When constructing a wireless network, WiFi access points (APs) are frequently deployed at random, but is this a wise strategy? The add-hoc approach is fine for small deployments, but for medium to large deployments, a wireless site assessment is recommended and frequently required. A wireless site survey can assist you to decide where to put WiFi access points to avoid interference and overlap coverage from other APs. In fact, many network administrators simply position WiFi APs at random and simply add extra WiFi APs when extra coverage is required or when complaints about poor WiFi service are received.

The network manager of an add-hoc wireless network has no understanding of what kind of interference exists or how the radio signal profile of the site varies. A wireless site survey will assist evaluate if and how much co-channel interference exists, where external radio interferences are causing problems, how to reduce the number of WiFi APs required, and where to strategically locate the WiFI APs for best coverage. It is critical to remember that a wireless site survey is a snapshot of the site's radio signal profile at the time of the survey. As people, cubicles, furniture, and electronic equipment are added to the site, the radio signal profile changes, necessitating a fresh site study.

What is IT Asset Disposition?

Absolute defines asset disposal as the process of removing an electronic device or computer from a business' control for recycling or disposal.

In addition to erasing data, we also delete it. Be sure that all personally identifiable information has been removed from redundant IT assets prior to recycling. Conventional methods can be used for this. 

When it comes to managing fragile electronic machinery, especially when a corporation has invested thousands of dollars in the equipment or has sensitive information stored on it, electronics recyclers can never be too cautious during the transit, handling, or de-installation process. Every business should prioritize its customers' requirements, but some tasks might put a client's livelihood in the hands of the company that serves them. This commitment to protecting fragile goods is combined with the tradition of believing that a customer should be handled with the utmost care possible, as exemplified by the notion of white glove IT service.

What exactly is white glove service?

White glove servicesimply refers to a type of service that emphasizes complete oversight, rigorous attention to detail, and no tolerance for error—not that error is likely in a white glove situation, because each stage of the customer care process is performed painstakingly and deliberately. The services provided by a white glove service provider will exceed a client's expectations while requiring very little labor on the client's behalf. The exact origin of the term "white glove service" is unknown, however various related alternatives may explain its relevance.

According to one hypothesis, white gloves resemble the traditional attire of a service sector worker who is expected to go above and beyond what is requested while making the person being serviced feel free of burden. Another refers to an old cleaning technique in which white gloves were used to demonstrate how clean work was. In either case, white-glove electronics recycling enterprises are following in their figurative footsteps.

Why is white-glove service so important to electronics recyclers?

It's one thing to make sure your customers are happy. However, it is an entirely different level of service when a company is dealing with computer or server equipment that is not only very valuable but also holds a wealth of data that may be utilized for malicious purposes if the equipment is penetrated or stolen. Electronics recyclers should have White Glove Service in IT Supportprotocols in place for de-installation, collection, transport, reception, storage, and data destruction, ensuring that the equipment is locked away and protected, as well as handled without damage. An electronics recycler should guarantee that the client has complete confidence that the vendor they've picked is adequately prepared for any foreseeable scenario involving their equipment.

What is the IT Asset Disposition process?

In its definition of asset disposal, Absolute defines it as removing a computer or electronic storage device from a business' control for recycling or disposal.

As well as erasing data, we deal with deleting it. Prior to recycling redundant IT assets, ensure that all personally identifiable information has been removed completely. This can be accomplished using conventional methods.

To avoid difficulties, your network, like your car, house, or facility, may require a little extra help from time to time. While you can undertake some preventative maintenance chores on your own to reduce network downtime, you may discover that you need to combine your efforts with those of the specialists to keep your operations running smoothly on a regular basis.

Well-maintained networks have fewer difficulties and are considerably easier to debug than ones that are neglected on a regular basis. You must clean up your network on a regular basis to avoid running with faulty settings and causing damage to both software and hardware over time. That's where network maintenance comes in, and it's frequently most effective when delivered through a comprehensive third-party platform, such as our network maintenance plan. Worldwide Services is a third-party maintenance provider that provides a variety of services such as network monitoring, server maintenance, and IT storage maintenance.

What Exactly Is Network Support and Maintenance

Network maintenance, at its heart, refers to all of the processes and systems in place to monitor, update, and run your organization's computer network before problems arise.

That "network" includes your whole portfolio of physical IT assets, such as servers and hardware, as well as non-physical IT assets, such as software and cloud access — also known as your IT ecosystem.

A successful IT ecosystem, like other company processes, relies on proactive, daily activities and strategic vision rather than reactive changes or ad hoc, spur-of-the-moment repairs. The basic tenets of network maintenance — and the foundation of a successful regular network maintenance strategy — often comprise the following:

Network cybersecurity: Implementing robust and up-to-date network defence layers, such as traffic-managing firewalls, virtual private networks, user access controls, double authentication measures, log inspections for usage documentation, real-time breach notifications, and auto-generated security reports, is what network cybersecurity is all about.


Network performance: Examining the most important network performance issues affecting the speed and dependability of your devices, such as bandwidth utilisation, traffic patterns, bottlenecks, regularly down or crashed servers, connection lags, delays, and more.

Network scalability: Network scalability refers to ensuring that the software and hardware solutions you utilise are appropriate for your present operations, number of network users, endpoint locations, and business functions.

Regular hardware and software upgrades: Scheduling changes that are prorated across network components and interfaces, which improves both the overall performance and security defences of a network.

IT infrastructure compliance: Maintaining internal compliance with company processes as well as external government standards and industry policies for IT infrastructure.

Preemptive network repairs: Preventive network maintenance is using auto-generated information and analytics to identify and fix utilisation issues across the IT ecosystem — or, at the very least, troubleshoot them — before they become existential.

Information technology plays a major role in the success of any business, irrespective of size and industry. Although it is a non-core function, it must be more economical and efficient. Several small-medium-large organizations are adopting Managed IT services providers (MSPs) to decrease the pressure on their IT resources by improving various IT functions.

The benefits of IT Support and Managed Services can help you have the proper focus on augmenting your business’ core capabilities, while a managed services vendor can assist you with your day-to-day work that is more time-consuming and intricate projects like:

Cloud computing

Datacenter solutions

End-user support

Disaster recovery planning

Cyber security, asset management, and computer systems

Eventually, providers will amplify your business’s efficacy and affordability by providing your company with managed services advantages.

Here are the reasons why you should partner with Managed IT Services Provider

Optimizing IT Overheads– When you hire a Managed IT services provider, they eliminate the need to invest in internal IT staff and infrastructure. Your IT partner can support the daily operational responsibilities of your IT department by ensuring your IT infrastructure meets the top performance standards of the industry.

Reducing Downtime Risks – For any business managing IT downtime is a daunting task as it leads to revenue losses because of needless disturbances and delays. This ultimately results in customer disappointment if not managed correctly. Hence, if you partner with an MSP, they will make sure that your IT systems are up-to-date with less downtime.

Decreasing IT Security Risks – By hiring aManaged IT services provider, you can achieve various predefined goals like securing your system from hackers, natural disasters, or malware. Moreover, they can also support you to get ready for IT audits by making your IT infrastructure more secure.

Improving IT Efficiency – The MSP you partner with can provide high-quality reporting and monitoring tools that can identify issues related to Windows licensing, antivirus updates, CPU and memory, and networking in the primary stage itself. This, in turn, can help to eliminate preventable IT downtime later on.

Therefore, hiring a Managed IT services partner is the best decision as you can meet your IT requirements quite competently. Your IT department can be more effective and agile to achieve modern-day business needs. Hence having a partnership with a Managed IT service provider can be the right decision for your business, In a time of decreasing business ROI.

These days’ retailers are not only overwhelmed with managing day-to-day business tasks but also in fortifying IT infrastructure with evolving technologies for business operations. Due to this reason, retail store IT support is indispensable as it manages various costs of IT infrastructure, hardware, software maintenance, and IT security. The retail store IT support also ensures business GDPR compliance to secure customer data. Hence, many retail businesses are outsourcing their retail IT management for better scalability, security, and reliability.

Some of the key benefits of hiring retail store IT support

Get total security- Retail businesses are often targeted by cybercriminals looking to hack data if your servers, network, and point of sale endpoints are not regularly managed and maintained by expert retail IT managed services providers. With expert IT support, 3rd party software, operating systems, firmware, and other aspects of your network will be managed and updated 24*7*365.

Fix IT issues proactively– For retailers, IT issues are a big no as they cost them an arm and a leg, so they look for a solution to prevent them before they take place. Thus, a retail IT management service provider will continuously monitor your IT infrastructure to identify and resolve problems before they occur.

Ensure data protection compliance -Retail businesses must be very stringent about protecting customer data, particularly when customers make payments through credit or debit cards. By outsourcing retail store IT support, customer financial data can be kept safe by adhering to laws and regulations.

All in all, the advantages of outsourcing retail store IT support are not limited to the above. A few other benefits of managed IT support for retail businesses are enhanced employee productivity, predictable ongoing costs, rapid disaster recovery, and more.

Managing and maintaining your IT equipment takes a lot of time, and you are letting up on your daily tasks as a result. Avoid this. Take advantage of  IT hardware maintenance services. IT professionals help you focus on your day-to-day operations with this service while ensuring your hardware remains operational.

The following are five reasons Has might be a better option for your business.

Save money

First of all, it's about money. Cash flow is crucial to SMBs. Using HaaS can save you the hassle and cost of having to buy all the hardware outright. You can turn a significant capital investment into a small, manageable operational cost by contracting a Managed Services Provider (MSP).

Kiss out-of-date tech goodbye

Small businesses find it challenging to keep up with technology due to limited financial resources. Despite your century-old CPU, you can't beat your competitors in a business arena where competition is fierce. By utilizing HaaS, your MSP is responsible for upgrading and replacing hardware if it cannot handle tasks efficiently.

Better maintenance

There's more to life than buying new hardware. Hardware needs to be maintained. For the most part, SMEs lack the proper expertise, knowledge, or even the time necessary to keep their systems. Using HaaS, your MSP manages all of the hardware for you.

Better scalability for your business

Your organization grows and changes over time, which impacts the equipment needs. Using a  solution means you don't need to limit your business needs to the same tools you are no longer using.

 Improve security

Updating your hardware is equally essential as software when it comes to security. Adequate protection must update price to update hardware quickly. Your MSP will aid you in obtaining new backup and recovery equipment if necessary. 

Providers of managed security services offer services such as system maintenance and monitoring. They can also handle upgrades, changes, and modifications to systems. MSSPs should provide a comprehensive outsourced security solution. The MSSP business is primarily about monitoring and responding to incidents on enterprise networks and endpoints for an organization. While enterprise networks continue to develop and evolve, MSSPs' security portfolios support other platforms, such as cloud-based infrastructure.

An MSSP has the following benefits.

The service provider augments or replaces an organization's internal security team. A managed IT security service can provide several benefits to a company.

Due to the cybersecurity skills gap, organizations can have trouble filling vacant roles on their internal security teams. An MSSP enables organizations to augment or completely replace their internal security teams.

Specialized expertise isn't the only impact of the cybersecurity skills gap. The organization also needs access to technical cybersecurity expertise if an incident occurs. The MSSP can retain this expertise in-house and provide it to customers when necessary.

Cyberattacks can occur at any time and not only during an organization's regular business hours. An MSSP should provide a 24/7 SOC to detect and respond to potential attacks.

Maturity in cybersecurity needs to be improved by many organizations, tiny and medium-sized businesses. With MSSPs, SMBs can quickly deploy a mature cybersecurity solution.

Configured and managed by an expert, cybersecurity solutions are most effective. A company can gain a team of security experts by partnering with an MSSP instead of hiring them in-house.

Many cybersecurity solutions are multitenant and scalable, resulting in reduced total cost of ownership. An MSSP can use the same solution for multiple clients, spreading the cost of a scalable cybersecurity ecosystem across their client base.

An MSSP can assist you with collecting and producing reports that demonstrate compliance during audits or after a potential incident based on the regulatory landscape.

IT Professional Services describe the best of the freelancing sector's tech talent. Their skills go beyond essential technical support; they are often highly skilled and can be self-employed or part of a larger organization. Each step of anIT service professional process is guided by guidelines, developed in systems, and tested through practices that can be done by a business or a part of an enterprise to organize, supply, administer, and manage IT solutions for clients. Thus, IT professional services focus on providing clients with superior IT solutions that fulfill their requirements. A service provider also performs it by utilizing an ideal combination of individuals, processes, and data technologies.

Searching for IT professional services companies 

Amongst the numerous IT-specialized services, consulting may be the most popular. Some companies cannot maintain a group of IT specialists because they require guidance during strategic planning and purchasing campaigns.

Problem-solving:The average person seems habituated to troubleshoot minor computer issues. It is often difficult to generate a professional to work out things when there is a system-wide emergency.

IT Turnkey Strategies: Sometimes, IT organization requirements are so specific that a specific application is simply not available within the marketplace. Consequently, firms that offer IT solutions can put together a team of IT experts to develop a customized solution for each client.

While IT service management is significantly different from the technology-focused IT management methods such as network and systems management, it is generally viewed as having a process approach. To summarize, a business needs to decide whether it wants to become an IT solutions company because IT Professional Services focuses on freelance professionals in addition to technical support.

The network team can avoid signal coverage problems by performing wireless site survey  at different stages of evaluating new spaces, setting up locations, and maintaining the network.

Wireless networks are more challenging than wired networks to design and maintain, but overall, the challenges remain the same. A wireless connection differs significantly when a desk or steel file cabinet is moved a few feet, but relocating either of these can alter the signal path and affect wireless performance.

Performing wireless surveys is an effective way of ensuring adequate coverage and performance. The following are three types of surveys needed for a thorough wireless site survey:

Predictive surveys

 If equipment or furniture is being moved into a new area, a predictive survey should be conducted. A software package that forecasts how wireless signals spread through a space predicts network coverage. It will be an exact set of schematics and information on the type of wireless equipment installed, including which standard will be deployed in the area.

Passive surveys 

Following the installation of equipment and network functionality, it should conduct passive surveys periodically. A passive survey entails a study of all signal sources at a site, including the installed network and signals generated by neighboring sites or other devices. 

Active surveys


Active surveys offer detailed measurements of the behaviors and signals of a particular sign or cluster of signs. Each AP involved in the study also generates an extensive measurement list. Measuring the strength, throughput, round-trip time, packet loss, and retransmission rate of a signal throughout its service area is one of these measurements.

Our technicians’ in-market ship products to you instead of having to send them to our facility. Once the products have been delivered, our local technicians install the product. By offering this service, our customers do not have to worry about shrinkage or cumbersome receiving processes. They also have to deal with less time-consuming and complicated hardware returns.

The company can also handle White Glove Reverse Logistics. This solution is capable of creating all the necessary documentation and ensuring ITAD compliance regulations are followed. It can also remove all your everyday items that need to be retired and remove all your existing articles that need to be retired.

In what ways does White-Glove IT Service differ from other services?

It's no secret that white-glove service has become a trend in logistics and transportation, but not everyone fully understands what it entails.

The delivery process is generally inspected by professionals wearing "white gloves" to ensure it is flawless. The issue goes beyond a simple pair of white gloves. The service is essentially a premium delivery service that pays special attention to details, especially those items that need to be handled gently during the transportation process.

White-Glove Attitude: What is it?

Our company provides a quality service in the delivery of each package during transit and on completion to the customer. Experts in end-to-end handling of all kinds of moving goods are available from white-glove service providers with experienced, knowledgeable staff. Compared to regular freight and shipping services, white-glove logistics have a few unique characteristics.


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