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In order to consolidate and expand the achievements of "driving 300 million people to participate in ice and snow sports",Mookie Betts Jerseys it will help to expand the four seasons of ice and snow sports. On August 30, the Bank of China · China Ice and Snow Caravan's 100-game tour theme event kicked off at the commercial plaza of Fu Street, Panjin. At the event site, citizens participated in various experience activities in groups of three or five. In the exhibition area of ​​the ice and snow knowledge lecture hall, citizens pointed to the ice and snow sports equipment on display while watching the video introduction of ice and snow sports and discussed with each other. In the ice and snow sports experience area, citizens lined up in an orderly line to experience various dryland ice and snow sports such as curling, table hockey, and cross-country skiing training machines. According to the co-organizer of the event,Kobe Bryant Jerseys Centennial Fu Street is the largest "Fu" cultural themed block in Northeast China. The introduction of the Chinese ice and snow caravan this time brings people various ice and snow sports experiences and ice and snow culture publicity, which is of great help to enrich the theme activities of Fu Street and enhance its influence. It is understood that in addition to directly participating in offline experience activities, in the online activity area of ​​the "BOC Sports+" applet, there are also "Enjoy the Ice and Snow Journey", "The Most Beautiful Ice and Snow Instructor", "Chinese Ice and Snow Culture Creation" and "Ice and Snow" “Knowledge Answers” ​​and other exciting activities are convenient for the public to participate in at any time.Bo Jackson Jerseys The China Ice and Snow Caravan is hosted by the Winter Sports Management Center of the General Administration of Sport of China, the China Ski Association, the China Skating Association, and the China Figure Skating Association, and the official partner Bank of China. Panjin Station is sponsored by Liaoning Provincial Sports Bureau, undertaken by Panjin Municipal Bureau of Culture, Tourism, Radio and Television, and co-organized by Panjin Fujie Plaza Commercial Management Co., Ltd. [Written by: Qi Lianmin, photo courtesy of the organizer]
On August 20, Beijing time, under the guidance of Chinese basketball legend Gong Xiaobin, SAN FRANCISCO 49ERS Jerseyshe recently accepted a quick question and answer interview. During this interview, Gong Xiaobin made a number of controversial remarks. For example, at that time, Gong Xiaobin's guidance first talked about a key point, who is his favorite player among NBA players? Gong Xiaobin chose Kobe Bryant who is his favorite coach? He picked Popovich. What's his favorite way to score? It is 2+1, and his hobby is gourmet cooking. Finally, let him list the 5 most powerful CBA main players, Gong Xiaobin said very cleverly: "How can there be main players? All main players!" He responded in this way. The most offending question is definitely asking him to choose the top 5 superstars in the current CBA, but Gong Xiaobin guides this emotional intelligence, can he be used in his routine? So let me say it directly, how can he have the main force here? All the main players, not the most powerful players in the entire CBA now.Kevin Durant Jerseys Because Gong Xiaobin said such things now, no matter who he chose in the end, in fact, he would offend people to some extent, so he simply didn't say it. If you insist on letting him say, Guo Ailun must be among them. If Zhou Qi, the big devil, is a player of the CBA Xinjiang team, then Zhou Qi must also be among them, but these two people happened to be the characters who completely offended Yao Ming and the CBA, so What do you say when you ask Gong Xiaobin to guide you? If he said such words now, it would definitely offend people, so Gong Xiaobin avoided this topic very tactfully. For this most acute topic, the most powerful main player in the CBA directly said that there is no main force. main force. I just don't want to answer directly. After all, Zhou Qi and Guo Ailun are a bit sensitive right now. In addition, the few people that Gong Xiaobin guided and selected knew the ball very well. Like Kobe, he was the five-time NBA champion, and his Mamba spirit must have been very recognized by these former top professional basketball players. He did not choose James. , It can also be seen that Gong Xiaobin and the older generation of athletes still prefer Kobe Bryant, this kind of fearless spirit, Jonathan Toewsrather than James' team spirit and behavior. The coach he likes is also a very old-fashioned coach, the Spurs' coach. Popovich. I hope Gong Xiaobin can continue to appear on the stage of our CBA. Gong Xiaobin's coaching ability has actually been recognized. The year he was with the Shandong team happened to be the best performance in Shandong in recent years, and he directly entered the team. The top 4, at this level, it may be difficult for anyone to reach it in the next 10 years.
Beijing time on August 19th news, the US media StatMuse exposed the number of three-pointers made by NBA players in the past five years.Freddie Freeman Jerseys The top three are Pacers Hield, Philadelphia's Harden and Warriors' Curry. In third place is Curry, who made 1,200 three-pointers in five years. Five seasons hit 285, 337, 12, 354, and 212 respectively. As the NBA's all-time three-pointer, why is Curry third? The reason for this is that Curry was injured in the 2019-20 season and only played five games. If you don't count this season, Curry's three-pointers have been excellent every season, especially in the 2021-21 season. In the 2018-19 season, Curry's three-pointers exceeded 300. You know Curry In his career, he has made more than 300 three-pointers in a single season in four seasons, and averaged more than 5 three-pointers per game in three seasons. kyrie irving JerseysIn second place is Harden with 1,211 three-pointers in five years. Five seasons hit 148, 121, 299, 378, and 265 respectively. Especially in the season when he averaged 36.1 per game and hit 378 three-pointers, Harden repeatedly set scoring records that year, and this was also the best season of Harden's career and the closest season to the championship. After Paul left the team, Westbrook and Harden could not go further in the playoffs. They were traded to the Nets, and their state was affected to some extent because of a hamstring injury. Last season, when they were traded to Philadelphia, Harden suffered a pay cut in the offseason. The championship, looking forward to Harden returning to the year! Hield leads the list with 1,269 three-pointers in five years. Five seasons hit 262, 282, 271, 278, and 176. Compared with Harden and Curry, Hield's number of three-pointers has actually increased steadily this season. As one of the top three-point shooters in the league, Hield's three-pointer ability is his main scoring method. The percentage of point shots is very high, Freddie Freeman Jerseysand he is constantly adapting to the team in the Pacers. In the era of small balls, guards who can shoot three-pointers are indeed popular, but why is Hield not as famous as the former? In fact, he can't be a leader by shooting three-pointers alone.
