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In the open world Diablo 4 map, unexplored regions of Sanctuary are going to be introduced for the first time in the series. If you’re diving into Diablo 4 and want the lowdown on what’s what in the varied topography, we’ll outline everything you need to know about the Diablo 4 map, including size, regions, and a handy explainer on the icons you’ll come across in Sanctuary. However, most of the map is made up of twisting paths that can be a quite difficult to navigate, sometimes leading you on long detours, but with this complete Diablo 4 map you should be able to explore relatively easily and getting more Diablo IV Gold

Diablo 4's map size – is it big?

Yes, Diablo 4 has a very large map that is significantly larger and more varied than previous Diablo titles, including Diablo 3. The Diablo 4 map encompasses roughly a third of Sanctuary, covering about two-thirds of the world’s eastern landmass, making it the biggest map in the Diablo series so far. After blazing through the game as part of our Diablo 4 review, we can confirm that Fractured Peaks represents about a fifth of the entire Diablo 4 map.

Unlike previous Diablo games that were sectioned off into confined, delimited areas, Diablo 4 is fully open world. Players can travel freely between all of the game’s five regions seamlessly and without loading screens via the overworld. The switch also opens the door to unique open world-geared gameplay features such as world events and world bosses – so it’ll represent a fresh, new experience for seasoned Diablo fans.


The region of Scosglen is in the north of Sanctuary, facing the Frozen Sea. This a green area and the land of the Druids. You shouldn’t make the mistake of taking it as a friendly place though. The dark forests of Scosglen are described as a savage place, where nature is taking over the place, and creatures, such as werewolves, make your journey into these woods a dangerous endeavour.

Dry Steppes

Located in the west of the Diablo 4 map, Dry Steppes lives up to its name. The steppes are harsh and rugged, lacking enough precious water to keep all those brave enough to dwell there to survive. Barbarians and mercenaries prowl the deep canyons and dry expanses more than happy to stunt the progress of any foolish enough to brave these hostile lands.


Kehjistan occupies the southwestern corner of the Diablo 4 map. A desert land, Kejhistan’s sand dunes roll mercilessly beyond the horizon entrapping most who venture into them. It’s home to demons, ancestral evils, and Lilith’s tireless minions, offering little respite to travellers even in its sparse cities and small settlements.


Hawezar is traditionally the final zone in Diablo 4, as it's the main zone for Act 5 and 6 and doesn't scale with players' level until around level 40. Hawezar is split between the hostile dunes of the south, lush jungles in the northwest, and bewitching Hawezar Swamp in the northeast, home to the Tree of Whispers.

Zarbinzet is this zone's main hub, conveniently located right next to the zone's World Boss arena. By the time players reach Hawezar, the end of Diablo 4 is in sight, but players will become all too familiar with the Hawezar map thanks to the Whisper Cache system. But even beyond the swamp and its many mysteries, there's plenty to do to reach full completion of the Hawezar Map.

Fractured Peaks

If you want to fight demons in cold long corridors of old gothic cathedrals, Fractured Peaks are the place you are looking for. The people in this place must survive not only the deadly coldness but also the evil creatures lurking in the gloomy caves underground in the city. They live in constant fear, barricading their doors once the sun is set.

Diablo 4 Interactive Map is a life savior for players; if you love playing this game, get ready to have a more immersed experienced because you can easily find the locations of the most wanted places of this game. These include the dangerous dungeons, All Altars of Lilith, Bosses, Main and Side Quests, Merchants, etc. Locate all the required events and gold that help power your character with this map and stay ahead of others by knowing exactly where you should go. More information please visit https://www.igmeet.com/Diablo-4-Gold On the website you can buy Cheap Diablo 4 Gold to enjoy the game better

Diablo 4 is full of resources that players must collect to progress and Diablo IV Gold is easily one of the most important currencies. Many players that are struggling to make the required gold needed so they can finally purchase that chest piece they've been hunting for or can't upgrade their gear as they don't have enough money. These are the best ways to make gold across Sanctuary so that players are no longer stumped on getting an extra coin or two while exploring Sanctuary.


Similar to dungeons, cellars are bite-sized versions where you’ll have to take on a single minor boss and a few minions. The gold haul isn’t quite as substantial as dungeons, but cellars are much quicker to complete, so they require a smaller time investment for a decent gold return in Diablo 4.

Finish Dungeons

While remaining on the surface of Sanctuary in Diablo 4 can be entertaining with plenty to explore; sometimes the best way to make gold is to travel into the various dungeons across the map that are filled with even more adventure and greater loot to discover.

There are set goals in every dungeon that a player must complete before they are able to take on the final boss with plenty of situations that are sure to reward the player in heaps of gold. Defeating the final boss at the end is a worthwhile challenge that will repay the player with gold and gear to use.

Selling Gear

Selling gear, the number one choice for gold farming, is easy and straightforward to do. Players receive far more gear than they could ever hope to use in Diablo 4, making it a no-brainer. Additionally, almost every settlement has a vendor ready to buy gear for sizable amounts at the press of a button.

The time investment when farming gold by selling gear is heavily dependent on whether you already have the gear, or are collecting it (more on that below). However, considering the hoarding tendencies of the average player, you might already have a stash full of shiny junk ripe for selling.

The only downside when using this method is that you'll sacrifice the crafting materials you would have gotten from salvaging, which means that ideally, you'll want to alternate how you dispose of extra gear.

World Events

As you roam around Sanctuary, you’ll occasionally see an orange triangle with three dots pop up on your mini-map, denoting a world event. Head towards the triangle, and it will shift to an orange ring, signaling the area where the event takes place.

These usually involve a small boss, pressure plates, effigies you have to destroy, NPCs you have to protect, or waves of minions you have to fight through or fend off for a few minutes. Though we wouldn’t recommend exclusively seeking these out if you’re on the hunt for gold, don’t pass up on them as you explore. The gold reward is decent and comes with XP and gear you can sell for gold, which we’ll cover later.

Complete quests

The easiest way to get hold of a lot of gold early on is to play through the game’s quests. You will get a got amount of this currency for completing early-game main and side quests. Main quests always offer better rewards than side quests.

Early-game main quests are easy to complete without much effort making them highly worth it.

Kill MonstersKilling monsters is another surefire way of making gold in Diablo 4. As you progress through the game, you will encounter various monsters that drop gold upon death. It is advisable to keep an eye out for rare and elite monsters, as they tend to drop larger sums of gold as well as more valuable items.

Kill those Treasure Goblins

Diablo's iconic Treasure Goblins return in Diablo 4. They can turn up anywhere at any time, but they're quite rare. Commit their unique sound to memory and you'll know whenever one is near. They're not up for a fight, though. In fact, they're resilliant escape artists. Equip your best weapons and prepare for a chase if you want to get the best rewards.

Treasure Goblins carry huge money bags in their arms, dropping some like a trial as they run, or stacks more if you smack them around. The more you hit them, the more cash you'll get. Defeat them before they hop through a portal, and you'll see piles of cash fall all around you.

Use Greed Shrines

While exploring Sanctuary in Diablo 4, players are likely to find various Shrines littered both around the main surface and in dungeons. While some of these dungeons challenge the player, others reward them for their dedication to Diablo.

One such example of a shrine like this is the Greed Shrine which blesses the player with a buff that means when they kill an enemy, it is likely to drop a lot of gold. Finding this shrine is incredibly lucky as it drastically multiplies the amount of money that can be made from killing enemies.

That' all there is to know about how to get gold fast in Diablo 4. Farming Diablo 4 Gold can be a great way to make some extra money in the game. It requires patience and some knowledge of the game Many players who don't have much time will choose to buy Cheap Diablo 4 Gold from safe online store, such as https://www.igmeet.com/Diablo-4-Gold

Diablo 4 features five classes: Barbarian, Necromancer, Sorcerer, Rogue, and Druid. Each class has a unique class mechanic along with a skill tree equipped with a variety of spells. All of their playstyles are different, but which one is the best class for you? In this Diablo 4 guide, we’ll explain each of the classes to help you make an educated decision on your next main. Choose the suitable class to help you making more Diablo 4 Gold to enjoy the game.


The Barbarian is a force of nature on the battlefield, indomitable and equipped for any situation, thanks to the versatility of the Arsenal system. Equipped for any situation, the Arsenal system allows the Barbarian to equip four weapons simultaneously, utilising any combination of two two-handed weapons and two one-handed weapons (dual-wielding). Outside of the options these give you, it's really fun to be swapping in and out different combinations as you find them (and can function as ad-hoc Inventory space in a pinch).

With a massive HP pool and a vast array of offensive and mobility-based skills at their disposal (such as Leap or Charge), Barbarians can be found in the thick of every fight. By keeping different types of magical weapons on hand, you can take advantage of elemental weaknesses, and as you learn to master the class, you can even assign specific weapons to specific skills, ensuring the most optimal weapon is used every time.


The Sorcerer employs arcane magic to annihilate their enemies, chief amongst them the schools of Frost, Pyromancy, and Shock. Incredibly powerful, the Sorcerer is also exceedingly fragile and needs to be played cautiously, managing Mana and ensuring enemies don't live long enough to harm them.

Frost magic is ideal for crowd control, slowing the movement speed of enemies, and can even Freeze them in place. Pyromance is all about big, bombastic Fire damage geared towards inflicting maximum carnage. Finally, Shock magic might have the most utility, with Abilities that will reduce cooldowns, increase critical damage and, eventually, allow the Sorceress to Teleport safely out of harm's way.


The Druid functions as a hybrid class, with high-damage magic abilities and wild beast forms that can tank more damage than some of the other classes. During the beta for Diablo 4, there were complaints that the Druid wasn't as offensively capable as the other classes, but a build focused on area-of-effect attacks and defensive buffs can create a capable damage dealer that won't go down as quickly as some of the squishier classes.

The Druid's main fault is how cooldown-heavy the class can be, with you needing to bide time and take some damage between large attacks. Even with the ability to switch to different animal forms, which let you shred enemies at close range, you might spend a decent amount of time waiting for cooldowns to end. However, being able to have both defensive abilities and powerful attacks makes Druid a nice, middling class for newbies.


Diablo 4 can be very overwhelming if this is your first foray into the series, but one class stands above the rest as welcoming for beginners, and that’s the Necromancer. Those who’ve played past games will know that the Necromancer is quite different from its previous iterations, as it now plays like a cross between the Necromancer from Diablo 2 and 3, and Diablo 3’s Witch Doctor.

There’s a heavy focus on summoning and commanding minions, as well as inflicting status conditions like poison on enemies, which can help massively over time even if you’re not dealing big damage straight up. The Necromancer also has health-stealing abilities, which is good for staying alive when you’re low on potions.

The reason the Necromancer is perfect for beginners is largely due to its minions — while the Necromancer has fairly low health compared to a few other classes, its minions mean that it can stay away from the action and let the minions do most of the attacking. It has a host of effective long-range abilities, and the aforementioned life-steal should keep you alive for a long time. Minions can also draw aggro away from the player character, helping your survival chances even further.


If you’re a veteran Diablo player, you’re likely looking for a bit of a challenge. No matter which class you play, you’re likely to find some of the boss fights very tough, especially if you raise the world level above the minimum. With great challenge comes great satisfaction, however, and the Rogue embodies that better than any other character in the roster.

The Rogue hasn’t really had much love in recent years, being absent from Diablo since the first game in the series. Sure, Diablo 3 had the Demon Hunter, but it wasn’t quite the same, y’know? Now, the Rogue is back with a devilish bag of tricks, but it’s also far and away the hardest class to get a handle on.

The Rogue can attack at a distance with bows or up close with daggers, and will often switch between the two to build up combo points, which can then be used to activate powerful abilities. Rogues also have the ability to imbue their weapons with poison, ice, or shadow energies, as well as lay traps, and knowing when to use all of these skills requires a high level of situational awareness. Still, veteran players should appreciate the challenge and payoff that comes from mastering the Rogue’s tactical gameplay style, so it’s worth trying out.

Ultimately, the choice is entirely yours, and no matter which class you opt for, if you play your cards right, you will have a stupendously powerful build. Players should also focus on crafting legendary items to increase their gold gains. There are many players choose online safe diablo gold store to buy Cheap Diablo 4 Gold , such IGMEET.COM there are many Diablo 4 Gold For Sale with cheap price