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What is Technical SEO?

Technical SEO is the process of optimizing your website technical way that search engines use to crawl and index it, with the ultimate goal of increasing rankings.

Technical SEO refers to optimizing the technical factors of your website and server that affect your performance and user experience. These are the two main things that affect how users and search engines evaluate your website.

Technical SEO traditionally refers to optimizing your website for crawlability and indexability. Crawlability is the ability for search engines to access  pages on your website while. On the other hand, indexability refers to the ability of a search engine to crawl your pages and add them to its index.

 Importance of Technical SEO

Suppose  you write the most amazing content. That everyone wants to read. People will pay a lot of money just to read it. Millions of people are eagerly awaiting the announcement that you have released this amazing new content. Then the day finally arrived, and the message appeared. Enthusiastic customers click on the link to read your article .Then it takes more than 10 seconds for your site to load. Readers will be  annoyed and they don’t want to wait to read it.

For every second  your website loads, you lose readers and increase your bounce rate. No matter how good this content is, your site is not performing well and you are losing valuable traffic. This is just one example of why technical SEO is so important. Without this, Google and other search engines cannot find, crawl and index your site.