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Möchten Sie eine Limousine mieten und Ihrer Veranstaltung das gewisse Extra verleihen? Dann sind Sie hier bei Mak Limousinen genau richtig. Ob Junggesellenabschied, Hochzeit, Abschlussball oder Partytour, hier finden Sie die passende Stretchlimousine für Ihren Anlass.

Die Limousinen stehen in nahezu jeder größeren Stadt der Bundesrepublik Deutschland und vielen weiteren europäischen Städten zur Verfügung. Erkundigen Sie sich einfach. Sie erhalten dann ein Angebot inkl. Fahrzeug, Leistung und Preisen für Ihren Wunschtermin.


Ob als Überraschung oder als vom Gastgeber geplanter Programmpunkt – eine Fahrt in einer Limousine macht jeden Geburtstag zu einem genialen Event! Zum Beispiel sind ein runder Geburtstag oder die eigene Volljährigkeit tolle Anlässe, eine limousine mieten münchen.

Lass uns gemeinsam zu einer Location deiner Wahl fahren oder eine kleine Sightseeing-Tour machen, während du schon auf dem Rücksitz auf das Geburtstagskind und die bevorstehende Partynacht anstoßen kannst!


Die Fahrt vom Standesamt oder der Kirche zu dem Ort, an dem die eigentliche Feier stattfindet, ist bei einer Hochzeit oft sehr stimmungsvoll. Eine Autokolonne bildet sich, und die Hochzeit, die gerade stattgefunden hat, wird der Welt mit einem lauten Horn angekündigt. Blechdosen werden auch verwendet, damit jeder hören kann, welches besondere Ereignis heute passiert ist.

Wie wäre es, wenn das Brautpaar überhaupt in einer wunderschön dekorierten Luxuslimousine sitzen dürfte? Eine solche Überraschung wird sicherlich nie vergessen werden. Bevor später die großen Feierlichkeiten anstehen, haben die beiden Jungvermählten noch eine Weile Zeit, sich ganz nah zu sein und vielleicht mit einem Glas Champagner anzustoßen.


Das Mieten einer Limousine steht bei Mak Limousinen ganz oben auf der Liste der beliebtesten Aktivitäten. Der Bräutigam (oder die Braut) im Weltraum wird sich sicherlich noch lange an die Fahrt in der Limousine erinnern. So etwas macht man schließlich nicht jeden Tag!

Bei uns können Sie eine Limousine mieten, gerne übernehmen wir auf Wunsch auch die gesamte Planung des Junggesellenabschieds (oder Junggesellenabschieds) und helfen so den Trauzeugen, die in der Regel für die Organisation verantwortlich sind.

Limousinenservice München

Limousine mieten in München

Wir vermieten Limousinen in München. Unser Limousinenverleih in München und Umgebung bietet Ihnen erstklassige Limousinen und Stretchlimousinen...

In unseren 10 Meter langen Chauffeur Service Munich können wir bis zu 8 Passagiere anfordern. Die meisten Stretchlimousinen verfügen über eine lange runde Ledersitzecke und eine beleuchtete Bar mit mehreren Champagnerkühlern. Auch der Sternenhimmel in der Limousine wechselt die Farbe! Darüber hinaus verfügen die meisten unserer Stretchlimousinen über einen CD/ DVD-Player mit mehreren Monitoren.

Mieten Sie eine Lincoln Limousine oder Hummer Stretchlimousine bei unserem Limousinenservice in München z.B. für folgende Anlässe:

Hochzeit in München (Hochzeitsauto)

Stadtrundfahrt durch München

Limousine für Ihren Abschlussball, Abschlussfeier und Abschlussfeier!

Eine Stretchlimousine als Geburtstagsüberraschung!

Geschäftsreisen mit der Limousine

Mieten Sie eine Limousine für einen Junggesellenabschied

Mieten Sie eine Limousine für eine Junggesellinnenabschiedsparty

Stretchlimousine für Werbung und Promotion

Flughafentransfer mit Limousine

Partytour, z.B. zum 18.Geburtstag oder Abschlussfeier

Limousinenservice für Messen/Events

Limousinen, Stretchlimousinen für Film und Fernsehen

Limousinentransfer Theater, Konzerte, Partys, Veranstaltungen...

Hochzeitslimousine München

Mieten Sie eine Limousine für Ihre Hochzeit in München. Wir bieten günstige Komplettpakete für Hochzeitslimousinen und andere Hochzeitsfahrzeuge aus München an. Mieten Sie einen klassischen Oldtimer von einem Brautauto oder einer Stretchlimousine für die ganze Familie. Unser Limousinenservice in München ist zuverlässig an Ihrer Seite!

Limousinen für Events und Promotionen

Wir können Ihnen bis zu 20 Stretchlimousinen aus unserem bundesweiten Limousinen-Netzwerk zur Verfügung stellen, z.B. für einen Limousinen-Shuttle-Service. Darüber hinaus gibt es unzählige Möglichkeiten, eine Limousine als Werbeträger zu nutzen. Sprechen Sie uns an!

Stadtrundfahrt München

Stadtrundfahrten durch München sind auch mit einer Limousine möglich. Begeben Sie sich auf eine kurze Reise und erkunden Sie die Stadt München auf eine ganz besondere Art und Weise. Unser Limousinenservice ist immer für Sie bereit.

Junggesellenabschied / Junggesellenabschied München

Eine Stretchlimousine für einen Junggesellenabschied in München zu mieten, bietet Spaß und Komfort gleichermaßen! Genießen Sie das luxuriöse Interieur unserer Limousinen mit bis zu 8 Passagieren und genießen Sie gekühlte Getränke von unserer Bar.

Exklusiver Flughafentransfer und Limousinenservice in München

Kein Weg ist uns zu weit und kein Ziel ist unmöglich. Unser Limousinenservice befördert Sie mit erfahrenen und ausgewählten Chauffeuren in München und Umgebung. Ob am Flughafenterminal, im Hotel oder an jedem anderen Treffpunkt, unsere mehrsprachigen Fahrer begrüßen Sie persönlich, kümmern sich um Ihr Gepäck und begleiten Sie gerne zum Check-in.

Ihr Komfort ist unsere oberste Priorität. Wir bieten Ihnen kostenloses WLAN in jedem unserer hochwertigen Fahrzeuge des neuesten Jahres. Auf Wunsch stellen wir Ihnen auch ein Tablet zur Verfügung. Unsere ortskundigen Chauffeure kennen die schnellsten Verbindungen und Routen, um Verkehrsstörungen zu umgehen und können Ihnen die Sehenswürdigkeiten in München zeigen. An Sonn- und Feiertagen entstehen Ihnen beim Mak Limousinen Service keine zusätzlichen Kosten.

Von exklusiven Mercedes S-Klasse, Audi A8 und BMW 7er Fahrzeugen bis hin zu voll ausgestatteten Mercedes und Volkswagen Limousinen-Vans für bis zu sechs Personen bietet unsere Flotte für jeden Anlass das richtige Transportmittel. Dank unseres flexiblen und persönlichen Services kommen Sie immer entspannt an Ihr Ziel. Die Zeit hängt also von Ihnen ab und nicht umgekehrt.


Damit Ihre Reise entspannt beginnen kann, benötigen Sie einen zuverlässigen und kompetenten Limousinenservice in München, der Sie pünktlich zu Ihrem Flug begleitet oder pünktlich am Flughafen abholt. Unsere lokalen Chauffeure kümmern sich immer um Ihr Gepäck.


München bietet Ihnen eine Vielzahl an luxuriösen Hotels. Diesen Luxus möchten Sie auf dem Weg zu Ihrer Unterkunft genießen. Unser Chauffeurservice bringt Sie stilvoll an Ihr gewünschtes Ziel. Steig ein, wo immer du willst. Wir holen Sie an jeder beliebigen Adresse ab und begleiten Sie und Ihr Gepäck diskret zu Ihrem Hotel.

Sie können uns auch jederzeit für Ausflüge von Ihrem Hotel aus buchen, sei es eine ausgiebige Shoppingtour in der Innenstadt oder ein abendlicher Restaurantbesuch. Wir machen Ihnen jeden Wunsch möglich.

Unser professioneller Service verbindet zahlreiche Hotels mit unserem Limousinenservice in München in einer langfristigen Partnerschaft.

Event- und Messe-Shuttle

Buchen Sie unseren Limousinenservice als Ihren Logistikexperten für Münchens zahlreiche Messen und Events. Vor allem Unternehmen mit vielen Mitarbeitern können vom Eventshuttle Mak Limousinen profitieren. Wir sorgen dafür, dass Ihre Mitarbeiter mit hochwertigen Fahrzeugen und kostenlosem WLAN zeitnah von der Messe zum Hotel oder Flughafen und umgekehrt transportiert werden können. Wir können Ihre Mitarbeiter mit Snacks und kühlen Getränken versorgen, um Ihre Geschäftsreise so angenehm wie möglich zu gestalten. Es stehen Ihnen Luxusvans mit Tischen zur Verfügung. Gerne organisieren wir auch Kleinbusse oder Reisebusse.

Natürlich können wir auch für das größte Event des Jahres - das Oktoberfest - für Privatpersonen und große Gruppen gebucht werden.

Besondere Anlässe

Unser Limousinenservice macht einmalige Anlässe zu etwas ganz Besonderem. Ob Junggesellenabschiede, Hochzeiten oder andere Jubiläen - unser Chauffeurservice gibt alles, um Ihren großen Tag zu einem perfekten Tag zu machen, an den Sie und Ihre Lieben sich immer erinnern werden.

Für Ihre Hochzeit bieten wir Ihnen absolute Luxuslimousinen in Vollausstattung oder nostalgische Oldtimer in Top-Zustand, inklusive Chauffeur. Gerne bringen wir in Absprache mit Ihnen auch edle Schriftzüge und Blumenarrangements an den Fahrzeugen an. Gönnen Sie sich den Luxus, sich nicht um alles zu kümmern und genießen Sie Ihre Hochzeit.

Wenn Sie auch eine offene Lösung für Ihre Gäste benötigen, kümmern wir uns gerne um den Shuttle zu Hotels und Residenzen.

Den Junggesellenabschied stilvoll zu feiern und sich wieder ins Münchner Nachtleben zu stürzen, ist mit unserem Limousinenservice kein Problem. Sie übernehmen die Feierlichkeiten, und unsere Chauffeure übernehmen das Fahren. Kneipenhüpfen und Clubwechsel sind also kein logistisches Problem mehr. Unsere Fahrer warten vor den Locations und gekühlte Getränke erwarten Sie in den Fahrzeugen.

Sightseeing, Touren & Ausflüge

Unser Limousinenservice bietet Ihnen vielfältige Angebote in München und Umgebung. Lesen Sie unsere Vorschläge unter Touren & Ausflüge für weitere Informationen und Inspiration.

Main Taxi Nice French Riviera Features:Taxi Nice is your way to make your journey more comfortable. Our main priority is to provide our clients with the highest level of comfort. We'll make the most of your trips by providing exceptional transfer services.


Our company will provide you with fast and convenient transport from the Airport to the hotel or the nearest city where you will stay.

Professional drivers

Our experienced chauffeurs and private drivers are always happy to help and give any recommendations about the city attractions, road, or your stay.

Comfort and safety

Taxi Nice offers a fixed price. Our driver will meet you with a name card, and you will have the driver's contact info so you stay aware of the location.

Nice Côte d`Azur Airport (Nice Airport)

Nice Airport is located in the French city of Nice, on the shore of the Mediterranean Sea, 5.9 km southwest of the city center. You'll arrive at Nice Airport if you visit Nice, Monaco, or Cannes. It is France's third busiest Airport after Charles de Gaulle and Orly Airports. It features two operating terminals and handles around 15 million passengers per year.

At Nice Airport, passengers can find baby care rooms, medical services, luggage storage, food, taxi ranks, cafes, and retail concessions. 

If your plane lands at Nice Airport, pre-book your Taxi Nice before your trip. In doing so, you'll be sure you don't have to get to your hotel in Monaco or Cannes on public transport. You'll have a personal taxi driver instead.

Nice Airport - Nice Côte d`Azur Airport

Book a Taxi to or from Nice Airport

We all dream of the best vacations in France. But what if your trip begins with crowds of people and long lines for bus tickets? That's not what you are looking for. In this case, the best solution is booking your Taxi Nice private taxis. In doing so, you'll have guarantees that your journey begins as it should.

Our taxi driver will meet you at Nice Airport and take you to your hotel or rented apartments in Monaco, Nice, Cannes, etc. Besides, when your trip is over, and you need a comfortable taxi to get back to Nice Airport, don't hesitate to contact Taxi Nice. With us, you'll never miss your flight!

Taxi Nice offers taxis to various destinations. Including Belgium, the Netherlands, Germany, and France. We serve the following transfer destinations in France:

Taxi Nice – Nice AirportTaxi Nice Airport – NiceTaxi Monaco – Nice AirportTaxi Nice Airport – MonacoTaxi Cannes – Nice AirportTaxi Nice Airport – Cannes

Taxi Nice Airport Service

Our highest priority is to make your traveling enjoyable and easy. We'll surely help you get rid of uncertainties at Nice Airport. We'll make your trip faster, safer, and more comfortable. The final price of your taxi depends on your destination (Nice, Monaco, or Cannes) and the vehicle class you choose. For instance, the starting price of a standard comfort class taxi from Nice Airport to the city center is 34 euros.

Taxi Nice Airport taxi service has many years of experience providing airport transfer services. We are a global company that operates in many European countries. Our main objective is to help you eliminate anxiety after your arrival. All our taxi drivers speak English. So, even if you don't know the French language, that's not a problem!

It is up to you to decide what taxi will meet you at Nice Airport. We have an extensive fleet of taxis that are always ready to meet and take you to Nice, Monaco, or Cannes:

Premium Economy Taxi VehiclePremium Economy Taxi MinibusBusiness Class Taxi LimousineBusiness Class Taxi MinivanExecutive Class Limousine

Remember that Taxi Nice offers a 1-hour complimentary waiting time at Nice Airport!

Traveling with a baby or infant in a taxi Nice:

We value your comfort and the comfort of your kids as well. Therefore, if you are going on a sporadic trip to Nice with your kids and need baby seats, let us know! Tick the field "I require a baby seat" while reserving your taxis online. And your Nice Airport taxi will be equipped with the best baby chair or booster. We offer a wide choice of safe and comfortable baby chairs.

Taxi Nice Aeroport taxis can allow you to choose what car you would like to use on your way to the hotel in Monaco, Nice, or Cannes. Besides, we have a friendly support team that is always ready to answer your questions. So feel free to contact us if you have specific taxi requirements or questions!

Taxi, Minicab & Shuttle With Taxi Nice

Traveling by taxi or minicab to & from Nice Airport offers a comfortable and flexible way of getting into Nice or beyond.
Transport & directions

Which terminal?

At the Airport
Taxi stands are located outside the terminals; upon arrival, follow the signs ″Taxis″.
Terminal 1 (Exit A1); Terminal 2 (Exit A3).

Licensed taxis are cars with a "Taxi" sign on the roof, a taxi fare meter, and a badge with the driver's license number.
Only taxis located at official taxi stands are allowed to take customers.
If you are approached by people posing as taxis, we invite you to decline any transportation proposal.

Please note that flat-rate fares have been introduced for journeys between Nice Airport and :

• Nice-City Centre €32
• Cannes €85
• Cap d’Antibes €72
• Monaco €95

Indicative rates for other destinations :

• Fréjus-St Raphaël €145-192
• Grasse €87-114
• Juan-les-Pins ou Sophia Antipolis €65
• Menton €95-125
• Mougins €69-88
• Opio (Club Med) €71-88
• St Paul de Vence €49-65
• Beaulieu-sur-Mer or Villefranche-sur-Mer €49-65
• St Jean-Cap Ferrat €53-72
• St Tropez €248-324

Minicab & Shuttle With Taxi Nice           
Minicab services and shared transportation are available between the city center and Nice Airport,
it is probably the best value for travelers (door-to-door service, English-speaking driver, fixed price,…).

Reservations must generally be made at least 48 hours in advance.
When arriving at the Airport, after picking up your baggage(s), proceed to the meeting point at your terminal.

Nice Airport is located at the Côte d'Azur, France's Mediterranean coast, just a 3.7-mile distance from the city center.

A variety of Nice Airport taxis are available that leave from the taxi ranks outside the terminals. The Nice Airport Shuttle transports passengers seven days a week, every day of the year. A chauffeur-driven limousine rental service, the Shuttle operates a door-to-door delivery service between Nice Airport, Airport, and city hotels, as well as private addresses in the city.

Taxis Nice Airport can be rather expensive, and it is usually necessary to queue for a taxi at the taxi rank, as the drivers will only take passengers in turn, ignoring anyone who tries to jump the queue. Taxi ranks can also be found outside major hotels and all the main train stations within the city but with Taxi Nice you are always served better.

The Nice Airport taxis waiting at the terminals are licensed and registered to operate within the Airport, but passengers should always be vigilant not to fall into the trap of taking an unlicensed cab. It is best to negotiate fares before leaving the airport compound, and if the cab does have a meter, passengers should insist on the meter running the whole time to avoid being cheated.

Fares for Nice Airport taxis going to the city center should be at most the usual fixed EUR 35.00 tariff but may depend on the time of day one travels. There may be surcharges for extra luggage or a 4th passenger – French cab drivers despise cab sharing and do everything in their power to dissuade passengers from doing so!

A single journey within the Nice city center should be just under EUR 20.00, a trip to Monaco or Cannes will cost around EUR 70.00, and a journey to Antibes will cost approximately EUR 50.00. Going to the famous resort of St Tropez will be expensive at EUR 250.00, so going by bus or train will be cheaper, if not more comfortable.

The Nice Airport Shuttle, on the other hand, does encourage passengers to share their journey. A single trip can cost as little as EUR 14.00 per person for up to 8 people, a considerable saving on a journey alone with Nice Airport taxis.

The Nice Airport Shuttle also operates private services from the Airport into the city center, which will be charged EUR 55.00 per car for up to 3 passengers and EUR 75.00 for 4 and 6 passengers for a single journey.

Female occupants of Nice Airport taxis should also be vigilant, particularly late at night or after drinking. During the Cannes Film Festival, when all the resorts and towns at the Riviera are heaving with filmmakers, stars, celebrities, and the media, there have been many instances where unlicensed cab drivers have not just taken advantage of female passengers but have assaulted them. It is best to ask for advice on which taxi firm to travel with at the official Information Desk at the Airport. The Information Desk can be found in the arrivals hall. In Nice, tourists should ask their hotel reception for assistance before trying to hail a cab in the street. It is better to travel with recommended, licensed taxis in Nice Airport services than to risk life and limb, even if official airport cabs charge a hefty fare.

Frequently asked questions:

How to get from Nice Airport to Nice?
You can use the following transportation options: 

*The tram line from Nice Airport has been extended with T2 Line, a 7 km line between Pole multimodal and Magnan stations. In other words, the Airport of Nice is connected to the tram network of the Nice city center. You may reach Terminal 1 and Terminal 2 with this line if you are traveling from Nice Airport, as there are stops outside each terminal. An additional 11.3 km extension reaches the city port of Lympia. Be informed that tram Line 2 operates every day of the year except the 1st of May. It starts its rides at 5:24 am and stops around 00:15 am with frequent routes every 8 minutes.

Taxi Nice - Nice Airport taxis

How to get from Nice Airport to Cannes?

The distance between both locations is 26 km. There are a few ways to get to Cannes from Nice Airport:

By bus. You have to take the Express Bus Service 210. This bus is the fastest option because other buses run slower. On average, the journey time is 45 minutes. However, buses don't operate at night and don't take you directly to the doors of your hotel.
You can rent a car, but that's not convenient if you aren't going to travel around the country.
Taxi Nice Airport taxi is the most convenient way to get to your hotel in Nice. The average price of a standard comfort class taxi is 75 euros.

How much is the taxi from Nice Airport to Cannes?

Remember that extra charges such as public holidays and weekend and night fees may apply. The ride will cost you around 80 euros and will take approximately 30 minutes. 

How to get from Nice Airport to Monte Carlo?

You can surely get there by bus or train, but there are no direct options that will take you to the doors of your hotel. If you value your time and prefer comfortable traveling, Taxi Nice Airport taxi is at your command! Pre-book your taxi online and enjoy the best airport transfer service in France. The average cost of a standard comfort class taxi is 88 euros.

How much is a taxi from Nice Airport to Cannes?

If you book a standard comfort class sedan, you'll pay 75 euros. But mind that the price depends on the vehicle class that you choose.

How far is the Nice Airport from the city center?

The Nice Airport has located 8 km from the city center, and it takes around 10-15 minutes to get there by taxi.

How to get from Nice Airport to Saint-Tropez?

There are no direct trains, trams, or buses. Pre-book your Taxi Nice Airport taxi before your flight. And as a result, you'll have a personal taxi driver that will surely take the hassle out of your arrival. The average price of a standard comfort class Taxi Nice from Nice Airport to Saint-Tropez is 225 euros.

Munich Airport Transfer

Providing hassle-free Munich Airport transfer services seven days a week, Munich Airport Taxi is the world's premier website for booking airport transfers. We specialize in transfers to and from airports worldwide and work with the best group of drivers and cars. Book your next Munich Airport transfer and save time and money during your next trip with Munich Airport Taxi. Our taxi and airport shuttle partners offer a wide range of vehicles, from sedans and limousines for business and leisure travelers to minibuses and buses for larger groups. Whether you travel on business or holidays, we provide a convenient and affordable airport transfer from Munich Airport to get your trip started. You can also book a taxi to Munich Airport when travelling home or to your next destination.

Affordable Transfer from Munich Airport

For a comfortable and affordable Munich Airport Transfer, trust Munich Airport Taxi. In addition to transfers to your business meeting or hotel, we can also provide a transfer from Munich Airport to virtually any place you need to be. This includes transport for both small and more significant groups. We also provide larger vehicles ideal for families and groups of friends. Whether you are visiting your destination for a getaway or to do business, we have a vehicle that suits your budget. More importantly, our drivers will ensure you reach your destination on time and with as little hassle as possible. We strive to take the stress out of travelling to and from the airport, giving you more time to enjoy your holiday or prepare for your business meetings.

Munich Airport Transfers with Munich Airport Taxi

Flughafen Taxi München is available 24 hours a day, providing real-time details on available vehicles and convenient online booking. We offer easy booking online for your transfer from Munich Airport. We take pride in providing low prices without compromising customer service. Changes and cancellations to your transfer from Munich Airport are also hassle-free, giving you the best possible flexibility in case your travel plans change. Once you book your Munich Airport taxi, you meet your driver upon arrival. All taxi companies and drivers for your Munich Airport transfer are fully vetted to ensure the highest quality of service and safety. We only work with experienced drivers and regularly evaluate our partner's performance. With a presence in more than 50 countries and over 2,000 airports, it is little wonder why more and more travellers are turning to Munich Airport Taxi for their Munich Airport transfer needs. Book your transfer from Munich Airport today at Munich Airport Taxi

Airport taxi transfers

Planning to go on holiday by plane, on a family visit or for another reason abroad? You may need to go to the airport to catch your flight. But how do you arrange your holiday transfer? Letting someone bring you or pick you up is only sometimes possible and parking your car at the airport is not a cheap solution. Then you can choose a cheap airport transfer from an experienced holiday taxi company. An airport taxi will pick you up at your home address whenever you want and will take you to the airport you need to go to. Taxi zum Flughafen Muenchen offers you a cheap airport taxi transfer with reliable service and security. Your transportation to the airport can’t start better; leave the rest to our airport shuttle.

Are you searching for a taxi service from Munich Airport? 

Our taxi at Munich Airport is always at your service for your journey from the airport to your destination and back.

We assure you that we are one of the cheapest, safe, quick and most comfortable taxi services you can find around here. Our service is available all days of the week and all hours of the day. Our Taxi vomFlughafen Muenchen are prompt and will always arrive on time. They’ll never divulge your personal information to any third parties and help you with your luggage. We ensure that you reach your desired location: another city, a train station, an important event, the city center, your hotel or Munich Airport.

From Munich Airport to a specific train station

Munich Airport is a major international airport near Munich, the capital of Bavaria. It is the second-busiest airport in Germany regarding passenger traffic after Frankfurt Airport and the seventh-busiest airport in Europe. The airport is located 28.5 km northeast of Munich near Freezing and is named after former Bavarian minister-president Franz Josef Strauss, born in Munich. München Central Station, Munich Marienplatz station, and München Hackerbrücke are within 2 kilometers, so that we can drop you at any train station.

From Munich Airport to all tourist places & cities

If you book a taxi transfer service well in advance, it gives you immense peace of mind as then we’ll ensure that our drivers come to pick you up at the pre-destined time of your flight. Even if your flight is late, we’ll come to know, as we keep tracking it for 60 minutes, and our drivers will wait for you. But after 60 minutes, they are sent to pick up other passengers. Still, rest assured that our driver will be there to receive you when your flight arrives, however late it may be.

Not only taxi transfer from the airport to the hotel and back, we offer taxi transfer to touristic places like Marienplatz, Nymphenburg Palace, English Garden, Munich Residenz, Hofbräuhaus München, New Town Hall, Frauenkirche, Olympiapark, Victuals Market, Deutsches Museum, Old Town Hall, Munich, BMW Museum, St. Peter’s Church, Rathaus-Glockenspiel, Allianz Arena, Alte Pinakothek, Hellabrunn Zoo, Karlsplatz, Neuschwanstein Castle, Odeonsplatz, Pinakothek der Moderne, Asam Church, Munich, Neue Pinakothek, Olympiaturm, Königsplatz, Munich, Theatine Church, Hofgarten, St. Michael’s Church, Bavarian National Museum, Munich Olympic Stadium, Feldherrnhalle, Glyptothek, Haus der Kunst, Isartor, Munich National Theatre, Maximilianstraße, Viktualienmarkt, Eisbach, Lenbachhaus, Dachau Concentration Camp Memorial Site, Schleissheim palace complex, Karlstor, Chinese Tower, Amalienburg, Bavaria Statue, Botanical Garden Munich-Nymphenburg, Angel of Peace, Museum Brandhorst, BMW Headquarters, Hirschgarten and also to cities like Schwabing, Bogenhausen, Giesing, Milbertshofen, Gern, Perlach, Johanniskirchen, Harlaching, Laim, Unterfohring, Neuherberg, Riem, Ludwigsfeld, Obermenzing, Hochmutting, Geiselgasteig, Forstenried, Pasing, Ismaning.


The journey will be even more pleasing with our Munich airport transfer and service. Drive with our limousines for direct reservation.


Are you in Munich for the trade fair? Let us know because you can handle the perfect transfer before and after the trade fair. Taxi Munich fair


For groups of 8 people, we offer you our service with the beautiful S-Class. Convenience is a guarantee. Please click on the picture and book directly.

We look forward to you!

About us

For more than ten years, we have organized Airport Shuttles, Private door-to-door transfers and shuttles to and from Munich airport. Easy Booking. Reliable Service. For queries and bookings, our office is open 7 days a week, 24/7.

Our company is directly at the airport Munich in Freising. We also provide transfer services for business use and private events such as meetings, conferences, sightseeing and Ski Resort transfers.

15+ Years

This is the block. We have been helping travelers make their travel surprisingly easy and enjoyable since 2003.

130 Countries

The service of Munich Airport Taxi is available worldwide in more than 130 countries!

4,5/5 star reviews

We are proud that our customers give us the highest rating in the industry!

Need to book a taxi in Bristol

Bristol Taxi and private hire vehicles cover the whole of Bristol from Avon mouth to Pucklechurch. We go further north than Bradley Stoke and further south than Keynsham.

Book a Bristol Taxi to pick you up from the train station in Bristol Parkway or Bristol Temple Meads. Alternatively, we can take you to the delightful restaurants in Clifton.

Or call us if you need a car to zoom your home to the popular residential addresses in Bishops worth, Felton, Emerson's' Green, and Long Ashton.

Bristol Taxi is also the fastest taxi service in Bristol because more private hire vehicles are available than any other operator in the Bristol area.

Local taxis

Airport taxi transfers

Wedding Cars

VIP Taxis

Executive Cars

Special Occasions

Things to do in Bristol

Bristol is a city straddling the River Avon in southwest England with a prosperous maritime history.

There are loads of things to do in Bristol. Whether you're going to a game at Bristol Bears or need an airport transfer to Bristol Airport – look no further than Bristol Taxi.

Student taxis in Bristol

If you're a student in Bristol at the University of Bristol University of West England (UWE), Bath Spa University, or Bath College, Bristol Taxi can zoom by to pick you up to take you to the station. Or collect you from a night out and get you home safely.

Taxis in Bristol

Taxis are convenient and easy to get around Bristol and the surrounding areas. 

Bristol Taxi can pick up from taxi ranks and be flagged down in the street. These are painted Bristol Blue and will have an illuminated light on the roof and display white and red license plates with black printing on the front and back of the vehicle, which displays details of the vehicle and the expiry date.

Private hire vehicles must be pre-booked and cannot be flagged down on the street. It is illegal for a private hire vehicle to take a journey that has not been pre-booked or to accept a fare by being hailed. They should display yellow and red license plates with black printing on the front and back of the vehicle.

Remember to check that you are in a licensed taxi by checking the ID badge displayed in the car.

Bristol Taxi Provider

There are hundreds of licensed Bristol taxis in the city, which you can catch by either hailing (holding up your arm or waving to a taxi with its light illuminated) or waiting at a taxi rank.

Bristol Taxi ranks are located throughout the city center, and you see them on this map. They are indicated with a white box with the word TAXI in it.

We allow you to book taxis in Bristol and set the pickup point and destination in advance. You can see the fare estimate and pay by card if you wish to. The app is similar to other drivers and must be licensed by Bristol City Council so you directly support local people. Other councils can license other app drivers.

Private hire

There are many private hire taxi companies in Bristol and the nearby areas.

A Local Bristol Taxi Company

Bristol is located just 120 miles west of London and is the largest city in England's southwest. Bristol has become the ideal area to live, work, or study. Getting around Bristol as you'd expect from big cities with a growing community, the need for private transport has developed with it. Starline taxis offer a low-cost, reliable taxi from Bristol to any part of the UK.

We operate Bristol's Superior Private Hire minicab company. For leisure or business, we can offer you an affordable, efficient, and swift taxi service for school runs, events and conferences, sightseeing, and air and seaport transfers.

On-time Minicab Service

Starline provides the best cab service & taxis in the Bristol city center and surrounding areas. Our pre-booked local taxi in Bristol can pick you up from anywhere in Bristol and take you to your destination on time.

We provide a range of day-to-day taxi services that remove the stress of city travel with cheap quotes and speedy pickup. Book your taxi cab online and pay securely using your credit or debit card.

Your local Bristol taxis are available day & night, 24/7.

Fixed price taxi quote

Starline's online booking platform helps make your trip special, enjoyable, and budget-friendly. It is simple & easy to get cab quotes in seconds. We at Starline offer fixed price all-inclusive cheap taxi fares to or from Bristol.

All of our drivers are fully licensed to drive local cabs. With years of experience and unbeatable taxi prices, we're committed to making your taxi booking process simple and affordable. Our Door to Door cab service means your driver will take you to your hotel door or address.

Taxi to Bristol

Pre-booked taxis in Bristol are often the most convenient way to travel around, whether it's a local trip for shopping, organizing business travel, or just getting from a to b. At Bristol Taxi, we provide efficient travel service at the best price,

Whether it's minicabs in Bristol, an airport taxi from Bristol airport to the city center, or a long-distance taxi, our online platform allows you to book a local taxi at an affordable price. Giving you the choice of the best cabs in Bristol from Saloon, Executive, and 7 seater taxis for group travels.

The taxi service you can trust

Whether you're getting an executive car to a business meeting, arranging a pickup from the airport, or simply taking a taxi into town, it's easy, convenient, and affordable with Starline taxis Bristol.

Professional Service

Passenger comfort and safety are a top priority for us. All our drivers are professional and are fully trained and licensed by the local authority, which will help to give you peace of mind when you use a Bristol Taxi.

If you have any questions or want to learn more about our Bristol taxi service, you can email or call us at 0117 287 0247.

Manage to book online

We offer online bookings through our website from anywhere in the world, and our state-of-the-art booking and dispatch system ensures smooth taxi operation. We send taxi booking confirmations to our clients upon confirmation of booking.

Book the best Bristol taxi in seconds. We offer low-cost cabs for local journeys, business travel & airport taxi transfers. Book your cab online for a fast, friendly, and cheap Bristol taxi service. With our quick and straightforward service, you can book a taxi in Bristol city center or surrounding areas without needing to call or search. It's always cheap and saves you time and hassle to book a taxi online. We are a local Bristol taxi company based near the city center and can dispatch a taxi near you ASAP. Our pickups are prompt if you call us for local cabs or airport taxis. Find cheap Bristol taxi fares using our online booking form for a saloon, executive, or 7-seaters fixed-price taxi in Bristol. Booking your cab online is easy and only takes a few minutes. When planning a trip to Bristol, our top-quality taxis are the most convenient way to travel.

Taxi travel in Bristol needs to be two things. Firstly, reliable and secondly, cost-effective. Here at Bristol Taxi, we strive to offer a service that is second to none and offers our customers the most competitive prices and the least amount of wait time. We pride ourselves on offering 5-star customer service that allows our customers to be matched with the taxi that is closest to them. Taxi travel is often seen as a means to get to and from a location, but we try to make the process luxurious and enjoyable for our customers. Our Bristol taxis operate 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, with taxis available instantly or with the possibility to book in advance to ensure that you arrive at a destination on time and stress-free.

Bristol Taxi was established in 1991 and is the largest taxi company / private hire operator in and around the Bristol area – in the 27 years that we have been operating, we have been able to review and develop the Taxis services that we offer to our customers in Bristol. We have been able to standardize the service, grow our fleet, and provide exceptional service with every taxi journey. What this means for you, the customer, is that you know what to expect every time you use us. We pride ourselves on offering a friendly, convenient, and competitively priced service that takes any stress away from finding a taxi in Bristol and turns it into a pleasurable experience for you!

If you are looking to book a taxi in Bristol right now, please head to our Bristol Taxi Booking page, where you can make a direct booking with a member of the Bristol Taxi team.

Why should you consider us as your preferred Taxis provider in Bristol?

With our many years of service, we have been able to put processes in place so that you can rest assured that our taxis in Bristol will be with you on time and get you to your destination at the time needed. In addition to offering personal/small group taxis, we also offer various other services such as Coaches and Minibus hire in Bristol, Wedding Car Hire in Bristol, and various other services. One of our main selling points and something we are proud of is our ability to offer a 24-hour working service, which means there is always a car available for you; even if this is very short notice, we will do our best to meet your needs.

Traveling around Bristol can be tough, especially when you are new to the city or are down in Bristol for a business trip, holiday, or special occasion. We are here to help whether you need to travel to Bristol's city center or the surrounding areas of Bristol. We are proud to offer various airport transfer services taking our customers to all major airports across the South of the UK and multiple trips from Bristol Temple Meads, Parkway station, and all other major stations surrounding the city. We have an extensive range of cars in Bristol whether you are looking for something more luxurious or want the added reassurance that comes with using one of Bristol's most reliable Taxis Providers. Our Door to Door travel service takes the stress away from any journey, and we look forward to helping with your travel needs and requirements.

We can even offer an executive service for business travel to help you have a stress-free journey throughout the city. All our drivers are expertly trained and see our clients as their number 1 priority.

If you have any direct questions or would like to learn more about the service that we offer here in Bristol, please get in touch with a member of our expertly trained team today, and we will be happy to help in whatever way we can!

What is our Taxis Service in Bristol?

The Bristol taxi service is a very easy and simple process – By heading over to our Taxi Booking page, you will be asked to fill in a few simple details such as your postcode, name, phone number, and other information. You will also need to specify the pickup and drop locations so we can provide a detailed and accurate quote. You can ask for your pickup time ASAP or schedule a pickup time for a future date and time, which is perfect for those traveling on holiday or a business trip. You will then be asked to browse the varying quotes that are made available to you, confirm your details, and then book your taxi. Upon booking your taxi, you will receive a confirmation email or text with your entered details. This whole process can take under a minute to complete and puts your mind and rest knowing that someone will pick you up at the specified time. If you are looking to book a taxi instantly, we can also cater to this by having numerous call handlers that can match you with the nearest taxi so that you do not have to wait around for your taxi! 

Let us take the hassle away from ordering a taxi and book it in advance! If you are looking for a taxi in Bristol to take you to and from any major airports in the South of England, including Bristol Airport, please head over to our Airport Transfers in Bristol.

You can travel in luxury for a premium taxi service, or maybe you need a more convenient and inexpensive taxi. The option is always there.

We aim to offer one of the most luxurious and stress-free taxi services in Bristol – one of the city's most reliable taxi firms and constantly review our processes to ensure that our customers are left happy and satisfied with the service and want to use us again.

When phoning up to book your next taxi with Bristol Taxi, you can specify which type of car you would like to travel in, and we also offer a variety of premium cars such as Teslas and other cars. To browse these, head to our Bristol Taxi site for more information on our premium taxi service in Bristol. We pride ourselves on being one of Bristol's most reliable taxi services – Offering competitive prices and the ability to choose from our extensive fleet of cars.

If you are looking for a local taxi in Bristol and professional service, please contact a member of our team today. We look forward to hearing from you and hope to work with you in the future!

Contact us

Email- [email protected]

Number- 0117 287 0247

Address – 2nd, 5 High Street, Westbury on trym, Bristol, BS93BY

Cardiff Minibus Hire

Cardiff is not only the capital city of Wales but also the largest city. This beautiful port city thrives as a commercial centre with a diverse population. Cardiff became a city in 1905 and the capital of Wales in 1955. The origins of this city date back to before the Roman conquest of Britain. In the late 1700s, a network of docks was built to gain a trade advantage and encourage the budding shipping industry. Today, the city of Cardiff hosts various sectors and a diverse population. It is also the centre of the Welsh government and an important member of the United Kingdom. Many visitors find Cardiff minibus hire a wonderful alternative to taxis and buses Cheap Minibus hire cardiff.

As the capital city of Wales, Cardiff plays host to various festivals and events year-round with a wide assortment of themes. Many guests enjoy a minibus hire with a driver as it's part of the national minibus hire festival transport to avoid the hassles of finding parking and increased traffic. Each July, many people enjoy the Cardiff International Food & Drink Festival. This festival allows them to sample cuisines and delicacies from around the world while listening to live music and entertainment. As summer draws to an end, locals and tourists alike enjoy the Brecon Jazz Festival. Begun in 1984, this jazz festival features some of the best names in Jazz and allows guests to attend workshops to try their hand at playing some music or develop their existing skills.

With such a rich history, guests to Cardiff enjoy many exciting sightseeing opportunities. One of the must-see sights is Cardiff Castle. This massive medieval castle sits in the centre of Cardiff and has been lovingly restored. Special events at the court include the opportunity to watch a jousting match on the extensive grounds. The Millennium Stadium was originally built to host the 1999 World Rugby Cup. Today, this national stadium hosts special concerts, entertainment events, and various sporting competitions, including racing and football. For something, a little different visitors can spend an afternoon wandering around the Animal Wall. This stonewall in Cardiff's castle section features 15 other sculpted animals, from bears to lions. No matter what a visitor wants to see or do, minibus hire in Cardiff is a great way to get around town with Coach Hire Cardiff.

Our Cardiff minibus hire is dedicated to providing the best service and quality for money in town. Our guests can rely on us to arrive promptly with a clean vehicle and a professional driver. We take the time to find the most qualified drivers who meet our strict requirements. All of our drivers have the necessary licenses for coach hire in Cardiff. They can drive our 8, 12, 16, 24 seater minibuses and our 33, 36, 49 53 seater coaches. To ensure our guest's safety, we run extensive background checks on our drivers, including a criminal background check. From business people to tourists to locals celebrating a special event, we are the team dedicated to providing them with the service they deserve.

We are available to answer customer questions any time, day or night, by phone or online. For our customers' convenience, they can ask for a quote and book their minibus in Cardiff in just a few clicks. If they prefer talking to a person or need detailed answers, they will appreciate our customer service agents' dedication to providing them with the best service available. Our agents will take the time to explain the process to our clients and ensure that they get the package that meets their needs.

The capital city of Wales is lively and modern, featuring many festivals and attractions that showcase Welsh culture and history. In addition to being one of the greenest cities in the United Kingdom, Cardiff also boasts one of the highest concentrations of castles of any city in the world. In Cardiff Bay, you will find plenty of chic bars and nightclubs alongside attractions like the Wales Millennium Centre, and Cardiff minibus hire is the perfect way to see them all.

We aim to provide quality with the cheap minibus Cardiff service they want. We can help a businessperson arrive at their meeting or conference on time and relaxed. We are the minibus company in Cardiff that will get you the best pricing with reliability in town. Call us today or request a quote online to book your minibus needs from the best company in the city.

Minibus Hire in Cardiff

Minibus hire in Cardiff service and the South Wales area. You can rapidly get a minibus quotation for transport in Cardiff. Minibus hire with an expert driver in Cardiff has been made simple by Bus4U Travel.

8-Seater Minibus hire Cardiff

The eight-seater minibus hire is a favorable mode of transport for airport transfers and departures. The enormous sitting space makes the journey more relaxing. With this large capacity, different groups of individuals can go together in an eight-seater minibus. The eight-seater minibus lessens the expense of hiring numerous vehicles. We assume total liability for your pick and drop to your chosen areas. Moreover, all your transport will be pre-booked with our booking office.

10-Seater Minibus hire Cardiff

The ten-seater minibus is ideal for attending sports events at the Millennium Stadium. We take Cardiff City fans to home and away fixtures every week. The customers are offered home drop-offs at their homes for an extra expense. With this minibus hire service, we additionally provide the option of waiting time. Therefore, sports events can be followed by a stop-off at the pub on the way back.

12-Seater Minibus hire Cardiff

The 12-seater minibus is regularly booked for UK airport transfers. In addition, the cruise ports of Hull, Holyhead and Southampton are highly esteemed destinations. Are you going on a cruise with luggage? We will consider this when you enquire and provide a suitable vehicle. Similarly, the 12-seater minibus covers luggage issues without fuss. Moreover, our minibus hire service can oblige every one of your requirements.

14-Seater Minibus hire Cardiff

The 14-seater minibus is also available. It comes in differing variations; standard and executive. The executive minibuses are outfitted with  DVD, Tv, and sound system. Furthermore, pleasant leather seats, lighting, and WIFI are its significant attractions. Moreover, the standard Ford travel variation is also an excellent vehicle. All the minibuses are cleaned thoroughly before each route is taken. Furthermore, our quality for the top 14 seater minibus hire in Cardiff is perfect for wedding day hire.

16-Seater Minibus hire Cardiff

The 16-seater minibus is a popular vehicle in the fleet. Firstly it will transport 16 individuals, making this the most efficient means. It has a limit of 16 people. (Above that goes into coaches). Secondly, it saves expense, as it's usually more cost-effective than hiring a coach. We additionally provide services to all UK Festivals, including Reading, Leeds, Glastonbury and Creamfields. Subsequently, the 16-seater minibus will cover all your transport needs across the UK.

We also provide 20-54 Seater coach hire. Interested? We are here to help you.

Likewise, with our various options, we have multiple choices for you to pick from. Enquire further to check out our versatile range of minibuses.

As a result of our service, Bus4U Travel is highly regarded on Google and Trust Pilot. Our clients always travel satisfied and happy. We deliver the best minibus hiring service in Cardiff.

You can reach us for customized travelling solutions. Contact us for minibus hire with a driver in Cardiff.

Book your minibus hire and coach hire today!

Cardiff city offers a wide variety of entertainment options and sports facilities. It also provides Victorian arcades and streets that are fun to explore in a group. Whether you are looking for a dining or shopping opportunity, this city has everything you need. Both medieval castles and contemporary attractions are available for you to tour. One of the ways to get around Cardiff is to use minibus hire services.

Why Use Minibus Hire Services in Cardiff? A minibus is the best way to get around if you are travelling as a group. This is due to the benefits that a minibus offers. For one, you get to travel in a secure and closed manner, free from any interruptions. This will work for you if you are on a city tour and don't have any external interference.

If you are looking for quality minibus hire and quality coach hire service in Cardiff, then you have come to the right place. We offer exceptional minibus hire and coach hire services across Cardiff and all major cities in Britain. We breathe minibus and coach hire and offer unbeatable value on all our group transport vehicles. Our company also specializes in coach and minibus tours across our beautiful country, with a tour guide accompanying your group.

Cardiff is a wonderful city, and there are many things to enjoy. We offer full tours across all the main attractions at very low prices. Please speak to our operator, who can get the best deal on cheap minibus and coach hire in Cardiff. We cater for all events occurring not just in Cardiff but across the UK. We do match day transfers, race day transfers, corporate transfers, airport transfers and all group transport events. We ensure you get picked up on time and dropped off at your destination on time.

Minibuses Cardiff

Our flight and road monitoring team enables us to watch traffic and avoid delays; we will ensure your journey is stress-free. Also, we monitor all flights to Cardiff Airport, which allows us not to charge extra for flight delays because we believe it's our job to watch flights in real time. Our drivers have been trained to deliver a journey without issues and stress. They have many years of experience providing our customers with a safe minibus or coach hire journey with  Minibus hire Cardiff.

We offer many discounts if you book your minibus hire for a longer term. Booking for more than one day in a row can get up to a 10% discount. So for longer bookings, we can get huge discounts and save you more money. Our price-beating promise guarantee allows us to beat any like-for-like minibus or coach hire quote by 5% for our customers. We aim to deliver the best transport service and price year-round. We also off charity discounts if a proof is provided before the booking quote takes place.

For European travel, please call our minibus booking agent for further information, as we offer great deals on international travel with our coaches and minibuses. We have over 24 vehicles making us one of the largest minibus companies in Cardiff, and we have over 12 large coaches Minibus Cardiff.

Let Our Minibuses Take You On Your Nature & Urban Adventures

Our Minibus Hire Cardiff. When getting to your event, you need to rely on a Cardiff Minibus Hire service that can get you there in comfort and style.

We are proud to provide our clients with a wide range of options for booking a minibus taxi in Cardiff. Whether you are travelling as a group of eight people or a group of 9-16 people, we have eight-seater, 12-seater and 16-seater minibuses on offer.

Therefore, finding the perfect minibus service for your transportation is easier than you might think. Whether you are going out with friends, are travelling as a sports team or planning a school trip, our service is here for you. As a first-class minibus hire service in Cardiff, we are professional and safe and ensure that we take you to your destination in style.

Cardiff Minibus Hire

Offering 8 Seater Buses

Airport minibus service from or to Cardiff, or you want to hit the town, and we have eight-seater minibuses that are suitable for any occasion.

Minibuses offer abundant space and comfort, ensuring you feel refreshed and relaxed at your destination Bus Hire Cardiff.

When you book our minibus taxi, you can be sure that we will arrive on time. There is no waiting or hailing down a cab. We ensure that we are there for you when you need a minibus.


Cardiff Minibus Hire Offering 12-Seater Buses

Need a minibus for a sporting event with friends or heading to the airport with a large group? Our 12-seater minibus hire in Cardiff is the ideal solution with Airport Coach Cardiff.

Our minibuses are modern and smart, ensuring a comfortable journey for all. Moreover, we can also offer a luggage trailer, which means you are not losing out on space on the minibus in Airport minibus Cardiff.

Offering 16 Seater Buses

Our 16-seat minibuses will go into the places only Cardiff locals are familiar with. Visit little-known Cardiff hideouts and avenues that open the mind to what being a local is all about.

Or hire minibuses to go anywhere in the UK with our comfortable, clean minibuses to and from Cardiff ready to transport you there.

The Maltings, E Tyndall St, Cardiff CF24 5EA, United Kingdom

+44 29 2169 0279

Handle Accessories - Quality Door Handles manufactures a beautiful range of Designer Stainless Steel Hardware products.

A creative team of designers has created some exciting products available through leading architectural hardware merchants in Australia. Aiming at the higher end of the AU Hardware market, we think we have something excitingly different on offer!

Our company was established over 20 years ago. The company specializes in hot forged solid brass door handles and pull handles produced in Italy using the latest production methods and robot techniques.

Door Handle Accessories:

We stock various door handle accessories, from spring cassettes to spindle bars and sleeves.


Door Handle Accessories - Great Range and Great Prices

See our selection of door handle accessories from fixing packs & lever springs. In our range, we have replacement lever springs for lever door handles, fixing screws for chrome & brass handles, and lever door handle fixing packs for replacing all your screws & bolt-through bolts on your handles. We offer free delivery on orders over 30 Dollar.

        Black Door Handles

Black pull handles

Black front door handles

Knobs, Levers & Handles:

Knobs, levers, and handles are mechanical components used in a wide range of control, lifting, adjusting, and carrying applications. They come in various types, styles, and materials to suit your needs. RS offers an extensive range of high-quality products from leading manufacturers and, of course, Long Door Handles.

What to consider when selecting a knob

We stock many clamping knobs, including wing knobs, ball knobs, multiple lobed knobs (star knobs), and knurled finger knobs. They are manufactured from materials such as Stainless Steel and Aluminum or tough plastics including Polyamide, and thermoplastic. Choosing the correct knob for your application depends on the environment it will be used. A polished ball knob in an area subject to moisture or oils and greases wouldn't be the best choice. A knurled or star knob are better due to its better gripping design.

What to consider when buying levers

Levers are designed for manual tightening or to adjust and align machine parts and precision instruments. Levers come in three main types: clamping, control, and tension. Our levers are manufactured from high-quality materials and designed to work in the toughest environments. Levers have either internal female threads or protruding male threaded studs in a range of thread sizes.

Why do I need carrying handles?

Carrying handles are designed to help you hold and handle equipment safely and can often increase the product's usability and maneuverability to attach them. Carrying handles are used in many settings industrially, commercially, and domestically.

What to consider when buying a handwheel

We carry a range of spoked handwheels, mostly manufactured from tough plastics or metal, including stainless steel or aluminum. Some of our handwheels include handgrips that revolve or fold down. Handwheels are used in industrial applications for valve adjustment or domestically as a sewing machine control wheel.

Just a stone's throw away from some of most breathtaking coastlines and the recently reimagined, RIBA Award-winning Hastings Pier. We are perfectly situated to pop in if you are down for a day trip to the beach or looking to explore some of Hastings's creative Independent shops, cafes, and restaurants.

We have offered a wide range of hardware, homeware, lighting, and iconic design for ten years. Loved by locals, day-trippers, visitors can buy anything from small gifts, lighting, kitchenware, or future classics - specializing in indoor and outdoor lighting with a large selection beautifully displayed in the store.

The store is laid over three floors in the grade 2 heritage old Hastings and Observer newspaper building.



Several door handle finishes are now available, including Antique bronze, Antique brushed bronze, Imitation bronze, Black nickel, and Aged brass, to name a few. In addition to these finishes, we can provide other finishes on request.

The Hard Rock hotels are an iconic music brand with an international presence.


During the briefing session, their iconic music associations and guitars were chosen as a product that many people identified with and was a design that could be practically developed into an entrance handle and handle throughout that kept its original design qualities while remaining practical and functional.

Following the initial briefing, we work to develop the design for their new pull door handles, informing the client throughout the design process and providing technical drawings for the client's interior designers.

We are an established leader in the door furniture design and manufacturing field.

Since 1990 our company has been supplying the construction industry, both in Australia and on the continent, with our range of in-house manufactured door handles.

Our companies Door Furniture and Entrance Specialists operate from a 20,000-square-foot factory in the heart of the Australia. We have seen our company become one of Australia's leading manufacturers of proprietary specialist door furniture.

All goods are produced in-house using the latest CNC machinery by our skilled workforce, apprentice-trained artisans with multi-functional skills.

Our customers can be assured that we use only the finest raw materials in our manufacturing process, whether 316-grade marine quality stainless steel or our fine hardwood timber, hand selected and sourced from Forestry Stewardship Council-approved suppliers.

Satin Brass Door Handle Lever

Material: Solid brass 

Color/Finish: Black/satin, chrome/red, chrome/black and customized 

Handle Lever Length: 154mm  Hole Distance: 72mm / 85mm

Style: Subversion of traditional styling to explore the handle of the artistic expression, Stainless Steel Door Handles. 

Surface: Timeless brushed brass finish. 

Material: High-quality solid brass makes the products more durable and resistant to corrosion. 

Color: Various colors can be customized to match perfectly with various decoration styles.

Solid Brass T-bar Door Handle

Material: Solid brass 

Color/Finish: PVD nickel, matte black, satin gold, and customized 

Handle Lever Length: 145mm, Hole Distance: 72mm/85mm

Design: Design patent item, robust and durable design 

Style: Minimalist line style and comfortable rounded edges with excellent touch feeling. 

Surface: Timeless satin brass finish. 

Material: High-quality solid brass makes the products more durable and resistant to corrosion. 

Color: Various colors can be customized to match perfectly with various decoration styles.

Long Plate Handle Polished Brass Handle Set

Material: Solid brass 

Color/Finish: PVD nickel, gold, coffee brown, and customized 

Handle Lever Length: 144mm 

Backplate Length: 280mm Hole Distance: 85mm

Design: Design patent item, classic and durable design. 

Style: The design of the line decorative pattern reveals a noble texture. 

Surface: Timeless, polished brass finish. 

Material: High-quality solid brass makes the products more durable and resistant to corrosion. 

Color: Various colors can be customized to match perfectly with various decoration styles.

Backplate Handle Brushed Brass Handle Set

Material: Solid brass 

Color/Finish: Antique bronze, antique coffee, satin brass, and customized 

Handle Lever Length: 138mm 

Backplate Length: 270mm Hole Distance: 85mm

Design: Design patent item, classic and durable design 

Style: The design of the decorative line pattern reveals a noble texture. 

Surface: Timeless, polished brass finish. 

Material: High-quality solid brass makes the products more durable and resistant to corrosion. 

Color: Various colors can be customized to match perfectly with various decoration styles.

Copper Brushed Door Handle Bar

Material: Solid brass 

Color/Finish: Brushed black/nickel, satin gold/brown, and customized 

Handle Lever Length: 147mm  Hole Distance: 85mm

Style: The design of clashing colors is more fashionable Copper door handles. 

Surface: Timeless brushed brass finish. 

Material: High-quality solid brass makes the products more durable and resistant to corrosion. 

Color: Various colors can be customized to match perfectly with various decoration styles.

Brushed Brass Wide Cabinet And Drawer Handle

Material: Solid brass 

Color/Finish: Matte black, coffee, satin gold, and customized

Handle Pull Length: 40/96/128mm  Width: 22mm

Design: Robust and durable design. 

Style: The wide pull is textured and stylish. 

Surface: Timeless brushed brass finish. 

Material: High-quality solid brass makes the products more durable and resistant to corrosion. 

Color: Various colors can be customized to match perfectly with various decoration styles.


Production Advantages: The whole process flow is finished in our factory, especially the surface color process. Due to national environmental protection considerations, most factories need to go to the government-authorized processing factory to process the surface process (painting workshop/electroplating workshop), and we have our surface process workshop. It can be processed by ourselves.

Quality Assurance: Each process is strictly controlled, and 100% inspected. All products are equipped with independent quality inspectors for quality inspection before shipment and are certificated by ISO 9001, ISO 14001, and multiple test reports.



Our products are approved with ISO9001, ISO14001, and ISO45001.

How important the natural environment is and is in full compliance with all ethical manufacturing practices.

We have utility patents, design patents, and multiple test reports. We can give you the most efficient support.

        Door Pulls 

Front Door Handles  

Entry Door Handles  

Entrance Door Handles  

Door handle pulls  

Front Door Hardware

Door Handles

Architectural Door Hardware

Door Hardware

Fast Delivery: Some styles are available in stock

Factory direct: Competitive price

Solid Brass T-bar Door Handle

Material: Solid brass 

Color/Finish: PVD nickel, matte black, satin gold, and customized 

Handle Lever Length: 145mm, Hole Distance: 72mm/85mm

Design: Design patent item, robust and durable design 

Style: Minimalist line style and comfortable rounded edges with excellent touch feeling. 

Surface: Timeless satin brass finish. 

Material: High-quality solid brass makes the products more durable and resistant to corrosion. 

Color: Various colors and also can be customized to match perfectly with all kinds of decoration styles.

Satin Brass Door Handle Lever

Material: Solid brass 

Color/Finish: Black/satin, chrome/red, chrome/black and customized 

Handle Lever Length: 154mm  Hole Distance: 72mm / 85mm

Style: Subversion of traditional styling to explore the handle of the artistic expression. 

Surface: Timeless brushed brass finish. 

Material: High-quality solid brass makes the products more durable and resistant to corrosion. 

Color: Various colors and also can be customized to match perfectly with all kinds of decoration styles.

Long Plate Handle Polished Brass Handle Set

Material: Solid brass 

Color/Finish: PVD nickel, gold, coffee brown, and customized 

Handle Lever Length: 144mm 

Backplate Length: 280mm Hole Distance: 85mm

Design: Design patent item, classic and durable design. 

Style: The design of the line decorative pattern reveals a noble texture. 

Surface: Timeless, polished brass finish. 

Material: High-quality solid brass makes the products more durable and resistant to corrosion. 

Color: Various colors can be customized to match perfectly with various decoration styles.

Backplate Handle Brushed Brass Handle Set

Material: Solid brass 

Color/Finish: Antique bronze, antique coffee, satin brass, and customized 

Handle Lever Length: 138mm 

Backplate Length: 270mm Hole Distance: 85mm

Design: Design patent item, classic and durable design 

Style: The design of the decorative line pattern reveals a noble texture. 

Surface: Timeless, polished brass finish. 

Material: High-quality solid brass makes the products more durable and resistant to corrosion. 

Color: Various colors can be customized to match perfectly with various decoration styles.

Copper Brushed Door Handle Bar With Square Rosette

Material: Solid brass 

Color/Finish: Brushed black/nickel, satin gold/brown, and customized 

Handle Lever Length: 147mm  Hole Distance: 85mm

Style: The design of clashing colors is more fashionable. 

Surface: Timeless brushed brass finish. 

Material: High-quality solid brass makes the products more durable and resistant to corrosion. 

Color: Various colors and also can be customized to match perfectly with all kinds of decoration styles.

Brushed Brass Wide Cabinet And Drawer Handle

Material: Solid brass 

Color/Finish: Matte black, coffee, satin gold, and customized

Handle Pull Length: 40/96/128mm  Width: 22mm

Design: Robust and durable design. 

Style: The wide pull is textured and stylish. 

Surface: Timeless brushed brass finish. 

Material: High-quality solid brass makes the products more durable and resistant to corrosion. 

Color: Various colors can be customized to match perfectly with various decoration styles.


Our company always maintains originality and a strict attitude. This attention to detail is what makes lock products stand out.

For more details, please visit our website:

Email: [email protected]

Mob: +61 414 746 131


Transport Service In Cardiff

Cardiff has developed to be one place that attracts visitors from different parts of the world. Tourism in Cardiff has been done exceptionally well over the past several years. There are some wonderful places to visit in the town. Cardiff is also a financially important place; therefore, it is quite obvious that business people frequently visit the town. Irrespective of the reason that has taken you to Cardiff, it is good to have a medium of transport that will take you to the desired places. We are professional minibus hire service providers in Cardiff. Minibus Hire Cardiff can provide you with everything you wish regarding moving a group of people from one place to another.

Minibus Hire Service In Cardiff

When you reach Cardiff, there are several means of transportation. Depending on your needs, tastes, and preferences, you can pick whichever sounds best. When traveling as an individual, this choice is easy because you will go for the cheapest one, usually public transport. However, when you need to travel with a group of people, it is important that you select a means of transport that will meet the needs of all the people in the group. Here is where public transport fails. One of the reasons why it fails is the need to change the vehicle on numerous occasions, as none of them can take you to all the places. Another reason you require privately hired vehicles is that public transportation has time limits. If you get late, more problems will come your way. These situations will never arise if you have privately hired vehicles. We are the right people to ask if you are looking for something like that in Cardiff. We have been in the business for many years, and we understand what you need.

Cardiff has several minibuses hiring services, so you will surely wish to know why you should choose us in the world. Well, we have some unique specialties you will hardly find in one place. Have a glance at the following:

We offer cheap Minibus hire Cardiff to our clients in Cardiff. You can compare the quality of our services with the price that we give, and we assure you that you will return feeling lucky to have found us. We know how important it is for visitors to find a means within their budget, which is why we offer our services at affordable rates.

We are cheap minibus service providers in Cardiff and have some luxurious Cardiff minibuses you will love traveling in. We have a large variety as far as minibuses and coaches are concerned. For our corporate clients, we can provide coaches and minibuses at eye-catching rates. Such vehicles will make your journey memorable and very amusing.

One reason Minibus Cardiff services are the best is the local drivers. Most companies do not have Cardiff-based drivers. Hence it will take some time for them to know their way around Cardiff well. Our drivers are aware of all the routes and will take you to your desired places quickly. They are vastly experienced, and thus, you will be safe.

Cardiff has many places to see and visit. We enlist the perfect places for your enjoyment, and all you need to do is to choose one and then sit back and relax as our drivers take you there. You will find it one of your life's most wonderful journeys.

Our employees are very friendly and will make efforts to make you feel comfortable while enjoying our services with Bus Hire Cardiff. Customer satisfaction has always been our priority. We have been serving clients from various countries and even local visitors, and all of them leave us with no complaints. We have a long list of satisfied customers who will suggest the standards of our services.

Cardiff is known for some world-famous spots to hang out. Our drivers and staff know the route to your favorite attraction and will take you there. Clifton suspension bridge, At-Cardiff, Cabot Tower, St Mary Redcliffe Church, Avon Valley Railway, The Georgian House, Durham Park, River Avon Cardiff, The Red Lodge, and many more places are always rushed with tourists. These are the top spots to visit in Cardiff. With our minibuses, you can easily reach there and stay till you like. No hurry to get back as our vehicles will take you home whenever you wish. We will be glad to offer our services to you.

Minibus hire in Cardiff

Minibus hire in Cardiff is a fantastic way to see this beautiful city as a group. With top deals on 9-seater minibuses at all of our branches in Cardiff, SIXT offers affordable packages on Ford, Citroen, and Volkswagen vehicles that will keep your group together with as little hassle as possible. Hire a self-drive minibus with add-on features such as sat nav, child seats, and second-driver options to make exploring the landscapes and infrastructures of one of the UK's most famous cities more convenient.

Regardless of the purpose of your trip, a minibus is always an ideal means of transport. Whether traveling as a small or a larger group, hiring a minibus offers you more than amazing benefits.

At Bus4U travel, we value your travel experience. We have tailor-made packages that include airport transfers with Airport minibus Cardiff , day trips, special events, parties, and much more. With our team of travel experts and chauffeurs, you can concentrate on your trip because we are here to enhance your travel experience.

With us, you can experience

A convenient and easy way to explore Cardiff

We are a trusted eight-seater minibus hire company that offers special rides with the driver. You will agree that having someone with the best understanding of Cardiff is an incredible way to make the most of your trip with Cheap Minibus hire cardiff. Our chauffeurs are well trained and having one for your trip is quite practical. Remember, you will ride with a driver who is well-conversant and experienced with larger vehicles.

If you love the freedom an experienced company offers, you are in the right place. You can spend the rest of the journey catching up with family and friends, resting your feet, and enjoying quality travels.

Coach Hire and Minibus Hire in Cardiff

We provide businesses and customers with state-of-the-art minibuses and coaches in and around Cardiff. All of our minibuses and coaches come complete with a driver and a host of great amenities.

We can also offer our coach hire and minibus hire services in Cardiff to provide airport transfers. Our drivers have local knowledge to ensure that your group is safely transported to your airport on time and free from stress to enjoy your trip! No matter your plans, you can rely on our coach hire and minibus hire services in Cardiff and beyond with Airport Coach Cardiff.

You can check out the range of vehicles we offer in Cardiff through the images and descriptions above. Booking a vehicle for you and your group of travelers is extremely easy. Get in touch with a member of the Bus4U Travel team, and we will provide you with the best possible quote we can. Our vehicles' maintenance, upkeep, and repair are done directly on-site. In addition, we have a strict policy towards cleanliness and ensure that all of the coaches and minibuses are in the best condition for our customers and users.

Why Choose coaches?

Bus4U Travel aims to provide customers with the highest customer service and satisfaction. We are constantly reviewing the process and products that we offer, and this helps us ensure that we are always offering the best possible service that we can with Coach Hire Cardiff. We also do our best to ensure that the quotes we provide for customers are competitively priced and do not sacrifice quality. All the drivers here at our taxis are expertly trained and have many years of experience in Corporate, premium, and regular coach hire. While our drivers are well trained, they are also all extremely friendly and will be able to work to your needs and requirement of the journey.

The Maltings, E Tyndall St, Cardiff CF24 5EA, United Kingdom

+44 29 2169 0279

Bristol Airport Transfers

Are you need an airport transfer taxi from Bristol Airport or get picked up from a train station? Here at Stone bank Travel, we specialize in airport transfers, and we can provide you with a swift and comfortable taxi journey with one (or more, depending on your requirements) of our professional and courteous drivers. We even track your flight or train on the way in so we know exactly when you’ll be arriving in Bristol. You can also have peace of mind as all our drivers are police vetted, meaning you can relax and feel safe throughout your journey.

What can you expect when you book an airport transfer? Upon your arrival at Bristol airport, we can meet you and your companions at arrivals and escort you directly to your vehicle, where you’ll enjoy refreshments on your way to your stated destination.

Why Bristol Taxi?


Taxi services to Bristol Airport automatically get top priority, so you don’t need to worry about missing that important flight.


Both taxi drivers and taxis undergo rigorous testing to ensure you can trust Bristol Taxis completely. Our business accounts are set up to make billing and admin as easy and fuss-free as possible and help you keep up with your taxi costs.

At Bristol Taxi, we offer much more than just a large, well-maintained taxi fleet available 24/7. Our taxi drivers know their way around Bristol and are trained and qualified to stringent standards. Our taxi services are available 24/7, and you can book a taxi by phone, text, or online. We also offer business accounts and can provide fixed taxi prices before your journey, allowing you to plan your budgets and control your taxi costs.

Our taxi drivers are focused on providing the best taxi services possible because we want you to be satisfied and to bring your repeat business back to Bristol Taxis.

All our taxi drivers have been vetted by Strathclyde Police, licensed by Bristol City Council, and have passed a City Council test of their knowledge of the city. All our taxi drivers are also issued with a unique ID number so that we know who is driving our taxis at all times.

Our taxi maintenance program is strict, and every taxi is rigorously checked twice a year by the council. All our taxi services are guaranteed to be covered by the proper level of insurance.

All our taxis are wheelchair accessible.

Bristol Taxis Ltd has more than 50 years of experience providing community taxi services. We are the largest and most professional provider of taxi services in Scotland and the fourth largest in the UK.

All our vehicles are equipped with the latest in radio and GPS communication technology, which means our controllers can maintain constant communication with drivers, who have a full range of satellite navigation options available at the touch of a screen.

Bristol Airport Transfers & Taxi Bookings

Whether you are looking to book a taxi for an airport transfer or want a cab booking to get you to and from a social event, you can rely on our experienced drivers to get you there. Booking Bristol airport transfers or taxi booking couldn’t be easier. Use our online booking form and get your free quote first.

If you have any special requirements, such as you require a child seat or you are in a large party of 8 people or more, we can cater to cover your requirements. Or why not look at our home page to see the full range of airport transfers or the local taxi service we can offer you?

Corporate Taxi Service

A popular service we provide to support businesses is corporate business travel, picking up any visitors to and from your business premises. We offer a professional corporate taxi service adding credibility to your company, ensuring your visitors get to and from their pick-up points, whether from Bristol Airport or any of the Bristol train stations.

Scottish Scenery

Do you want to visit some of the beautiful scenic parts of Scotland? From Bristol Airport, you’re within a short distance of some of central Scotland’s most beautiful scenery, such as the Trossachs National Park and the bonnie banks of Loch Lomond. This can be arranged when we pick you up from your Bristol airport transfer.

Bristol Destinations

Is Scottish culture your thing? If so, then when you book your taxi, we can take you to the world-famous Kelvingrove Art Gallery & Museum, the Gallery of Modern Art in the city center, the Riverside Museum (featuring Scotland’s transport museum), Bristol Cathedral, the National Piping Centre’s Museum of Piping, and for those of you who prefer to indulge more out of this world attractions, we also have the Bristol Science Centre. Distance is no object, and our drivers are happy to drive you to wherever you choose to go.

Book a Taxi to Bristol Hotels

Are you going to a special event and staying at a hotel but don’t want to take the car? Our Stonebank Travel taxi drivers can deliver you directly to the hotel or guesthouse of your choice. We offer a reliable local taxi service. Some of Bristol’s finer places of lodging include Bristol’s Radisson Red and Radisson Blu, the DoubleTree Hilton, Bristol’s famous Grand Central Hotel (directly above the central train station), the Crowne Plaza, the Carlton George (right in the heart of the city at George Square), and the stunning Malmaison.


Saltire Private Hire is a small Private hire operator based in Bristol. We started offering our services to the world back in 2006, initially to third-party providers, before offering our services to the general public in 2015.

We cover all major air and seaports in Scotland and the north of England, including Bristol Airport, GLA Edinburgh Airport EDI, Prestwick Airport PIK, and many others.

Taxi Service For The Area Of Nice France

Taxi Nice French Riviera is a taxi comparator that allows you to calculate the price of your trips and book a taxi in seconds. The estimate of the taxi price is done by putting the different taxi or VTC drivers into the competition, thus allowing you to obtain your trip at the best-fixed price.

No need to compare the different transport services. With this VTC comparator, you can order your driver, whether a Parisian or local taxi, in just a few clicks.

Our service ensures you get the lowest fare since you choose from a different taxi or VTC driver. Do you want to take a taxi to go to CDG airport? Or maybe you need to compare taxi prices to get to the station? With our VTC and taxi comparison, you will quickly find the vehicle you need.


The private drivers of Taxi Nice Airport are at your service for your professional and private trips to French Riviera in the French region, 7 days a week.

Located in the heart of the City, in French Riviera, at the foot of the largest alpine ski areas (Paradiski, Espace Killy, etc.), Our Taxi offers you a range of quality services intended to meet your needs fully. Your expectations in terms of private or professional travel, fixed price or à la carte and in complete serenity and discretion.

Our team is specialized in transfers and private trips from the airports and train stations of Lyon, Geneva, Grenoble, Chambéry to the ski resorts of the Alps, Les Arcs , La Rosière , Val d'Isère , Tignes , Peisey-Vallandry , Sainte-Foy-Tarentaise , etc.

Daily, Our company provides all your journeys to your vacation spots, from the Bourg-Saint-Maurice TGV station.

You are a travel agent or event organizer, and "transport" logistics is our speciality. Let us manage the travel of your customers and guests for an irreproachable quality of service. Our team of professionals remains at your disposal to give you all the additional information on taxi transport.

Taxi Nice French Riviera is a Taxi Nice Aeroport that allows you to calculate the price of your trips and book a taxi in seconds. The estimate of the taxi price is done by putting the different taxi or VTC drivers into a competition, thus allowing you to obtain your trip at the best-fixed price.

No need to compare the different transport services. With this VTC comparator, you can order your driver, whether a Parisian or local taxi, in just a few clicks.

Our service ensures you get the lowest fare since you choose from a different taxi or VTC driver. Do you want to take a taxi to go to CDG airport? Or maybe you need to compare taxi prices to get to the station? With our VTC and taxi comparison, you will quickly find the vehicle you need.

Secure Booking

When you are willing to know about the services we do have, it is necessary to contact us via the website. This is the ultimate benefit for the customer to know about the complete services and the process, and one can easily make the booking there. The secure booking portion gives the highest priority for the customer's satisfaction, and till now, it is the best one to go for. So, rather than wasting time on various pages, you may have the outlet and other particular information in one single thing. Our taxi service is reliable with the taxi in Riviera.

Reliable Service

When comfort comes after quality, it depends on how one reacts to necessity. For this necessity, we can say that our Taxi in Riviera can assure you the most reliable taxi services. With its unique working methodology and iconic management system, no unwell issues can surpass our experienced workers and staff. Reliable service is just a step ahead. Whenever you want, we're there. These are not just words; these are commitments by which we work and accomplish all of our services. Taxis in Paris are there to help you.

Customer Service

Business is not about money for us; it's about a customer's satisfaction that we seek and go for. Yes, money is needed as we cannot escape reality, but it has to be said that most services are customer oriented, and we are desperate to have customer satisfaction in our work diaries so that when we look for the big smiley face of the customers. From home to Paris airport taxi, whatever the case is, we are committed to giving the best. Also, we have an online system by that we can confirm you through e-mail and mobile SMS.

Fair Riviera Taxi Fare

You can easily calculate the amount of money required to have the services on the website. Also, there are many more options, like which one of the packages you choose based on quality and economic satisfaction. The primary speciality in our economic process is that there are no Hidden Charges. And that is entirely sure! So, you need not worry about any extra money to carry. And that's a plus for the valued customers we have. Our taxi fare is the simple format we follow, and we're good at it.

Comfortable transport in Nice

Do you need a tailor-made mode of transport with a private driver in Nice? Do you want to move in a calm and peaceful atmosphere? Our company offers you unique transport services in Nice as well as on the Côte-d'Azur and throughout the Alpes-Maritimes department.


Tailor-made transport service

Whatever your need, we will always be at your disposal, at any time. We assure you of our availability and responsiveness 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. In addition, you will be entitled to tailor-made services if you wish. So do not hesitate to call us to benefit from a partner of excellence.


Whatever the reason, you can count on our company to provide you with the ideal means of transport for all your travels in Nice and its surroundings.


Take advantage of the on-demand transport service in Nice

With  Taxi Nice French Riviera  , you will no longer have to worry about transport. Indeed, we are at your side whatever your request. For example, are you planning to see a performance at the Opéra de Nice? We can pick you up at your home or at your hotel to take you there. Are you more interested in shows or concerts? We will be present to ensure your transport for all your outings alone, as a couple, with colleagues or friends.


Travel to the destination of your choice with our drivers

We are your transport partner to take you to the destination of your choice. No matter the distance, whether it is a few kilometers or long distances, do not hesitate to contact us. For example, do you have to go to neighboring towns in the Alpes-Maritimes, on the Côte d'Azur such as Cantaron, Falicon, Cannes or La Trinité? No problem ! A simple call is enough!


We have THE ideal service for you, specially adapted to your transfers to and from airports. Our professionalism and our punctuality are our major assets in order to ensure you pleasant moments on board our vehicle, whatever the destination.


Your Shuttle with Nice Côte-d'Azur Airport

Got a plane to catch? We pick you up at your home, or at your hotel, at the time you indicate. In addition, we guarantee you an arrival at the airport on time and in complete safety. So you don't have to worry about your shuttle, takes care of everything!


And if you have just arrived at the airport, all you have to do is book our shuttle service to facilitate your transfer to your home or the hotel of your choice. Your driver welcomes you with a sign in your name. And as a little extra, you will be entitled to a luggage porterage service.


Which airports are served?

We serve not only Nice airport, but also all neighboring airports:



  • Nice-Cote d'Azur Airport
  • Monte-Carlo Airport, just 17 km from the city
  • Cuneo airport: 103 km
  • Toulon-Hyères airport: 106 km
  • Aix-en-Provence airport: 150 km
  • Genoa airport: 154 km
  • Lyon Saint Exupéry airport: about 485 km
  • Toulouse-Blagnac airport: 571 km
  • Paris airports: about 1,000 km



We can ensure all your round trips with the stations located in Nice as well as those of the Côte-d'Azur.


To all stations in Nice and the Côte d'Azur

The great thing about our business is that we can provide you with services that suit you perfectly. Whether you need to go to one of Nice's train stations or to a station in neighboring towns, we are always ready to take you there. We serve the following stations, among others:



  • Nice Ville SNCF train station
  • Nice-Riquier
  • Nice Saint-Augustin train station
  • Cros-de-Cagnes (11 km)
  • Cannes train station (about 33 km)
  • Toulon train station (149 km)
  • All stations in France and Italy



Business people need peace and convenience when traveling. This is why our list of services also includes a business service, perfect for your business trips to Nice and its surroundings.


Transport company and any request

First of all, we can pick you up at your home, hotel or business premises to take you to your various meeting and appointment locations. You will thus have a personal and competent driver at your entire disposal. If you need to go to a partner or associate, all you have to do is enter the address and our driver will take you there. Are you going on a business trip outside the Nice region? Then, your driver provides your shuttles with Nice-Côte-d'Azur airport and the stations of the Alpes-Maritimes.


What are our advantages?

In addition, you are entitled to quality service. Indeed, during your travels, your driver will show discretion, friendliness and expertise. In addition, your driver will present himself in smart and presentable attire.


Is it your first time visiting the city of Nice and you have no idea which sites you absolutely must visit? Count on accompanying you throughout your stay to discover the most interesting historical and tourist sites.


What are the advantages of our tourist service?

With our company, you can benefit from tailor-made tourist excursions. We will base ourselves for this on pre-established tourist circuits that we will adapt according to your desires.


Your driver will not only take you but he can also guide you to discover the different tourist and cultural places. We strive to make your stay as pleasant and interesting as possible.


What discoveries can you make in Nice?

Nice is a place where there is no shortage of tourist sites. We can help you by driving you to the most beautiful monuments in the city. For example, we can show you the most famous place to walk in France: the Promenade des Anglais. We also invite you to discover the Château de Nice, the Saint-Nicolas Cathedral, the Palais Lascaris or the famous Place Garibaldi.


Our services

Nice and its hinterland offer many ski resorts, 2 steps from the sea, ideal for practicing your favorite winter sports. Provides your transfers between Nice and the various resorts such as Valberg or Isola 2000. Do not hesitate to call on our company to take care of your transport.


A suitable vehicle an experienced driver

Do you require safe transport on snowy roads? Our high-performance vehicles are adapted to extreme conditions. We will then drive you to the ski resort of your choice in complete safety with an adapted vehicle.


Which stations are served from Nice by Taxi Nice Côte d'AzurHere are some stations we serve:


Audibergue station: we can get you there in just 1 hour and 15 minutes by car. Here you can practice alpine skiing and cross-country skiing.


  • La Colmiane where you can try the biggest zip line in France.
  • Saint Dalmas Le Selvage, which is one of the highest resorts in the Alpes-Maritimes.
  • Any other resort in the Alpes-Maritimes or the French and Italian Alps.

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