Five Forex Trading Tips Help You Win in a Breeze!
is the mindset of forex trading that is the hardest to learn as
techniques can be easily accessed online. Five tips in this field are
shared herein, leading you to a profitable trading direction.To get more
news about Forex Tips, you can visit official website.
1. Defense
rule in sports can apply to forex trading, i.e., offense is the best
defense, which indicates that only entering the market under the
favorable situation, while protecting the capital and leaving the market
when it is not.
2. Moderate intervention in trading
watching trading charts and monitoring transactions can do nothing but
hinder your operation. The real trading principle is following your
trading plan and calming down.
3. Attention to trading risks
too many risks are inflicted on your trading, you will become anxious
and upset. The situation where your sleeping quality has been worsened
is indicative of risks you have been suffering from are too high. In
this case, it is necessary to adjust your positions and funds invested
in your transactions as soon as possible.
4. Self-control
emotional lures you to the biggest trap in forex trading. It is
difficult for even golden opportunities to exert positive effects
against the backdrop of negative mentalities. As such, please forget
your ego and restrain your individuality amid your trading.
5. More supportive factors, better outcomes
transaction is more likely to be profitable when it can be supported by
more factors. Lucrative trading will come to you as long as you are
able to find the trend on charts and the point where a watermark matches
a signal.
Download WikiFX to get lessons from experts who have traded forex for over 20 years. (
5 raisons principales d’utiliser le VPS Forex !
WikiFX (mercredi 19 mai 2021) - Le VPS Forex (Serveur virtuel privé)
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Il y a 5 raisons principales d'utiliser un VPS Forex, comme suit :
En fonctionnant 7 jours sur 7 et 24 heures sur 24 sans interruption, le
système de trading intelligent peut assurer que vous utilisez bien tous
les signaux de trading, sans rater aucune opportunité.
2. Le
système de trading intelligent fonctionne automatiquement sur le VPS,
sans aucune intervention manuelle de votre MetaTrader. Cependant, il
faut faire également attention en cas d'erreur grave sur le logiciel de
la plate-forme de trading.
3. Le VPS est un serveur servant à faire
fonctionner les plates-formes de trading et les EA. Il bénéficie d‘une
vitesse plus rapide qu’un ordinateur personnel au niveau de traitement
de données et d‘envoi d’ordres, ce qui vous permettera d‘obtenir
meilleurs prix d’exécution, de traiter des cotations et d'utiliser le
système du scalping.
4. Vous pouvez choisir un VPS ayant le moindre
distance de vous, pour assurer la vitesse plus rapide de connextion et
d‘exécution d’ordres.
5. Vous pouvez vous connecter au VPS à
travers de n‘importe quel ordinateur. Ainsi, comme vos EA se trouve
toujours sur le VPS, vous pouvez contrôler et suivre vos EA dans
n’importe quel endroit en vous connectant au VPS.
Bien sûr, vous
devez avoir un EA rentable, dont le bénéfice mensuel devra couvrir le
coût du VPS. Sinon, il est inutile d'utiliser un VPS !
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Polri Bongkar Penipuan Lewat Investasi Aset Kripto EDCCash
Polri membongkar kasus penipuan melalui investasi cryptocurrency yang
dilakukan E-Dinar Coin Cash (EDCCash). Enam orang ditetapkan sebagai
tersangka.To get more news about Ekonomi Indonesia, you can visit official website.
Bareskrim Polri Brigjen Helmy Santika menyampaikan, para tersangka
merupakan para petinggi EDCCash yakni AY selaku CEO EDCCash, SY, BA, EK,
AW, dan MR.
“Ini sudah kita lakukan upaya paksa dan penahanan,” tutur Helmy di Mabes Polri, Jakarta Selatan, Kamis (22/4/2021).
Helmy, awalnya para pelaku ikut dalam komunitas E-Dinar Cash yang
memiliki 500 sampai 1.000 keanggotaan. Namun kemudian, AY mengajak EK
membuat aplikasi baru dengan sistem kerja yang dimodifikasi dan diberi
nama EDCCash.
“Dalam aplikasi tersebut tersangka AY adalah sebagai
top level, kemudian EK itu admin, kemudian BA sebagai exchanger, itu
peran-peran mereka,” jelas dia.
Secara teknis, setiap member akan
dimintakan uang transfer sebesar Rp 5 juta untuk dikonversikan menjadi
200 koin. Dengan rincian, Rp 4 juta untuk koin, Rp 300 ribu untuk sewa
cloud, dan Rp 700 ribu untuk upline.
“Kemudian dijanjikan bahwa
diam saja, tidak aktif, akan dapat keuntungan 0,5 persen per hari dan 15
persen per bulan. Diam saja. Apalagi kalau aktif menawari downline dia
akan dapat 35 koin,” kata Helmy.
Menurut Helmy, keanggotaan EDCCash
mencakup secara internasional. Sejauh ini tercatat ada 57 ribu member
yang jika per orang diminta transfer Rp 5 juta, maka dana hasil
investasi bodong tersebut kurang lebih mencapai Rp 285 miliar.
saat penggeledahan itu ditemukan ada senjata api, kami menemukan ada
senjata api kaliber 9 mm, ini kita sedang lakukan pendalaman,” Helmy
menandaskan.Kabag Penum Divisi Humas Polri Kombes Ahmad Ramadhan
menyampaikan terkait kasus dugaan investasi bodong E-Dinar Coin (EDC)
Cash, Bareskrim Polri telah menangkap dan menetapkan 6 orang tersangka.
saat ini dalam kasus tersebut ada 6 tersangka yang diamankan dan
dilakukan pemeriksaan di Bareskrim Polri,” kata Ahmad saat jumpa pers di
Mabes Polri, Selasa 20 April 2021.
Meski belum disebutkan
identitas keenam tersangka, namun penangkapan ini berdasarkan laporan
polisi dengan nomor LP/135/2021/ Bareskrim tanggal 22 Maret 2021 tentang
dugaan tindak pidana penipuan, penggelapan dan tindak pidana pencucian
Selain itu, Ahmad menuturkan, penyidik juga menggeledah
kediaman para tersangka. Salah satunya kediaman bos EDC Cash,
Abdulrahman Yusuf (AY) di Bekasi. Di lokasi ini penyidik menyita 14
mobil hingga sejumlah uang tunai.
“Kemudian sudah dilakukan
penggeledahan dan penyitaan di rumah tersangka AY dengan mengamankan 14
kendaraan roda 4, uang tunai baik rupiah ataupun mata uagn asing, serta
barang mewah lainnya,” terangnya.
Selain itu, Ahmad juga
menyampaikan pihaknya juga telah menggeledah rumah bos EDC Cash yang
lain berinisial H dan diamankan 4 kendaraan mewah. Rencananya kasus itu
akan dirilis Kabareskrim Polri Komjen Pol Agus Andrianto, Rabu (21/4)
“Besok jam belum ditentukan, Kabareskrim akan melakukan
konferensi pers atau press rilis terkait dengan kasus Edccash ini,”
tuturnya.Sebelumnya, belasan korban investasi bodong EDC Cash mendatangi
Bareskrim Polri. Para korban membuat laporan atas dugaan penipuan dan
“12 klien saya yang melaporkan dugaan tindakan pidana
penipuan penggelapan diduga dilakukan oleh terlapor A. Jadi klien saya
ini member dari EDC Cash yang sudah dinyatakan oleh OJK investasi
bodong,” kata kuasa hukum korban investasi bodong EDC Cash, Abdul Malik
di Bareskrim Polri, Rabu (14/4).
Malik mengatakan korban yang
terpedaya oleh terlapor berinisial A sudah banyak dan tersebar di
seluruh Indonesia. Malik menyebut pihaknya telah melakukan pendekatan
kekeluargaan dengan cara mendatangi rumah terlapor. Namun, hasilnya
“Jadi klien saya mencoba berkomunikasi dengan pihak
manajemen tetapi tidak pernah ketemu jalan keluar hingga akhirnya
mendapatkan ada beberapa ancaman juga untuk tidak melapor. Jadi saya
datang ke sini untuk melaporkan dan meminta perlindungan hukum,” ungkap
Malik menjelaskan modus penipuan EDC Cash menggunakan skema
multi level marketing (MLM). Menurut Malik, setiap nasabah yang direkrut
diwajibkan untuk membawa nasabah baru untuk diajak.Kalau ingat dulu ada
Pandawa investasi, enggak jauh beda. MLM ujung-ujungnya. Jadi setiap 1
orang itu, ada 1 leader yang downline ke bawahnya itu ada 200 orang, 100
orang,” jelas dia.
“Mereka mengkolek uang untuk membeli koin. Yang
koinnya itu ditukarkan sesama mitranya. Belinya 1 koin Rp30 ribu,
tadinya Rp20 ribu, sekarang jual tetap Rp15 ribu. Jadi mereka harus
membayar setiap bulannya Rp300 ribu. Membernya ada 70 ribu. Bayangkan
saja,” sambung dia.
Dia menjelaskan para member EDC Cash dijanjikan
mendapat keuntungan 0,5 persen dari total investasinya yang dibelikan
dalam bentuk koin itu. Di awal, kata Malik, memang ada keuntungan yang
didapat korban, namun lama-lama untung itu tidak didapatnya. Akibat
kejadian ini, kliennya merugi sekitar Rp 62 miliar.
ngày 11-5, nghệ sĩ Việt Nam đồng loạt đăng bài quảng cáo trên trang cá
nhân hoặc fanpage về một loạt đồng tiền mã hóa, ngoài nội dung kêu gọi
mua các đồng tiền theo trào lưu động vật thì có một đồng khác biệt, được
đặt ở giữa danh sách là FXT.To get more news about quảng cáo đa cấp tiền ảo, you can visit official website.
là các nghệ sĩ, người nổi tiếng như Ngọc Trinh, Kiều Minh Tuấn, Nam
Thư, Khả Như, Lê Dương Bảo Lâm, Gin Tuấn Kiệt, Thiên Hương... Bài đăng
có nội dung quảng cáo đồng tiền ảo FXT được cộng đồng người tham gia FXT
Token chia sẻ rầm rộ.Theo ghi nhận, sàn FX Trading Markets không có các
cổng thanh toán trung gian. Các thành viên của Lion Group muốn đầu tư
bắt buộc phải nộp tiền mặt là tiền đồng Việt Nam cho tuyến trên, sau đó
nhận lại đồng tiền ảo có tên là FXT, với tỷ lệ quy đổi do Lion Group quy
định là 1 USD được 1 FXT. Đồng tiền ảo FTX cũng chỉ được giao dịch
trong nội bộ nhóm Lion Group và sàn FX Trading Markets mà thôi. Trong
trường hợp nội bộ không có người mua, hoặc sàn dừng hoạt động, những
người đầu tư này sẽ có nguy cơ mất toàn bộ số tiền đã nạp.
Lãi suất
từ 0,8 - 1%/ngày, tương đương với khoảng 20 - 24%/tháng, 240 -
288%/năm, đây là mức lãi suất hấp dẫn mà nhóm Lion Group (Lion team)
quảng cáo nếu người tham gia đầu tư vào sàn Forex FX Trading Markets.
Tuy nhiên, những người tham gia đang đứng trước nguy cơ mất gần như toàn
bộ số tiền đã bỏ ra vào đây, vì Lion Group không còn cho rút tiền.
tại mình đang lỗ 95% số vốn mà mình đầu tư ra. Tổng số tiền đầu tư vào
Lion là hơn 310 triệu đồng, mới rút ra được 50 triệu đồng, còn lại hơn
250 triệu vẫn ở trong Lion. Bây giờ muốn rút ra thì phải chấp nhận mất
95% của số tiền đó”, một người tham gia nhóm Lion Group cho biết
khi tôi đòi tiền mà họ không chấp nhận thì họ block tôi ra khỏi nhóm,
họ hết trách nhiệm với tài khoản của tôi”, một người chơi khác cho biết
Ngọc Phương (Iker Phương) - Người sáng lập Lion Group cho biết: “Thời
gian vừa qua, chúng ta thanh lọc rất nhiều, chúng ta khóa tài khoản rất
nhiều, và trục xuất rất nhiều thành viên ra khỏi cộng đồng của chúng
“Đến Ngọc Trinh, Kiều Minh Tuấn, Khả Như... còn tham gia thì
các bạn chần chờ gì?”, nội dung dòng trạng thái đăng lại ảnh chụp màn
hình của người tự nhận là leader Lion Group chia sẻ trên mạng xã hội và
trong hội nhóm Lion.
Khi so sánh với mức lợi nhuận hàng trăm phần
trăm, không có bất kì rủi ro thua lỗ nào mà Lion Group đưa ra thì có thể
thấy sự chênh lệch rất khủng khiếp. Đây chính là dấu hiệu của đa cấp
biến tướng, khoản tiền để trả cho các nhà đầu tư tới từ các nhà đầu tư
đến sau. Và như bất cứ mô hình ponzi nào sẽ đến lúc phải sụp đổ, nhà đầu
tư phía sau phải chịu những thiệt hại vô cùng lớn. Hiện nay, Lion Group
không còn cho rút tiền, nhà đầu tư muốn rút tiền thì buộc phải đưa đồng
tiền ảo FXT lên sàn để tự thanh khoản. Giá trị của đồng tiền ảo này đã
giảm 95%, đồng nghĩa với việc tài sản của nhà đầu tư bị “bốc hơi” gần
hết. Nhưng đến thời điểm hiện nay vẫn có không ít người tham gia tin vào
nhóm Lion Group và chờ đồng tiền ảo FXT sẽ tăng giá.
Vì vậy, đồng
FXT trong bài quảng cáo được các nghệ sĩ trên đăng tải, được cho là liên
quan trực tiếp đến dự án đa cấp Lion Group và sàn FX Trading Markets.
“Tôi cho rằng việc người nổi tiếng như Ngọc Trinh khoe ví điện tử triệu USD có thể là hành động quảng cáo ngầm cho FXT chứ không phải Dogecoin hay Shiba. Bởi thời gian hiển thị trong hình chụp lệch khá nhiều so với lúc đăng tải. Chưa kể, còn là việc nhiều nghệ sĩ Việt và người nổi tiếng chia sẻ cùng một nội dung bài đăng rất đáng ngờ”, một chuyên gia công nghệ, đồng thời là quản trị viên của một group về tiền kỹ thuật số lớn nhất ở Việt Nam chia sẻ. Chuyên gia này cho rằng việc cài đồng FXT vào giữa danh sách trong bài viết là cách các nghệ sĩ quảng cáo đồng tiền ảo của Lion Group.
EUR/USD, USD/JPY Look to PMI Data & Yields
Dollar bears drove the broader DXY Index -0.5% lower on Thursday. This
followed a drop in Treasury yields that completely unwound yesterdays
rise sparked by FOMC minutes, which hinted at the threat of Fed
tapering. Broad US Dollar weakness sent EUR/USD ripping 50-pips higher
to test yearly open resistance while USD/JPY tumbled -0.41% on the
session. The DXY Index now hovers back at a key area of technical
support near the 89.65-price level.To get more news about WikiFX, you can visit official website.
Dollar bulls might look to defend this potential area of buoyancy
underpinned by Februarys monthly low. The bottom Bollinger Band could
also help stymie US Dollar selling pressure. To that end, the DXY Index
arguably is starting to look oversold here judging by the relative
strength index. US Dollar rebound potential brings the 20-day simple
moving average and descending trendline into focus.
clipsing last
weeks high around 90.80 might open up the door to test the 50-day simple
moving average and upper Bollinger Band. On the other hand, another
round of US Dollar weakness might steer the DXY Index toward the
89.20-price level where year-to-date lows reside. Taking out that level
of technical support may see US Dollar bears set their sights on 2018
swing lows deep into the 88.00-handle. This could confirm the ominous
descending triangle chart pattern that appears to be forming on the DXY
Looking ahead to Fridays trading session on the Economic
Calendar, we see notable event risk posed by the scheduled release of
PMI surveys by IHS Markit. Though overnight US Dollar implied volatility
readings suggest that major currency pairs are expected to have
relatively little movement. EUR/USD overnight implied volatility of
5.5%, for example, ranks in the bottom 25th percentile of measurements
taken over the last 12-months.
Likewise, USD/JPY overnight implied
volatility of 4.5% is below its 20-day average reading of 5.5% and ranks
in the bottom 20th percentile of readings over the last year. If US PMI
data emphasizes persistent supply chain disruptions and corresponding
price pressures, however, currency volatility could accelerate alongside
a sharp spike higher in Treasury yields as markets grow more fearful of
inflation and the risk of Fed tapering.
Frenzy in Commodity Market: Energy Futures Remain Preeminent
boisterous situation can be seen where the marketplace of commodities
has witnessed bull markets of varying degrees recently. It is believed
that the Chicago Mercantile Exchange (CME) must be hustle and bustle
because of its business on diversified commodity futures against the
backdrop of increasing trading volumes. I was invited by CME to an
online lecture relating to NYMEX West Texas Intermediate (WTI) Crude Oil
futures (CL) last Friday, during which I shared my optimistic attitudes
to transient transactions conducted in this field where a bearish trend
could be encountered in the long run as numerous countries, including
China and America, have made their energy policies focusing on
environmental protection and new energy resources.To get more news
about WikiFX, you can visit official website.
to Reuters, the entire marketplace of energy futures has continuously
taken the lead, accounting for over 34.8% of the whole trading market,
which has surpassed that of the other industrial materials, such as
basic metals, livestock, crops, and precious metals. However, from my
long-term point of view, I am still positive about the performance of
basic metals, copper in particular, because of the economic recovery
worldwide and the increasing demand for electric automobiles. In fact,
every type of commodity futures harbors its advantages in the short
term. Even gold, weak in the first quarter, has been boosted by the
worsening global inflation, the weakening of USD, and the plummet of
virtual currencies.
As for individual investors interested in the WTI
CL trading, it is worth mentioning that Micro WTI Crude Oil futures
(MCL) will be introduced by CME on July 12th 2021 to fine-tune the crude
oil market exposure up or down in 100-barrel increments (the size of
one contract). This figure is at a tenth of the size of the benchmark
WTI futures contract. The new MCL is believed to be popular among
individual investors as the cost of one contract is only around USD 530.
remain prudent but optimistic about the annual performance of oil
prices because they are favored in the short run by the situations where
the financial market is still playing up the continuous economic
recovery around the world, and Europe has kept the pandemic under
preliminary control and lifted the lockdown gradually, coupled with the
Middle East tensions. In addition, as we all know, oil prices generally
see more increases than declines in summer, the main reason for which is
that the Gulf of Mexico is often attacked by severe hurricanes in
summer that result in shutdowns caused by the destruction of the
refining infrastructure in the area, which is conducive to the growth of
oil prices.
However, the upward trend of oil prices may succumb to
the unstable performance of the American economic statistics in recent
months and the adjustments of varying degrees made by the global market.
Based on the contract analysis of the situation in July where the
largest trading volumes occurred, oil prices have dropped from the peak
at USD 67 impacted by the selling pressure but risen from the trough
close to USD 57 supported by the buying power since March, whereas the
latest figure for the supportive level is USD 60.56. If oil prices fall
back to the aforementioned trough, purchases of CL at low prices will be
induced, leading oil prices to a rally.
Bitcoin declared ‘dead’ more than 400 times now
Bitcoin's price took a sharp dive to “pre-Elon Musk pump” levels of
$30,000, mainstream media took an unsurprising approach covering the
marketwide crash by announcing that Bitcoin is dead.To get more news
about WikiFX, you can visit official website.
end of Bitcoin (BTC) has now been announced more than 400 times in 12
years, according to the Bitcoin Obituaries archive. There are 414
obituaries for Bitcoin since its inception in 2010, and Wednesday's
post-mortem assessments of Bitcoin are still being added.
The obituaries range from calling Bitcoin the biggest Ponzi scheme in history to comparing BTC to Monopoly money.
first year of crypto shows only one record, when Bitcoin's price was
$0.23, explaining that Bitcoin cant be a currency. More than a quarter
of the submissions are related to the 2017 Bitcoin bull run and the huge
crash afterward.
While the negative stories on Bitcoin arrive
primarily in times of price crashes, Bitcoin obituaries data shows that
its not unusual to have an article burying the largest cryptocurrency
while the market is still growing.
Bitcoin has always been a good
topic for the mainstream media to criticize. Its price volatility, the
still-unsolved mystery of creator Satoshi Nakamoto, and its
decentralized structure that enables usage in illegal transactions make
Bitcoin an easy target for sensational headlines.
This weeks price
dip similarly triggered apocalyptic headlines from a slew of mainstream
media outlets. Over $350 billion was lost in cryptocurrency market
capitalization, and altcoins saw a 15%–30% price dip throughout the day.
Some major crypto trading platforms such as Coinbase, Binance and
Gemini experienced downtimes due to the unusual market activity.
the crash, some experts are convinced that the market will bounce back.
Yesterday, Cointelegraph organized a livestream to analyze and
understand the market‘s situation, with Charlie Burton and Michaël van
de Poppe as guests. The question “Was today’s market movement the end of
the bull cycle?” received a solid “No” from both guests.
Gold Price Outlook
Gold prices gained on Thursday as the anti-fiat yellow metal capitalized on a weaker US Dollar and falling longer-term Treasury yields. Weakness in the latter followed a brief spike on this weeks FOMC meeting minutes, where officials noted that it could be soon time to discuss tapering policy. That may pose a threat to XAU/USD, which tends to benefit when yields are depressed given it is a non-interest bearing asset.To get more news about WikiFX, you can visit official website.
A reason why the yellow metal may have climbed on Thursday was falling inflation expectations, which drives what investors think the Fed could do. To that end, there was a general decline in commodity prices. Copper is down over 7% from the all-time high on May 10th. Lumber futures are also down, almost 20% from this months top. This may be reducing the urgency for the Fed to unwind dovish policy.
The US 5-year breakeven rate fell to its lowest since the end of April yesterday. The breakeven rate is derived by taking the difference between real bond yields and nominal ones of the same maturity. This results in an estimated gauge of inflation that is priced in by markets. So, what might gold be awaiting heading into the weekend?
Eyes are on preliminary Markit US manufacturing and services PMI readings for May. Having said that, persistent dovish commentary from the Federal Reserve could numb a market reaction to an upside surprise in the data. As such, the skew might be for a more aggressive reaction to a softer outcome. That may offer some upside potential for gold if that results in further bond yield declines.
On the 4-hour chart, gold seems to be finding itself within the boundaries of a Symmetrical Triangle chart pattern. This is a neutral formation, where the direction of the breakout could precede the next key move. A climb above the ceiling would likely place the focus on 1890 as XAU/USD aims for the 1900 handle. If not, triangle resistance can hold and keep the yellow metal in a consolidative setting.
21/22 Manchester City Shirt Will Feature Aguero Tribute
Leaked football kit news update for Manchester City fans! Reliable football kit news outlet Footy Headlines have given us a sneak peek at the Manchester City home shirt for the 2021/22 season. The leaked photos show that the kit will have a special feature to honour the club's legendary forward Sergio Aguero, who will leave the club at the end of this season.Get more news about soccer jersey wholesale,you can vist!
The shirt has a sleek detail that commemorates the historic stoppage time goal Aguero had scored against Queens Park Rangers in 2012, which led to Manchester City's first Premier League title. ''93:20'' is printed on the shirt which is the exact time of the match when Aguero's goal had gone in.
However, it's not the only nostalgic touch Puma put on this shirt. The colourway is a whole lot similar to the Umbro shirts Manchester City wore that season. Also, the sponsorship fonts are in white for the first time since 2010/11, when Man City had won the FA Cup to end their trophy drought that dragged on for 35 years.