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KamagraOral Jelly is a common medication used to treat erectile dysfunction. It comes in single-use packs of (yes really) flavored oral jelly. Unlike most ED medications, which come in tablet form because you’re an adult, Kamagra can be eaten like a Jell-O® shot, like you’re a young adult.

And yes, they have several different flavored Kamagra Oral Jelly packs available, including orange, vanilla and chocolate.

Instead of the Everclear in your older brother’s Jell-O shots however, this jelly contains sildenafil — the same active ingredient in the medication Viagra. Because of this, Kamagra is usually marketed as a cheaper alternative to drugs such as Viagra and Cialis® (which contains a similar medication, tadalafil).

Kamagra Oral Jelly isn’t currently approved for use in the United States or frat parties. This means it has yet to go through the strict testing and approval process the Federal Drug Administration (FDA) requires for every prescription medication — including ED medications like Viagra.

But just because the FDA hasn’t signed off on something yet, doesn’t mean it’s not effective. So what’s the deal with this stuff?

Does Kamagra Oral Jelly Work for ED?

While there’s relatively little research onKamagraitself, there's a ton of established research that concludes that sildenafil or sildenafil citrate works well to treat ED.

Sildenafil is a  phosphodiesterase type 5 inhibitor, or PDE5 inhibitor. This type of medication was originally developed as a treatment for medical conditions like hypertension but was later found to have a beneficial effect for sexual activity.


Like most other ED medications in its class, sildenafil inhibits enzymes that affect the muscles managing blood flow to the erectile tissue of your penis. This allows the muscles to function normally, making it easier for you to get and keep an erection when you’re sexually aroused.

Numerous studies, as well as several large-scale reviews, have concluded that sildenafil is one of the most effective treatments available for ED.

It’s also sometimes used as a premature ejaculation treatment in an off-label capacity.

In other words, Kamagara’s main ingredient has been shown to be safe and effective. Unfortunately, things get complicated when we look at quality standards, dosing and other issues.

What to Use Instead of Kamagra Jelly

Alright, you get it.Kamagrabad. But that doesn't mean you don't have options to treat your ED symptoms.

In fact, you have several, including FDA-approved, science-backed ED medications and things like psychotherapy, vacuum constriction devices and more.

Let’s look at them in more detail.

ED Medications

When ED medications like Viagra and Cialis first appeared on the market in the late 1990s and early 2000s, they were far from affordable because they were under patent protection.

Today, the situation is completely different. The patents on most ED medications have expired, meaning that affordable, high-quality generic versions are now readily available in the US, including:

Sildenafil is a short-acting ED medication that lasts for approximately four hours and needs to be taken about one hour before you plan to have sex.

Tadalafil is a longer-acting ED medication that lasts for up to 36 hours, earning it a reputation as the “weekend” treatment of erectile dysfunction.

Levitra (vardenafil) works similarly to sildenafil but requires a smaller dose.

Newer medications such as Stendra® (which contains the active ingredient avanafil) can also treat erectile dysfunction and improve your sexual performance. 

You’ll get far better results from these medications than you would from an unlicensed drug like Kamagra Oral Jelly. This full guide to the most common ED treatments provides more information about how these medications work, their dosages, side effects and more.

And though you may think getting a prescription seems hard, accessing ED medication is easy.

You can even find generic sildenafil (the active ingredient in Viagra) and tadalafil (Cialis) online with us, following a consultation with a licensed healthcare provider who will determine if a prescription is appropriate.


Other Treatments for Erectile Dysfunction

In addition to PDE5 inhibitors, several other methods are used to treat erectile dysfunction and other sexual performance issues.

In brief, they include:

Psychotherapy. Many causes of ED are psychological, meaning they’re linked to issues such as depression, anxiety or severe stress. In this case, your healthcare provider may suggest counseling.

Other medications. If PDE5 inhibitors aren’t effective at improving your erections and sexual performance, your healthcare provider may recommend alprostadil or other types of medication.

Vacuum constriction devices (VCDs). Also known as “penis pumps,” these devices work by pulling blood into your penis. You may need to wear an elastic ring to sustain your erection during sex.

Kamagra Oral Jelly: Making Your Decision

KamagraOral Jelly is one of the most well-known alternatives to Viagra for people who like banner ads and Jell-O shots. Yes, it’s been around for decades and has been relentlessly promoted through spam emails and other forms of online marketing.

But it’s not something you should use.

Hopefully, we’ve talked you out of sending your credit card info out into the dangerous world unprotected, but in case you want the reasons why hammered home one more time, here’s what you need to remember:

While the sildenafil used in Kamagra is backed up by research, it’s not wise to use Kamagra and other unlicensed medications to treat ED.

Not only are these medications potentially unsafe, they’re often sold by vendors that engage in less-than-ethical activities when it comes to billing and customer privacy.

There are several affordable, FDA-approved medications you should consider instead if you’re one of the tens of millions of American men affected by ED.

If you want to treat ED but prefer to avoid the price tag of brand name Viagra, you’ll get the best results by buying generic ED medication from a reputable telehealth provider. You can get an erectile dysfunction consult checked off your list today with us.

Not only will you get the medication you need, but you’ll also be able to discuss your issues with a licensed healthcare provider to make sure your safety is taken into account.

Limit the Jell-O side effects to hangovers and sugar rushes — get safe ED meds today.

Aurogra100 mg is regarded to be one of the most appropriate generic drugs for ED treatment.

Erectile dysfunction has adverse effects on one’s sexual life. Depression, irritation in behavior leading to a divide between the partners.

The problem of ED infuses loss of self-esteem, confidence, and manhood among men. Especially in a country like India where masculinity is directly linked with an erect penis.

Order Aurogra 100 Mg from genericbucket and keep your penis erect for more than 2 hours to enjoy memorable intercourse.

How does the drug Aurogra 100 Mg can furnish its work in the body?

Erectile dysfunction is basically not a disease but a disorder of body systems and reproductive organs caused due to changing lifestyles.

In Erectile dysfunction, blood vessels on the penis receive an inadequate supply of blood resulting in less or no erection.

Aurogra100 Mg relaxes the vessels on the penis, which allows more blood to flow causing an erection that lasts long.

Once sexually aroused the sildenafil gets activated. This is an important point for all who are going to try this drug in near future.

The drug only works after you are already aroused. Without stimulation, no erection takes place.

How long does it take for Aurogra 100 Mg to work?

Usually once taken into the food pipe, within 30 to 40 minutes the drug does its job of erection. So, plan your intercourse accordingly.

The time also depends on your eating habits and various addictions. If you consume the drug with alcohol or after the drug consumes alcohol then it may take more than 40 minutes.

Healthy eating and drinking favor sexual pleasure. A person with a mismanaged routine will face difficulties in his sexual life.

How to eat up Aurogra 100 Mg pills?

Take 1 glass of water and swallow it with 1 pill ofAurogra100 Mg tablets.

As soon as the salt, Sildenafil citrate dissolves with water it starts its job.

Care is to be taken that you don’t consume the pills with alcohol because this will lower the efficiency of the drug resulting in less erection.

Don’t consume the drug with any beverage like soda, or any acidic juice as it may react with the drug and show unwanted and fatal side effects.

Usually, people take the drug after having a meal. But make sure to have a light one.

Aurogra 100 Mg Storage Conditions

Storage of this drug is very simple and requires the necessary facilities.

Any temperature within the range of 15°C to 30°C is suitable for the storage of this drug.

But try to keep the pills away from humid and moisture-laden places. Moisture being a form of water may react with the drug and reduce its effectiveness.

Aurogra 100 Mg Side Effects

Well, every drug shows some side effects. Mostly they are minor ones and do not cause great damage so we ignore them. But if the drug causes side effects that are fatal, septic then consults a doctor immediately. Below are the side effects ofAurogra100 Mg pills :



High blood pressure

More sweating

Joint pain

Chest pain


Loss of vision (in critical cases, occurs very rarely)

Aurogra 100 Mg Precautions

Take special precautions if the person is above 60 years of age. At such an age the strength of the tissues reduces, the arteries work under great pressure. So please consult a doctor before its usage.

Each body reacts differently to the same chemicals. So who how the drug may react in your body. To avoid any consequences take advice from a doctor.

What is the usefulness of Aurogra 100 Mg pills?

The main use of the drug is to erect your penis and retain that erection for more tum 2 to 3 hours.

After usingAurogra100 Mg tablets spark will generate in your marriage life.

Those who are suffering from sexual impotence should also intake this drug. With only an erection you wouldn’t be able to shake the bed. For that, you need stamina, strength, and vigor.

Aurogra 100 Mg besides giving you an erection also boosts your energy to shake up the bed.

Why purchase Aurogra 100 Mg from genericbucket?

Genericbucket is a specialist in providing premium sexual pleasure to its customers. Ask someone suffering from ED, he will always refer you to Genericbucket.

Genericbucket secures the privacy of their customer without letting the delivery agent know what’s inside the box.

Products from Genericbucket are genuine products with recommendations from renowned sexologists and doctors.

Cenforce100 mg drug is helpful in the treatment of Erectile Dysfunction, pre-ejaculation, and impotence in males.

It has Sildenafil Citrate as its active ingredient. Active ingredient refers to the main constituent of the drug responsible for the reaction of the drug.

The drug is distributed and manufactured by Centurion Laboratories, in the Indian State of Gujarat.

It belongs to the class of PDE5 inhibitors, which means Sildenafil Citrate doesn’t let PDE5 function because PDE5 is responsible for the penis to lose its erection.

After using this drug, the erection will last even after the intercourse. This will invite you to go for the second round of enjoyment.

It has to date erected many penises and helped achieve orgasm for many couples, leading to a happy married life.

Cenforce100 mg is such a known drug that it is available in almost all the local stores, and if you prefer privacy then, it is also available on online pharmaceutical sites.

How can the drug Cenforce 100 mg furnish with its work in the body?

Erectile Dysfunction (ED) is not a disease, but a medical situation in which the penis has lost its ability to remain erect. And if it gets erect within a few minutes again loses its erection.

Usually, on sexual stimulation for any reason, the blood vessels on the penis expand, and blood pressure in other parts of the body is lowered. Thus, an increased supply of blood in the penis takes, which causes an erection.

But in the case of ED, after sexual stimulation, the blood vessels fail to expand, and due to low or no flow of blood in the penis, no or little erection takes place.

Cenforce100 mg tablet comes as a boon in such situations. When the sildenafil citrate enters the bloodstream. It eases the pelvis muscles, lowers blood pressure, and helps in the expansion of the blood vessels of the penis. Hence, causing an erection that lasts long.

 How long does it take for Cenforce 100 mg to work?

Well, if you want cent percent results, eat the pill 30 to 40 minutes before the sexual occasion.

The duration of erection lasts from 4 to 5 hours. This duration depends on several factors.

If you are a smoking and alcohol addict, and you consume alcohol or smoke before or during sex. The pills lose their efficiency.

And 4 to 5 hours is enough for attaining the premium pleasure of orgasm.

How to take Cenforce 100 mg tablets?

The process of intake ofCenforce100 mg tablets is very simple.

Gulp 1 pill of Cenforce 100 mg or as prescribed by the doctor with 1 glass of normal water.

The pill should be swallowed as a whole and not be disintegrated into pieces or to be chewed.

Take the pill only with normal water. Using alcohol or other acidic beverage in place of water can cause adverse and unknown side effects.

Cenforce 100 mg needs to special environment or equipment for its storage, like cold storage.

Temperatures ranging from 14oC to 35oC are the most favorable.

Keep the drug away from warm and moisture-rich places or areas in your house or factory.

The moisture may react with the drug and get unnecessarily wasted.

Side Effects

Side Effects of a drug depend on some reasons. Side effect necessarily doesn’t mean that the drug is ineffective or unsafe to use. Some drugs show side effects in one person but work fine in another person. Then, there are illegal drugs that are unsafe for everyone.

Some drugs show side effects that are very minor and easily ignorable like headache, constipation, loose motion, or laziness. But some drugs show fatal ones which can put one’s life in danger. Side effects related toCenforce100 mg are:


High blood pressure


Blurred vision

Loss of vision (in critical circumstances)

Stomach ache

Pain in Chest

Joint pain

Swollen skin

Appearance of Sores


Cenforce100 mg drug is helpful in the treatment of Erectile Dysfunction, pre-ejaculation, and impotence in males.

It has Sildenafil Citrate as its active ingredient. Active ingredient refers to the main constituent of the drug responsible for the reaction of the drug.

The drug is distributed and manufactured by Centurion Laboratories, in the Indian State of Gujarat.

It belongs to the class of PDE5 inhibitors, which means Sildenafil Citrate doesn’t let PDE5 function because PDE5 is responsible for the penis to lose its erection.

After using this drug, the erection will last even after the intercourse. This will invite you to go for the second round of enjoyment.

It has to date erected many penises and helped achieve orgasm for many couples, leading to a happy married life.

Cenforce100 mg is such a known drug that it is available in almost all the local stores, and if you prefer privacy then, it is also available on online pharmaceutical sites.

How can the drug Cenforce 100 mg furnish with its work in the body?

Erectile Dysfunction (ED) is not a disease, but a medical situation in which the penis has lost its ability to remain erect. And if it gets erect within a few minutes again loses its erection.

Usually, on sexual stimulation for any reason, the blood vessels on the penis expand, and blood pressure in other parts of the body is lowered. Thus, an increased supply of blood in the penis takes, which causes an erection.

But in the case of ED, after sexual stimulation, the blood vessels fail to expand, and due to low or no flow of blood in the penis, no or little erection takes place.

Cenforce100 mg tablet comes as a boon in such situations. When the sildenafil citrate enters the bloodstream. It eases the pelvis muscles, lowers blood pressure, and helps in the expansion of the blood vessels of the penis. Hence, causing an erection that lasts long.

 How long does it take for Cenforce 100 mg to work?

Well, if you want cent percent results, eat the pill 30 to 40 minutes before the sexual occasion.

The duration of erection lasts from 4 to 5 hours. This duration depends on several factors.

If you are a smoking and alcohol addict, and you consume alcohol or smoke before or during sex. The pills lose their efficiency.

And 4 to 5 hours is enough for attaining the premium pleasure of orgasm.

How to take Cenforce 100 mg tablets?

The process of intake ofCenforce100 mg tablets is very simple.

Gulp 1 pill of Cenforce 100 mg or as prescribed by the doctor with 1 glass of normal water.

The pill should be swallowed as a whole and not be disintegrated into pieces or to be chewed.

Take the pill only with normal water. Using alcohol or other acidic beverage in place of water can cause adverse and unknown side effects.

Cenforce 100 mg needs to special environment or equipment for its storage, like cold storage.

Temperatures ranging from 14oC to 35oC are the most favorable.

Keep the drug away from warm and moisture-rich places or areas in your house or factory.

The moisture may react with the drug and get unnecessarily wasted.

Side Effects

Side Effects of a drug depend on some reasons. Side effect necessarily doesn’t mean that the drug is ineffective or unsafe to use. Some drugs show side effects in one person but work fine in another person. Then, there are illegal drugs that are unsafe for everyone.

Some drugs show side effects that are very minor and easily ignorable like headache, constipation, loose motion, or laziness. But some drugs show fatal ones which can put one’s life in danger. Side effects related toCenforce100 mg are:


High blood pressure


Blurred vision

Loss of vision (in critical circumstances)

Stomach ache

Pain in Chest

Joint pain

Swollen skin

Appearance of Sores


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