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Cele mai fascinante atractii si obiective turistice
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Obiective turistice Arieseni - atractii turistice Muntii Obiective turistice in Arieseni si Padis. Atractii turistice ce merita vizitate de cei care vin in Muntii Apuseni. Pesteri racoroase, cascade inspumate si ...
Atractii turistice - Parcul National Piatra Craiului Atractii turistice in Parcul National Piatra Craiului ... Vizitatorii ii pot descoperi atractiile parcurgand cele 42 de trasee turistice.
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CARACTERISTICIInaltime (mm):150Latime (mm):100Sectiune (mm):12x12Profil:Lis
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Un design prietenos care transmite ideea de echilibru si creeaza o atmosfera familiara si destinsa tuturor oaspetilor dumneavoastra . Configuratia panoului permite circulatia eficienta a aerului fara a pune nici un fel de presiune pe panou . Ca si rezultat, veti avea o curte bine ventilata si cu un aer permanent proaspat.
Modul in care panoul este asamblat, permite o variatie nelimitata de distante intre lamele, care pot fi reglate cu ajutorul distantierelor special concepute in acest sens. Trebuie doar sa va puneti imaginatia la treaba.
Faceti cea mai buna alegere pentru curtea dumneavoastra.
Modern. Calitativ. Elegant.
CaracteristiciInaltimePoate fi oricare intre 1mm si 2200mmDimensiuneStandard, sau se realizeaza in functie de cotele clientilorLungimePoate fi oricare intre 1mm si 6000mm
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Eco Electronic Collect is a company that has been active on the Romanian market since 2018 with the collection of electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE), ferrous and non-ferrous materials, as well as packaging.
Our company ensures and supervises the entire process of collection, transport, dismantling and recycling so that, at the end, the waste no longer represents a danger to the environment. The prompt and specialized consultancy offered to our customers regarding the recycling of electrical equipment, batteries and accumulators, household appliances, is a defining element of the company.
Eco Electronic Collect acts constantly through the continuous and sustained development of the infrastructure for the collection, recycling and recovery of waste.
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Varsta:de la 1 pana la 3 aniSarcina Maxima:pana la 20 kgViteza Maxima:pana la 3.5 km/hSistemul de viteza:1 viteza inainteAcumulator: 6V/4AhMotoare: 1 x 6V/18000RPMRoti: din plastic, fata 20×7 cm, spate 17×7 cmScaun: piele eco, 21 x 14 cmDimensiuni: 67 х 36 х 42 cmGreutate: 5 kgSKU: PA.JT5188.CRCategorie: Motociclete CopiiEtichete: atv copii, atv electric copii, BICICLETA DE ECHILIBRU FARA PEDALE, BMW S1000 RR (5188) ROSU, KART CU PEDALE PENTRU COPII, masini electrice copii, masini electrice pentru copii, MASINUTA FARA PEDALE, masinute electrice, masinute electrice copii, masinute electrice ieftine, masinute electrice pentru copii, motociclete copii, motociclete pentru copii, suv copii, Tricicleta copii, TRICICLETA ELECTRICA MICA DE 6 VOLTI, Tricicleta pentru copii
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Cod Produs:PH-02Categorii: ARTICOLE PETSHOP, TOATE PRODUSELEEtichete:60 x 45 x 30 cmCulcus confortabil pentru animaleCulcus pentru animaleCulcus pentru animale 60 x 45 x 30 cmCulcus pentru animale cu salteluta detasabilaCulcus superconfortabil animale
Culcus superconfortabil pentru animale, lavabil, cu salteluta cu 2 fete inclusa.Husa saltelutei este prevazuta cu fermoar; poate fi spalata la 30 grade.Dimensiune culcus: 60 x 45 x 30 cm
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Are you moving your company to a new office? Here's what you have to consider!
The company headquarters relocation process is one that involves a lot of attention, time and responsibility. Because there are a lot of things to consider. When you move to a new office location, it would be best to make a list of tasks to be performed before the day of the move.
After all, it is in the interest of your company that the new office space suits all your needs. Of course, also of your employees.
It would be ideal to start this moving process at least two months before. In such a way that you don't forget any detail and you don't feel pressed for time. Also, you don't have to leave all the burdens on your shoulders. Involve your colleagues, associates and employees. Each person employed in the company must know in advance what they have to do within this project; And to organize according to it.
As I said before, all employees must be involved in the moving process. Therefore, everyone must pack their things from the office, labeling all the boxes so that unpacking at the new office is as easy as possible.
Start this packing by packing the common things in the kitchen and in the hallways; leaving on the last day the documents and personal belongings of the offices, as well as the furniture and IT equipment.
Moving costs
Prices differ depending on the services included in the package you will request from the moving company you will call. It would be advisable to ask for a price quote from several relocation companies, then make a decision that is favorable to you. It should be noted that most relocation companies offer their clients the possibility of a free on-site evaluation. Very important to take into account in the price offer the need for cardboard boxes and packaging materials, packaging services, as well as the means of transport or access to elevators.
Notify the providers of communication and electricity services in advance.
Before you officially move to the new office location, it is your responsibility as the business owner to ensure that the communication services (internet, telephone) and electricity will be installed and in good working order from the first day you and your employees will install you.