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Top SVN interview questions and answers Are Below:Question: What is SVN? 

Disruption is an open source control framework which is utilized to follow every one of the progressions made to your source code.

Question: List out what all things ought to be put away in SVN vault?

  1. Source Code
  2. MySQL Queries
  3. Information base Updates
  4. Venture in regards to significant records
  5. Minutes of Metting and Imp Email

Question: How to add SVN record?

svn add filename.php


Question: How to add SVN envelope?

svn add foldername


Question: How to get Updates from SVN Repo

svn update

 Question: How to erase record from SVN Repo?

svn erase filename


Question: How to get SVN Info?

svn data

Question: How to get SVN Log for a record?

svn log testFile.php

Question: How to check for changes?

svn status - v PATH

Question: Difference between SVN submit and SVN update?

SVN submit:: Push (transfer) the neighborhood changes to Repository.

SVN Update:: Get (download) the Repository changes records to neighborhood framework.



Question: What is utilization of Revert in SVN?


Return your neighborhood changes.

IT have two sorts

1) Local Revert: It will erase all progressions from records which you made after refreshes and before submit.

2) Repo Revert: Upload the progressions to past Repo.


Question: List out what is the prescribed procedures for SVN?


  • Work from your own neighborhood work area
  • Submit little independent changes
  • Use remark
  • Approve the documents you are submitting, you really changed
  • Take Update before focus on the Repo.

Question: How to apply a patch in SVN ?
First we need to "Create Patch" by making changes and generating the .diff file. Then this .diff file can be applied to the new Code base using "Apply Patch".