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Vacuum Pumping System is a dual-use oil purification equipment. General users use this equipment to deal with the used oil filtration, impurity removal and decolorization, etc., to get new oil that can be used, which can save cost and facilitate the use of oil. In fact, vacuum oil filter has another function, that is, vacuuming.


The use of vacuuming system in oil filter machine refers to closing the filtration system of the whole equipment and opening the vacuuming system. In both systems, the equipment can be vacuumed by closing the specified valve, removing the dust plate from the vacuuming system and connecting it to the pipe.


Of course, the use of vacuum oil filter vacuum also has a disadvantage, is the distance of the vacuum pipeline. The vacuumizing distance of general pipes should not be more than 15 meters, otherwise the vacuumizing effect will not be achieved (except for special vacuum pipes).

In order to ensure the quality of new oil and running oil, purification treatment is a common and important means. Transformer oil purification after purification can remove moisture on one hand, improve the dielectric strength of insulating oil and turbine oil demulsification degree, and reduce the oil degradation rate, on the other hand may also remove mechanical impurities that mix oil and oil after the degradation of the sludge generated by sediment, to avoid the oil system has been blocked due to bad heat dissipation, can prevent the abrasion of mechanical impurities on the equipment.



The pretreatment methods of transformer oil are generally divided into three kinds, sedimentation method, filtration method (pressure type and vacuum type) and centrifugal separation method.







Sedimentation method is also known as gravity sedimentation method, it is the use of turbidity liquid solid and liquid particles by gravity and sedimentation principle to remove impurities and water in the oil. Purification by sedimentation method is simple and easy, and does not need more and more complex equipment. But this method of purification is not complete, can only remove most of the water in the oil and can naturally settle down the mixture. Therefore, the general settlement method can only be used as a pretreatment. The pre-treated oil shortens the time, ensures the purification quality and reduces the purification cost.






Pressure filter paper filter method, pressure filter method using equipment called pressure filter, also known as frame plate oil filter. It is the use of gear oil pump pressure, so that the oil through the oil filter paper with adsorption and filtration, the transformer oil water, fine impurities and water-soluble acid substances removed, so that the transformer oil can be purified. The following points should be paid attention to when using pressure type oil filter.




Filter paper should be dried before use, so as to improve the performance of filter paper to absorb water. At the same time, the filter paper should be especially careful when baking to avoid fire. If the transformer oil contains a lot of water and impurities, the oil should be treated by sedimentation method or centrifugal oil filter, and then filtered by pressure type oil filter. During filtration, the fiber of the filter paper should be avoided from being brought into the oil. Within 5 ~ 10min of the beginning of oil filtration, the oil drawn out by the oil filter should be re-directed to the inlet of the oil pump for circulating filtration. In order to reduce viscosity and improve filtration speed and efficiency, the oil temperature should be increased to 40 ~ 45℃.






Vacuum filtration method is by means of vacuum oil filter, that is, transformer oil atomized in high vacuum and not too high temperature, out of the trace water and gas in the oil. Because the vacuum oil filter also has a screen, it can also remove some solid impurities. It is not only more economical than the pressure filtration method, but also has a high degree of purification and efficiency. It can release the trace water in the oil, maximizes the strength of the insulating oil, and reduces the oil consumption. When the flash point of transformer oil drops and precipitates combustible gas due to failure, the flash point can be restored by vacuum purification treatment.







Centrifugal separation method is the use of oil and water and impurities of the density of three different in the centrifuge rotating centrifugal force produced by different separation and purification. Among them, oil is the lightest and gathers in the center of the rotating drum, while water is more dense and dumped in the outer layer of the oil. The solid impurities in the transformer oil are dumped in the outermost layer, so as to achieve the purpose of separation and purification. Using this method to purify oil efficiency is relatively high, where the oil contains more water and mechanical impurities, can be used in this method. Especially to remove impurities such as slag and carbon particles in oil, the effect will be better, but this method also has limitations, that is, only suitable for removing impurities larger than oil density.

On a modern merchant ship, there are hundreds of machines that make up the ship's power system and auxiliary systems for daily operations. In order to ensure safe production and operation, it is necessary to ensure the smooth and reliable operation of machinery and equipment, and lubricating oil is extremely important to the operation of machinery and equipment, and the quality and technical indicators related to lubricating oil are also one of the measures to evaluate the performance of machinery and equipment. The main function of marine lubricating oil is to form an oil film to reduce friction and noise of mechanical moving parts, to remove the heat generated by cooling, and to protect the metal from corrosion. Lubricating oil does not actually wear, but its lubricating quality will affect its quality and life due to pollution such as moisture, mechanical wear, fuel oil, combustion products, etc. However, the common mechanical equipment failure problems caused by unpurified lubricating oil over time include reduced fuel efficiency, reduced load capacity, acid corrosion of metal parts, bacterial corrosion, etc., and severe cases such as diesel crankcase explosions and even crew lives. Casualties and damage to ship property. Therefore, it is necessary to maintain the relevant performance characteristics of lubricating oil, such as viscosity, alkalinity, anti-wear, anti-oxidation, cleanliness and dispersion, stability, etc., to ensure that machinery and equipment are in good condition, reduce machine damage and failure, and ensure the safety of ship navigation . To this end, we need to properly separate and purify the lubricating oil through the Lube Oil Purifier to maintain the quality of the lubricating oil to prolong its service life, and at the same time, it can save energy and reduce consumption and reduce operating costs.


At present, in addition to filtration, condition monitoring, and regular sampling and testing to control the quality and technical indicators of the system lubricating oil of the main propulsion power unit and the generator diesel engine, the key is continuous purification during operation to maintain the quality of the lubricating oil and prolong the service life. (The lubricating oil of some other auxiliary or small mechanical equipment is ensured by filtering, monitoring the quality condition and replacing it if necessary)



What is a lubricating Lube Oil Purifier


lubricating Oil Purifier is a mechanical device used to separate impurities (such as water and solid particles, etc.) in lubricating oil. There are three ways to purify lubricating oil: centrifugal method, filtration method, and merger method. In this article, we will discuss centrifugation, as it is the most commonly used method for decontamination of lubricating oils on ships.



Reasons why centrifugation is superior to other purification methods: removes water and solid impurities in a single operation; small particles can also be cleaned effectively; requires minimal or very low maintenance (which in turn increases process uptime); low installation costs, equipment life long. Therefore, the centrifuge is the preferred equipment for lubricating oil purification. It separates solid impurities and water by centrifugal force according to the density difference of the two liquid substances.



The working principle of centrifugal Lube Oil Purifier


Centrifuge is one of the most important auxiliary equipment on ships. Its working principle is to separate oil, water and impurities of different specific gravity by centrifugal force generated by high-speed rotation.


The traditional method is gravity settling separation, but it takes time because gravity is the only force for settling. However, in the centrifuge, the centrifugal force field is thousands of times more efficient than the gravitational field of oil, water, and impurities, and the purification time is shorter and the purification quality is higher. Based on the centrifugal purification principle, the unpurified lubricating oil is introduced into the separation cylinder of the Lube Oil Purifier through the oil supply pump for centrifugal motion, and the impurities with the highest density are thrown to the outermost periphery, and the slag is removed regularly by manual or program control. The water is guided and discharged in the middle, and the oil with the least density flows inward from the outlet near the rotating shaft and is discharged back into the mechanical system or a suitable oil tank.

The coalescence dehydration Transformer Oil Filtration Machine includes two systems, the coalescence system and the separation system, each of which plays a different role. The coalescing system consists of a set of coalescing filter elements. The coalescing filter element adopts a unique polar molecular structure. After passing through the filter element, the free water and emulsified water in the oil coalesce into larger water droplets and settle to the water under the action of gravity. inside the water tank. The separation filter element of the separation system is supported by a special hydrophobic material. When the oil passes through the filter element, the water droplets are held on the outer surface of the filter element and coalesce with each other until they settle into the water storage tank due to gravity.


This type of oil filter uses "coalescence separation" technology for dehydration, with high dehydration efficiency and strong capacity, especially suitable for the separation of a large amount of water in the oil. It has the incomparable advantages of vacuum method and centrifugal method. All oil-water emulsification structure; through the filtration of the particle filtration system, the cleanliness of the medium can be stably controlled within the required range of the system to ensure the cleanliness of the oil; it does not change the physical and chemical properties of the oil, prolonging the oil Long service life; low energy consumption, low operating costs; excellent system configuration, strong continuous workability.


The oil filter has a total of five filter systems:


The first-stage oil suction filter is located at the oil suction port. The coarse filter protects the oil pump and prolongs the service life of the main filter.


The second-stage pre-filter is arranged upstream of the coalescer, which can prolong the life of the coalescer and reduce the content of particles in the liquid after Lv.


The third stage filter The coalescing filter causes the water in the oil to condense and sink.


The fourth-pole separation filter further blocks the tiny water droplets in the oil to achieve high-efficiency separation.


The filter medium of the fifth season filter adopts the filter material with high precision and large dirt holding capacity, which can purify the oil safely and efficiently.