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The invention discloses a system for bluffing gas expansion for a drilling simulator, which comprises the following way (1) reading state parameters and operating orders of frontal- end outfit; (2) according to the acquired outfit state parameters and the types of the operating orders and apre-established gas expansion model, calculating data for realizing a gas expansion simulation cartoon; (3) according to a set data format, communicating with a technical graphic processor unit, swapping functional data, and also consequently finishing the cartoon representation of the gas expansion in a drilling process by the graphic processor unit; and (4) according to the set data format and the graphic processor unit for communication, swapping the state information of the cartoon. Grounded on computer stimulation technology and according to the on- point factual situations of drilling operation, pictorial stimulation of the process of generating expansion when the gas overflows in an annulus and goes overhead in the drilling process is carried out, so that the presence of tutoring training is enhanced, the training period is docked, the training effect is bettered, and the training cost is reduced.

A directional drilling simulator was constructed using are-formulation of first-principles classical mechanics in order to serve as a platform for advanced control design. Devoted focus was placed on erecting a modular result that would affiliate with an being Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition (SCADA) armature. Model complexity was confined to include only the features needed to make an immediate step change in tool face control performance through more accurate determination of torsional dead time and time constant values. Development of this simulator advanced the art of drilling robotization by erecting a foundation upon which inventors may design new control schemes using big data gathered in the ultramodern oilfield. This first-principles model is supported by theoretical expression of equations of stir that prisoner abecedarian geste of the drill string during both rotary and slide drilling operations. Esimtech line was fitted between check points using the Minimum Curvature Method, and asemi-soft-string drill string model was assumed. Equations of stir were deduced using energy styles captured in both Hamiltonian and Lagrangian mechanics and answered using the finite- element system. Flash dynamic results were attained using Newmark integration styles. A perceptivity analysis was conducted to determine which parameters played the most influential places in dynamic drill string geste for colorful functional scripts and to what extent those parameters told torsional dead time and time constant computations. The torsional time constant was chosen as a measure of correlation between case studies, due to the significant part this value plays in state-of-the- art tool face control algorithms. Simulation results were validated using field data collected from equipages using a SCADA system to operate in colorful shale plays in North America. Results from field tests were used to compare torsional time constant values calculated using manually- determined, simulation- grounded, and logical styles and probe directional drilling performance over a range of functional scripts. Simulation- grounded time constant computation results were constantly more accurate than analytically- determined values when compared to manually-tuned values. The first-principles directional drilling simulator developed for this study will be espoused by the being SCADA system in order to regularize and ameliorate slide drilling performance.