keneng2022's blog

At Keneng, we always pay attention to the quality of our products and ensure that any spring or wire we manufacture is manufactured to the highest standards and can meet the most stringent requirements of our customer's industries.

Everything has a finite lifetime, including springs, no matter how high in mass. After all, there are many factors that can affect their lifespan, both to prolong it and to shorten it.

Spring type

Of course, choosing the right spring is essential. Different springs can be used for many different applications, so having the right spring means you can get the most out of your product. In addition, since the spring is designed for a specific application, it can better withstand the strength and pressure of the environment. This helps prolong its life.

Material type

One of the most important factors to consider when designing a spring is the material. Spring materials are as varied as the type of spring itself, but choosing the right one means your spring will be ready for application in terms of corrosion resistance or electrical conductivity, for example, where it needs to be considered.

If the spring in the electronic industry is needed, we will consider that the spring needs to have heat resistance, good electrical conductivity, and strength, so we will consider copper alloy or carbon spring steel. Some materials are also best suited to high temperatures, such as nickel alloys, while others need to have high corrosion resistance, such as stainless steel.

Quality materials also lead to longer-lasting springs, so it is important to note that spring manufacturers must use only the best materials for the best results.

Design of spring

Spring design is another key factor. It goes without saying that your springs must be designed correctly in order to perform as required. You can have the best material in the world, but if you design your spring wrong, it won't have a long life cycle. This means it is important to get the specifications right. For example, if spring is under a lot of pressure, then its winding number or diameter is very important.

Sometimes, the design is not wrong, but the problem is that the right spring characteristics are not prioritized. For example, if you require a high-strength spring, but in reality, the spring will be placed in a high-temperature environment, the product will fail prematurely because it is not properly designed for the relevant application.

If you are not sure what features your design requires, Keneng can help you with spring design and help your product meet your exact requirements.

Environmental conditions

Regardless of the environment, your spring must perform at its best in its environment. However, it is normal for the spring to wear out over time because it has to perform the same action repeatedly. However, in order to ensure that the life of the spring is possible, it is necessary to ensure that it is prepared for the force or pressure it will be subjected.

If your spring is stretched too far or applied with more force than it was designed for, it will break or be damaged beyond repair. Weather conditions can also affect the longevity of hot springs; Like the low temperature makes them brittle and more likely to break. Physical injury

When the spring is damaged, its life will be shortened. For example, because of the pressure, the spring is under now, it may eventually break and have to be repaired or replaced. After all, if it's damaged, the spring won't work as well as it should, which could make your product unusable.

And tears.

As mentioned earlier, the normal use of the spring can also affect its service life. Springs perform a simple action that can be repeated thousands of times, so they experience normal wear and tear over time. For example, if a refrigerator door is opened and closed six times a day, the springs will wear out faster than if the door is opened and closed only twice a day.

There is no way around it. We have taken this wear into account when designing the springs because we have a deep knowledge not only of the materials used but also of the diameter of the springs, the length of the springs, and the number of moving coils.

With this knowledge, Keneng Springs can be made to last as long as needed, excluding factors such as damage.

How does Keneng spring help?

We only design and manufacture the highest quality springs manufactured by the most advanced machinery, and through the latest technology, to extend the life of your springs.

As a spring manufacturer, we have many years of experience and have produced countless other types of springs, from stretching and twisting to prison and Garter springs. We also produce small springs as small as 0.1 mm, so we can cater to a variety of industries and sectors.

Please contact us now to find out more about how we can help.

弹簧材料的选择 应根据弹簧承受载荷的性质、应力状态、应力大小、工作温度、环境介质、使用寿命、对电磁波导率的要求、工艺性能、材料来源、价格等因素来确定。


弹簧的常用材料 主要分为金属材料和非金属材料。





近年来,以圆钢丝压扁代替梯形钢丝的发展取得了良好的效果。在高温下工作的弹簧材料需要有良好的热稳定性、抗松弛或蠕变、抗氧化以及对某些介质的耐腐蚀性。随着弹簧工作温度的升高,弹簧材料的弹性模量降低,导致刚度和承载能力降低。因此,必须了解弹簧在高温下工作的弹性模量的变化率(值),计算弹簧承载力降低对使用性能的影响。根据GB1239,当普通螺旋弹簧的工作温度超过60℃时,应修正剪切模量。公式为Gt=KtG,其中 G 是室温下的弹性模量;Gt 为工作温度下的剪切,t 为变模量;Kt 是温度校正因子。低温使用的弹簧材料应具有良好的低温韧性,碳素弹簧钢丝、钢琴钢丝、1Cr18Ni9奥氏体不锈钢弹簧钢丝、铜合金、镍合金应具有良好的低温韧性和强度。



