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Whether it is your first or second offense, a DWI arrest can be frightening and confusing. Sanctions could be severe and have long-term repercussions. As a result, you mustn't take a DWI accusation lightly. 

This is not the time to engage an unskilled attorney or let the legal system "run its course." The moment has come to secure a skilled DWI lawyer with the knowledge, experience, and success rate your case demands.

Comprehensive DWI Defense

DWI accusations should not be underestimated as they may have severe and permanent repercussions. If you are convicted of DWI (driving while intoxicated), you could face penalties, jail time, and losing your driving rights. 

Even a single DWI charge can cause significant harm to your career and reputation. DWI attorneys at The Medlin Law Firm represent clients accused of DWI, whether it is their first or subsequent violation. 

Their DWI lawyers can give a full legal review to determine the course of action to have your DWI charges dropped or minimized. DWI lawyers enjoy keeping clients updated on their legal options and the status of their cases. As a result, they offer clients and prospective clients a variety of helpful DWI informative tools.

DWI Lawyers Aggressively Asserting Your Rights

Being arrested for a DWI can be stressful. At The Medlin Law Firm, they enjoy being tenacious DWI lawyers who consider all available evidence to establish our clients' complete range of legal choices. 

In some situations, this calls for a plea deal, but a trial makes more sense. Their firm approaches every matter as if it were going to trial and works to get a result that has minor adverse effects on the client's life.

You must speak with a skilled DWI lawyer to safeguard your rights, understand your legal choices, and reduce potential fines. The Medlin Law Firm has years of practice in assisting clients who are suffering DWI charges. A DWI attorney will explain your legal options to you and develop a suitable defense to lessen the gravity of the possible outcomes.

Investigating Your Drunk Driving Case

The lead investigator must be convinced that you are impaired or breaching the law before they can stop your car. For instance, an officer might have pulled you over if you had an unsafe lane change. 

However, they can't stop you because they think you could have made an error. It would help if you didn't assume you would be found guilty. 

Hence, it would help if you had a DWI lawyer on your side in this legal case. There is a greater emphasis on capturing and prosecuting people accused of drunk driving. 

A competent DWI lawyer will look at all possible defenses, including the events leading up to your arrest, while they investigate the allegations. 

A DWI lawyer at The Medlin Law Firm will carefully examine every step of the policy process, from the original stop to the execution of any tests. 

A client's case can have a vigorous DWI defense based on a procedural rule breach. For instance, it is possible to suppress evidence obtained during the arrest if the police do not have a reasonable belief of criminal wrongdoing. 

Similarly, your DWI lawyer might be able to have the results of your post-arrest chemical tests suppressed or omitted from evidence if the lab process was not correctly followed.


Driving while intoxicated is illegal, and if you are accused of doing so, you will have to go through a lengthy judicial process. A DWI conviction typically results in a long license suspension, a heavy fine, and sometimes even jail time. 

It's challenging for someone without legal knowledge to evaluate the pros and cons of a DUI case. Every case's facts are different, and DUI law is complex and dynamic. So, consulting with a qualified DUI attorney can be beneficial.

A DWI attorney at The Medlin Law Firm will fight on your behalf to have the charge dropped or reduced because they are knowledgeable about the local DWI/DUI regulations.

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The Medlin Law Firm2550 Pacific Ave #834Dallas, TX 75226(214) 888-4810

Assault is a grave crime that can lead to life-changing consequences. Even if there are no visible injuries, assault may still be classified as a crime in some states. 

The legal definition of the word assault varies from state to state, but it generally involves any action used to force someone to submit, submit or cooperate against their will. 

With the help of an assault attorney, you will identify assault factors that might lead to legal classification as an assault crime and how these factors affect the victims of these crimes. You will also learn how victims should seek redress for pain, suffering, or similar physical damages caused by the crime.

What Makes Assault A Crime?

Assault is a crime that is defined legally as the unlawful attempt to apply force to another person. Several states make it a crime without the use of actual physical contact. In most states, assault is classified as either simple assault or aggravated assault. 

Both fall under state law and can fall into felonies when committed using a dangerous weapon. The fundamental elements for an assault charge include only assault, not intent or recklessness. It may appear difficult for someone to prove they did not mean to harm someone else, but they can overcome it by presenting evidence that the defendant did not intend to hurt them in any way, and with the help of a lawyer for assault charges.

Suggested Remedy For Injuries From Assault

The usual treatment protocol includes medication to help prevent severe injuries. Anti-inflammatory drugs, antibiotics, and analgesics are used in healthcare to help prevent serious bodily injury. 

Sprains, strains, and bruises are all conditions that can cause inflammation, and anti-inflammatory medication can use to treat them. It also aids in the reduction of swelling and bruising, lowering the risk of infection. 

If the assault occurs in front of a child, then they mustn't be left alone during the investigation process or following the arrest of their attacker(s). The child should be under the supervision of another adult until it feels safe again to be left alone.

After that, it would be best to visit a therapist who cares for assault victims and survivors. Therapy can help you deal with the emotional trauma of your assault and treat any long-term injuries present during the incident.

Is It Assault Even Without Injury In Forth Worth, Tx? 

The answer is yes. Even without injury, assault is still an offense. Remember that assault is a crime of opportunity, which means, it only takes motivation or intention to qualify the incident as an assault. 

In Forth Worth, Texas, the crime of assault occurs when there is no injury, and no weapon is used during the assault. Texas Penal Code Section 22.01 states, "An offense against justice or public policy may be punished by imprisonment in jail for not more than two years or by fine not exceeding two thousand five hundred dollars ($2,500)."

For a person to be charged with this crime in Forth Worth, Texas, they must have attempted against another person without causing injury or using physical force against the victim (Texas Penal Code Section 22.01). It means that if someone threatens you with bodily harm without actually intending to harm you physically, they could face prosecution under this code section.

If you're facing charges of assault, it is essential to seek legal representation as soon as possible. A criminal defense attorney, especially an assault attorney, can help you understand your rights and options, including whether or not you should enter a plea bargain or go to trial.

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The Medlin Law Firm 1300 S University Dr #318 Fort Worth, TX 76107 (682) 204-4066