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Shalwar kameez is the customary dress of bolton market karachi Pakistani people and has its remarkable magnificence and solace. The actual idea of solace and polish has made it unstitched suit for men

 famous in urban areas, towns among individuals, everything being equal, from kids to the iconic mens suits

 matured. In like manner, it is similarly significant for significant events like weddings however can be utilized as a relaxed wear, as well. 

It is a dress made of two sections, the lower segment is the free pajama, looking like a pant that is wide close to the thighs and midsection yet tightening downwards. Kameez is the shirt and the creases are open beneath the abdomen line. This gives an effortlessness and class to the wearer and people love to wear it. 

A wide range of kinds of weaving work should be possible on the it to improve its wealth. At the point when an ever increasing number of plans are joined into it, they can be utilized to wear for weddings, parties and different capacities. However, for easygoing wear, a basic shalwar kameez is as great, offering a similar style and excellence. 

The garments with which the it is made is likewise different going from silk, grass to basic cotton. The shades of shalwar kameez can be red, green, dark or blue yet can be multi-hued, as well. Strings, globules, and to add a rich look, considerably silver and gold strings are likewise utilized in embellishing this dress. The most outstanding aspect of shalwar kameez is that they can be altered to suit the financial plan of all classes of human rich and poor, yet hold the intensity of the Pakistani practice in them.
