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Texas has always been a state that has seen a large influx of immigrants, both legal and illegal. Recent changes in Texas immigration policies have resulted in a significant impact on the state's immigrant population. In recent years, the state has taken several steps to make it more challenging for immigrants to live and work there. This blog will discuss new laws and executive orders affecting Texas immigrants and how an attorney for immigration can help them. 

New Laws And Executive Orders

New laws and executive orders in Texas have impacted immigrants and businesses in several ways. Here are three laws that affect immigrants and employers. Talking to an attorney for immigration is best to further explain if you don’t understand what the laws require. 

The Sanctuary Cities Bill

Senate Bill 4, known as the "sanctuary cities" bill, allows law enforcement officers to inquire about a person's immigration status during routine traffic stops or arrests. The law also penalizes local officials who do not cooperate with federal immigration officials. 

The Texas state government has recently introduced other laws that may impact immigrants' access to healthcare, education, and other public services. These laws can make it more challenging for immigrants to live and work in Texas, and an attorney for immigration can provide essential guidance to navigate the changing landscape.

The DACA Program

Another significant change in Texas immigration policy relates to the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program. Texas is among the several states that have filed a lawsuit challenging the program’s legality arguing that it violates the Administrative Procedure Act (APA).

In 2021, a federal judge in Texas ruled that the program was unlawful, blocking new DACA applications from being approved. This decision has significantly impacted the thousands of DACA recipients in Texas who now face uncertainty about their future in the United States. An attorney for immigration can help DACA recipients understand their legal options and assist them in protecting their rights.

E-Verify Law

Another significant Texas legislation that affects businesses and employers is E-Verify Law. This law requires state agencies and public universities to use E-Verify, a federal program that verifies the eligibility of employees to work in the United States. Under this law, businesses that receive state grants or economic incentives must also use E-Verify to confirm that their employees are authorized to work in the United States. 

Failure to comply with this law can result in fines, penalties, and even the loss of state funding. An attorney for immigration can assist businesses and employers in understanding their obligations under this law and ensure they comply with all relevant immigration regulations. They can also provide legal guidance in case of any violations or disputes related to E-Verify.

How An Attorney For Immigration Can Help

Navigating recent changes in Texas immigration policies can be challenging for individuals and businesses. An experienced attorney for immigration can guide you through the process and protect your rights. Here are some ways an attorney for immigration can help:

-Immigration Status Assessment

An attorney for immigration can assess your immigration status and advise you on how recent changes in Texas immigration policies may affect your status. They can also guide you on the necessary steps to maintain or change your immigration status.

-Assistance With Visa Applications

An attorney for immigration can assist you with visa applications, including family-based visas, employment-based visas, and investor visas. They can help you navigate the complex visa process and ensure that all necessary documentation is complete.

-Representation In Immigration Court

If you face deportation or removal proceedings, an attorney for immigration can represent you in immigration court. They can help you understand your rights and options and provide legal support during the court proceedings.

-Business Immigration Services

Immigration lawyers can also help businesses navigate the complex process of hiring foreign employees. They can assist with obtaining work visas, compliance with immigration laws, and representation in immigration audits.

-Why Hire Lincoln-Goldfinch Law

Lincoln-Goldfinch is an experienced immigration law firm that provides services to help individuals and businesses navigate the U.S. immigration system. The firm has a team of experienced immigration lawyers specializing in various areas of immigration law, including business immigration, family-based immigration, asylum, and deportation defense.

For individuals and families, Lincoln-Goldfinch can provide legal representation for various immigration matters, including family-based visas, green cards, naturalization, asylum, and deportation defense. The firm can assist with navigating the complex U.S. immigration system, ensuring compliance with all relevant laws and regulations, and protecting clients' rights and interests throughout the process.

For businesses and employers, Lincoln-Goldfinch provides comprehensive business immigration services, including assistance with nonimmigrant and immigrant visas, compliance with immigration regulations, I-9 compliance, and strategic planning for expanding operations to the United States. The firm can also provide legal representation in case of any disputes or issues related to immigration.


Texas has implemented new laws and executive orders that have significantly affected the immigrant population and businesses. Three laws impacting immigrants and employers are the "sanctuary cities" bill, the E-Verify Law, and the legality of the DACA program. 

An attorney for immigration in Dallas TX can help individuals and businesses navigate recent changes in Texas immigration policies, assess immigration status, assist with visa applications, provide representation in immigration court, and offer business immigration services. 

Lincoln-Goldfinch Law is an experienced immigration law firm that provides comprehensive immigration services for individuals and businesses, including family-based immigration, asylum, deportation defense, compliance with immigration regulations, and strategic planning for expanding operations to the United States.

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Lincoln-Goldfinch Law

1005 E 40th St Austin, TX 78751

(855) 502-0555

Una de las cosas más estresantes que uno puede experimentar es la amenaza de perder la propiedad. En caso de declararse en bancarrota, los deudores se vuelven temerosos de que los acreedores vayan tras sus bienes. Aunque se trata de un proceso legal para salir de deudas enormes e impagables, sigue siendo doloroso perder las posesiones ganadas con tanto esfuerzo.

Las propiedades, como las casas o las fincas, pueden pasar de generación en generación. Para el propietario, su precio puede ser superior al valor de mercado. El Capítulo 7 exigiría la liquidación de los activos. Antes de que alguien tome la importante decisión de declararse en bancarrota, es prudente saber lo que está en juego.

¿Qué Es El Capítulo 7 De La Ley De Bancarrota?

El Capítulo 7 puede ser una solución de último recurso cuando no hay otra manera de pagar las deudas. No hay reorganización de fondos, y no hay acuerdo de pago involucrado. Esto requiere un alivio instantáneo de las deudas.

Sin embargo, esta liberación de las deudas tiene un precio. Su puntuación de crédito recibirá un gran golpe y tardará años en volver a construirse. También es posible que tenga que renunciar a algunas posesiones. 

El Capítulo 7 de la bancarrota tiene un estigma tan grande que puede afectar significativamente su reputación, imagen, e incluso las relaciones. Afortunadamente, Texas tiene una de las disposiciones más generosas y consideradas para la bancarrota. Usted puede mantener sus posesiones más preciadas, incluso bajo el Capítulo 7. 

Si usted está presentando la bancarrota, usted tiene que elegir si usted va para las disposiciones federales o disposiciones estatales. Conozca la diferencia entre ambas, dada su situación actual, y decida bajo qué disposiciones puede obtener más beneficios. Mejor aún, consulte a un abogado de bancarrota calificado en Austin, TX, que pueda darle la información necesaria para tomar una decisión acertada.

Exenciones De Propiedad Del Capítulo 7 De Bancarrota En Austin, TX

Texas tiene una exención de propiedad del Capítulo 7 en el que puede mantener su residencia principal. La residencia principal es donde usted vive por lo menos 40 meses antes de su declaración de bancarrota. Si usted tiene una casa familiar en Texas, pero ya no vive allí, que no cuenta como su residencia principal. 

Una disposición generosa del Estado, es que no hay límite en el patrimonio de su casa. Sin embargo, hay un límite en el tamaño de su hogar. Aunque tenga una casa cara, siempre que su superficie total no supere los 10 acres en la zona urbana, podrá conservarla. 

La exención del patrimonio familiar en la zona rural es de 100 acres. Esta es una buena noticia para los ganaderos y agricultores, ya que pueden mantener su rancho y granja. El Estado protege de la bancarrota las necesidades básicas de sus habitantes. 

En cuanto a los vehículos, el Estado protege un vehículo familiar por el titular de la licencia. Si sólo un miembro de la familia tiene licencia de conducir, elige un vehículo que se quedará. El resto se liquidará para pagar a los acreedores. 

El ganado también puede formar parte de los bienes protegidos al solicitarlo. Hasta un cierto límite, puede quedarse con el ganado y las aves de corral. El Estado lo reconoce. Después de todo, ¿de qué sirve el rancho o la granja si no hay ganado en ella?

Por Qué Texas Tiene Exenciones De Propiedad Generosas

El Estado reconoce que para "empezar de nuevo", se necesita algo con lo que empezar. No sirve de nada si no tienes nada para vivir o nada para trabajar. El Estado no puede quitarte las necesidades básicas para trabajar y vivir y esperar que prosperes después. 

La falta de vivienda y otras formas de dependencia del Gobierno son cargas sociales. Por lo tanto, en el caso de la bancarrota, Texas se asegura de que usted tenga los medios necesarios para empezar de nuevo. Sin embargo, esto no garantiza que su petición conduzca a una descarga. Usted todavía tiene que pasar por el tedioso proceso de presentación de una petición. 

Lincoln-Goldfinch Law Firm ofrece asistencia legal para aquellos que están considerando la bancarrota. La firma cuenta con un equipo de abogados de bancarrota altamente competentes que pueden guiarle en este camino de empezar de nuevo. Llame a la oficina para una evaluación gratuita hoy.

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Lincoln-Goldfinch Law

1005 E 40th St Austin, TX 78751 

(855) 502-0555

¿Quiere emigrar a los Estados Unidos? Si es así, tendrá que estar familiarizado con las leyes de inmigración de Estados Unidos. La ley de inmigración es un área compleja y en constante cambio, por lo que es importante consultar con un abogado de inmigración con experiencia para asegurarse de que está tomando las medidas adecuadas para emigrar legalmente.

¿Qué Es La Inmigración?

La inmigración es el acto voluntario de trasladarse a vivir a un país distinto del propio. Hay muchas razones por las que la gente decide emigrar, como huir de la violencia o la persecución, buscar oportunidades económicas o reunirse con sus familiares.

Cómo Emigrar A Estados Unidos

Estados Unidos es el país con más inmigrantes del mundo. Para emigrar a Estados Unidos, hay que obtener una Visa. Las Visas son expedidas por el Departamento de Estado de EE.UU. y permiten a los extranjeros entrar en el país con un propósito específico, como el turismo, el estudio o el trabajo. Hay una gran variedad de Visas disponibles, por lo que es importante consultar con un abogado de inmigración para determinar qué tipo de Visa es la adecuada para usted.

Tipos De Visas Estadounidenses

Hay dos tipos principales de Visas: las de no inmigrante y las de inmigrante. Las Visas de no inmigrante, son para los extranjeros que desean entrar al país temporalmente, mientras que las Visas de inmigrante, son para los que quieren vivir permanentemente en Estados Unidos.

Visas De No Inmigrante 

Hay muchas Visas de no inmigrante diferentes, cada una con sus requisitos. Algunas de las Visas de no inmigrante más comunes, son las Visas de Turista (también llamada Visa B-2), las Visas Estudiantiles (Visa F y M) y las Visas de Trabajo (Visa H-1B, H-2A y H-2B). Para saber más sobre los requisitos de cada tipo de Visa, consulte con un abogado de inmigración.

Visas Para Inmigrantes 

También hay muchos tipos diferentes de Visas de inmigrante, cada una con sus requisitos. El tipo más común de Visa de inmigrante es la Visa familiar, que permite a los extranjeros entrar en Estados Unidos para reunirse con miembros de su familia que sean ciudadanos estadounidenses o residentes permanentes legales. Otros tipos de Visas de inmigrante, son las Visas basadas en el empleo y las Visas de diversidad.

Introducción Al Sistema De Puntos

El Gobierno de EE.UU. utiliza un sistema de puntos para garantizar que solo se concedan Visas de inmigrante a quienes cumplen criterios específicos. En virtud de este sistema, la Ley de Inmigración y Nacionalidad (INA) de EE.UU, permite obtener puntos específicos por factores como las aptitudes laborales, la educación y la capacidad de hablar inglés. Para poder optar a una Visa de inmigrante, hay que obtener un determinado número de puntos. El mínimo actual es de 65 puntos.

El Proceso De Solicitud De La Visa Estadounidense

El proceso de solicitud de una Visa puede ser largo y complicado. Por lo tanto, es importante consultar con un abogado de inmigración para asegurarse de que se den los pasos adecuados y de que su solicitud sea completa y precisa. Estos son los documentos necesarios para solicitar una Visa:

  • Una solicitud de Visa ya completada.

  • Un pasaporte válido durante al menos seis meses más allá de su estancia prevista en los Estados Unidos.

  • Una fotografía tamaño carnet.

  • Justificante del pago de la tasa de solicitud de Visa.

  • Documentos justificativos, como pruebas de apoyo financiero, empleo o vínculos familiares con Estados Unidos.

Una vez que haya reunido todos los documentos necesarios, deberá presentarlos al Departamento de Estado de los Estados Unidos. Una vez que su solicitud haya sido revisada y aprobada, se le citará para una entrevista en una embajada o consulado estadounidense. En la entrevista, se le harán preguntas sobre su historial de inmigración y sus planes para vivir en Estados Unidos. También se le pedirá que se someta a un examen médico. Después, si le conceden su Visa, podrá entrar en Estados Unidos en la fecha especificada en su Visa.

Consecuencias De Entrar Ilegalmente En Los Estados Unidos

Entrar a Estados Unidos sin autorización es un delito federal. Quienes sean sorprendidos entrando ilegalmente en Estados Unidos pueden ser detenidos y deportados. Además, a los que entren ilegalmente a Estados Unidos se les puede prohibir permanentemente el regreso.

Entrar a los Estados Unidos sin autorización, es un delito grave. Si le atrapan, será detenido y deportado. También se le puede prohibir permanentemente el regreso a Estados Unidos. Si está planeando emigrar a los Estados Unidos, es vital que consulte con un abogado de inmigración con experiencia, para asegurarse de que se tomen las medidas legales adecuadas.

The Lincoln-Goldfinch Law Firm

El proceso de inmigración puede ser complejo y confuso. Para asegurarse de que está tomando los pasos adecuados para inmigrar legalmente, es importante consultar con un abogado de inmigración. Un abogado de inmigración con experiencia puede ayudarle a determinar qué tipo de Visa es la adecuada para usted y guiarle en el proceso de solicitud. Descubra más detalles.

La firma de abogados de Lincoln-Goldfinch Law, cuenta con abogados de inmigración dedicados a ayudar a las personas a navegar por el proceso de inmigración de los Estados Unidos. Póngase en contacto con ellos hoy para programar una consulta.

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Lincoln-Goldfinch Law 1005 E 40th St Austin, TX 78751 (855) 502-0555

When you hire a Chapter 7 bankruptcy lawyer in Austin TX, they will review your financial situation and help you determine if Chapter 7 is the right option for you. If it is, they will guide you through the process of filing for bankruptcy and representing you in court. Click for info.

Of course, a Chapter 7 bankruptcy lawyer in Austin, TX typically charges a fee for their services. It’s important to find a lawyer that you feel comfortable with and that you can afford.


Filing for Chapter 7 bankruptcy in Austin, TX is a legal process that involves several steps, including:

Consultation with a bankruptcy lawyer: Before you file for Chapter 7 bankruptcy, you should consult with a bankruptcy lawyer in Austin, TX to determine if this is the right option for you. They will review your financial situation and help you understand the process and the impact onyour credit.

Credit Counseling: Before filing for bankruptcy, you are required to complete a credit counseling course from a government-approved agency.

This can be done online or in person.

Filing the bankruptcy petition: Once you have decided to file for Chapter 7 bankruptcy and completed credit counseling, you will need to file a bankruptcy petition with the court. This includes a list of your assets, liabilities, income, and expenses.

Meeting of creditors: After you file for bankruptcy, a meeting of creditors will be scheduled. This is an opportunity for your creditors to ask you questions about your financial situation and assets.

Discharge of debts: If the court approves your bankruptcy petition, you will receive a discharge of your debts, which means that you will no longer be responsible for paying them.

Completion of a financial management course: After your debts have been discharged, you will be required to complete a financial management course before your case can be closed.

It’s a given that bankruptcy will have a negative impact on your credit score, but it can also provide relief from overwhelming debt and a fresh start financially. 

Alternative To Filing Chapter 7 Bankruptcy

There are several alternatives to filing for Chapter 7 bankruptcy.

They include:

-Credit Counseling: Credit counseling services can help you understand your financial options and develop a budget. They can also negotiate with your creditors to lower your interest rates, reduce your payments, or even settle your debts for less than you owe.

- Debt Consolidation: If you have multiple debts, you may be able to consolidate them into one loan with a lower interest rate. This can make it easier to manage your debt and pay it off over time.

- Informal Payment Plans: You may be able to work out an informal payment plan with your creditors. This can be done on your own or with the help of a credit counseling service.

A lawyer is not required when filing for chapter 7 bankruptcy but having one has several benefits.

Benefits Of Hiring A Chapter 7 BankruptcyLawyer In Austin TX

A Chapter 7 bankruptcy lawyer in Austin, TX can provide several benefits,


- Guidance through the process: Filing for Chapter 7 bankruptcy can be complex and confusing. A bankruptcy lawyer can help guide you through the process and ensure that your rights are protected.

- Representation in court: A bankruptcy lawyer can represent you in court, ensuring that your interests are protected and that you are following the correct procedures.

- Protection from creditor harassment: Once you file for Chapter 7 bankruptcy, an automatic stay would be realized, which prohibits creditors from contacting you or taking any action to collect debts. A bankruptcy lawyer can help ensure that your creditors are aware of the automatic stay and are not violating it.

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Lincoln-Goldfinch Law

1005 E 40th St Austin, TX 78751

(855) 502-0555

La selección de un abogado de bancarrota competente en Austin, Texas, para que lo represente es crucial si usted está considerando la posibilidad de declararse en bancarrota. Hay algunos factores a considerar al elegir un abogado de bancarrota. En primer lugar, es necesario verificar que el abogado es competente en la resolución de bancarrota en Texas y tiene un sólido historial. A continuación, asegúrese de que el abogado es educado acerca de las diversas opciones de bancarrota para que usted pueda calificar.

¿Por Qué Usted Puede Necesitar Considerar La Bancarrota?

Si usted se enfrenta a una deuda inmanejable, puede que tenga que considerar la bancarrota. Puede empezar de cero declarándose en bancarrota y recibir un alivio de sus acreedores. Pero antes de elegir un curso de acción, es fundamental comprender las diversas categorías de bancarrota y sus implicaciones.

Conozca Las Dos Categorías Básicas De Bancarrota

El Capítulo 7 y el Capítulo 13 de bancarrota son las dos categorías básicas. La mayoría de sus deudas pueden ser descargadas a través del Capítulo 7 de bancarrota, lo que le permite empezar de nuevo. Sin embargo, también requiere que renuncie a algunos de sus activos, como su casa o su auto. 

No se le exige que renuncie a sus activos al declararse en bancarrota en virtud del Capítulo 13, pero debe reembolsar parte o la totalidad de sus obligaciones en un plazo de tres a cinco años. Si se declara en bancarrota, puede haber repercusiones fiscales. Las deudas fiscales se encuentran entre las deudas que no pueden eliminarse mediante la bancarrota.

Antes de decidir si declararse en bancarrota o no, es importante hablar con un abogado con experiencia en bancarrota en Austin, Texas, que puede evaluar su situación y aconsejarle sobre el mejor curso de acción.

Proceso Para Declararse En Bancarrota En Austin, Texas

Entender el procedimiento y lo que se espera de usted es crucial si usted está considerando la bancarrota. El primer paso es reunirse con un abogado de bancarrota en Austin, Texas, que puede ayudar a determinar si la bancarrota es la opción correcta para su situación. Esto es crucial ya que el abogado puede aconsejarle sobre si la declaración de bancarrota es la mejor acción en su circunstancia especial.

Información Y Documentación

Una vez que haya decidido seguir adelante con la bancarrota, el siguiente paso es reunir toda la documentación necesaria que el tribunal requerirá. Esto incluye sus ingresos, gastos, deudas y activos. Su abogado utilizará esta información para preparar su petición de bancarrota.

Cuando tenga toda la documentación requerida, tendrá que presentar una petición ante el tribunal, y se programará una audiencia ante un juez de bancarrota. Lincoln-Goldfinch Law tiene muchos abogados competentes en bancarrota que pueden ayudarle con una presentación más suave y libre de estrés.

Audiencia Judicial

En esta audiencia tendrá que declarar sobre su situación financiera y las razones por las que no puede pagar sus deudas. Tras la vista, el juez concederá o denegará su petición de bancarrota.

Después de haber presentado su petición, tendrá que asistir a una reunión de acreedores. Esta reunión permite a sus acreedores oponerse a su caso de bancarrota o hacer preguntas al respecto.

La Elección De Un Abogado De Bancarrota

Al seleccionar un abogado de bancarrota en Austin, Texas, hay numerosos factores a considerar. Las siguientes son algunas cosas cruciales para recordar:


Cuando se trata de algo tan importante como la declaración de bancarrota, usted quiere un abogado con experiencia. Busque un abogado con experiencia en casos similares y el procedimiento.


Un buen abogado de bancarrota debe tener una sólida reputación en la comunidad legal. Para obtener más información sobre lo que otras personas piensan de sus experiencias con el abogado, pregunte o busque opiniones en Internet.


Asegúrese de que puede pagar los gastos del abogado, porque declararse en bancarrota puede ser caro. Obtenga un presupuesto y compárelo con las tarifas de otros abogados para saber qué es justo y razonable.


Necesita un abogado que se comunique con usted durante todo el proceso. Debe poder ponerse en contacto con su abogado fácilmente y éste debe explicarle claramente lo que está sucediendo.

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Lincoln-Goldfinch Law

1005 E 40th St Austin, TX 78751

(855) 502-0555

Usted debe hablar con un abogado de inmigración para mudarse a Austin, TX. Un abogado de inmigración puede ayudarle a entender el complejo proceso de inmigración y representarlo frente al USCIS o el Servicio de Ciudadanía e Inmigración de los Estados Unidos. Además, muchos abogados de inmigración en Austin, TX, pueden ayudarle con su caso de inmigración. Hay varios beneficios de contratar a un abogado de inmigración.

Entender El Proceso De Inmigración

En cuanto a la ley de inmigración, no existe una fórmula única adecuada para los aspirantes a inmigrantes. El proceso de inmigración puede ser confuso y complejo, pero un abogado de inmigración puede ayudarle a navegar el proceso. Además, un abogado de inmigración conoce las últimas leyes y cambios de inmigración y puede ayudarle a entender el proceso de inmigración.

Elija La Visa Adecuada

Hay muchos tipos diferentes de Visas disponibles, y puede llevar tiempo determinar cuál se adapta a su situación. Las Visas de entrada en EE.UU. incluyen Visas de inmigrante, Visas de no inmigrante y estatus de refugiado o asilado. Un abogado de inmigración puede ayudarle a determinar cuál se adapta mejor a su situación.

Obtenga El Resultado Más Favorable

Un abogado de inmigración trabajará con usted para obtener el resultado más favorable para su solicitud. Ellos tienen una gran experiencia y conocimiento sobre la ley de inmigración y pueden utilizar esto a su favor. Además, un abogado de inmigración también sabrá cómo tratar con USCIS y otras agencias gubernamentales involucradas en asuntos de inmigración.

Evite Retrasos En Su Proceso De Inmigración

El proceso de inmigración puede llevar mucho tiempo, y se esperan retrasos. Un abogado de inmigración puede ayudarle a evitar retrasos en su proceso de inmigración, asegurándose de que toda la documentación requerida se presente correctamente y a tiempo.

Presentar Los Documentos Correctos

Usted debe presentar los documentos correctos para pasar el proceso de inmigración. Un abogado de inmigración se asegurará de que rellene y presente los formularios adecuados. La presentación de los formularios incorrectos puede retrasar su proceso de inmigración o dar lugar a una denegación de su solicitud.

Representarle Ante USCIS

Un abogado de inmigración puede representarle ante USCIS o en su entrevista para la Green Card. Si usted tiene un caso complicado, un abogado de inmigración puede ayudarle a prepararse para su entrevista y presentar su situación al USCIS. 

Si USCIS deniega su solicitud de inmigración, es posible que pueda apelar la decisión. Un abogado de inmigración puede revisar su caso y ayudarle a presentar una apelación.

Un abogado de Visas protegerá sus derechos durante todo el proceso de inmigración. Por ejemplo, si es detenido por el ICE o arrestado por USCIS, un abogado de inmigración puede proteger sus derechos y representarle ante los tribunales.

Reunirse Con La Familia

Si está intentando reunirse con su familia, un abogado de inmigración puede ayudarle a presentar la documentación necesaria. La inmigración basada en la familia es compleja, pero un abogado de inmigración puede ayudarle a navegar por el proceso y reunir a su familia.

Ayudarle A Contratar Trabajadores Inmigrantes

Si usted es un empleador estadounidense y desea contratar trabajadores inmigrantes, un abogado de inmigración puede ayudarle a entender el proceso. Los empleadores deben solicitar la elegibilidad para emplear a ciudadanos extranjeros, lo que puede suponer un reto. Un abogado de inmigración puede ayudarle a presentar la documentación necesaria y representarle ante USCIS.

The Lincoln-Goldfinch Law Firm

El proceso de inmigración es complejo, pero un abogado de inmigración puede ayudarle a navegarlo y proteger sus derechos. Si usted está considerando vivir permanentemente en los Estados Unidos, hable con un abogado de inmigración hoy. The Lincoln-Goldfinch Law Firm puede ayudarle con la ley de inmigración, desde la elección del visado correcto hasta la presentación de la documentación necesaria. Póngase en contacto con ellos hoy mismo para programar una consulta.

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Lincoln-Goldfinch Law1005 E 40th StAustin, TX 78751(855) 502-0555

You'll need to reveal much personal financial information throughout the bankruptcy process, so be sure you're engaging with a lawyer you trust. This may imply that you'll need to interview several people before you locate the one ideal for you. In this post, find out how to identify and screen candidates for the position.

What Makes A Good Lawyer For Bankruptcy Near Me

If you are considering filing for bankruptcy, your initial step is to identify a competent lawyer. Many lawyers provide bankruptcy services, but not all have good qualities. Here are the qualities you should look for in a bankruptcy lawyer near you.


When it comes to your finances, you would like to collaborate with a bankruptcy lawyer near you who has successfully handled bankruptcy cases. It is recommended that you question your potential lawyer about their competence. Bankruptcy is a complicated process involving many documents and processes, so it's just right to employ someone well-versed in it. Otherwise, your case could be ruined by mere carelessness.

Offers Free Consultation 

Lawyers who help clients with their financial troubles frequently provide free consultation. However, don't expect the lawyer to provide free legal guidance and advice during a free appointment. Instead, take advantage of this chance to determine whether the lawyer fits your standards.

Gives Attention To Details

Aside from experience, the bankruptcy lawyer near you should have a keen sense of detail. Details matter, and hiring a lawyer with a reputation for meticulousness is a fantastic approach to guarantee you have the correct representation. During your first encounter, determine whether the lawyer is established and well-organized.

Updated With The Current Bankruptcy Rules

If this criterion is not met, the contract is undone. Your potential bankruptcy lawyer near you must be updated on bankruptcy laws. Rules and legislations governing this specialized sector change regularly, and a lawyer who fails to stay in the game may lead to a terrible result in your case. Investigate how many bankruptcy cases the lawyer has dealt with over the past 12 months. If you are dissatisfied with the response, find another potential bankruptcy lawyer.

Comfortable Talking To

You must interact well with your lawyer.  Tackling financial issues may be stressful, so you need a lawyer you can talk to and believe you understand your requirements. Lack of interaction is one of clients' most common concerns about their lawyers. Ask for client testimonials at your first meeting. This is the perfect moment to determine whether or not this lawyer is a good fit for you.

The Pros of Hiring a Bankruptcy Lawyer Near You

If you're having financial difficulties, bankruptcy may be the simplest solution. An experienced bankruptcy lawyer will help you assess whether another alternative might be more appropriate for your case.

A lawyer can guide you in evaluating your financial condition to decide whether additional debt relief options are to your greatest advantage. If bankruptcy is the best alternative for you, a lawyer can advise you on whether you are eligible for Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 bankruptcy.

If you decide to file for bankruptcy, a bankruptcy lawyer near you can help you every step of the way. Here are the things a lawyer can help you with during bankruptcy.

  • Give guidance on the right timing to file for bankruptcy, so you don't wind up in a more dire financial condition than before you filed.

  • Provide asset advice. Certain assets are shielded from Chapter 7 bankruptcy procedures. Your lawyer must know the exemptions you are eligible for and assist you in avoiding losing assets unnecessarily.

  • Assist with the completion of documentation necessary to submit your bankruptcy petition.

  • Advocate for you at the creditors' meeting.


There are several options for finding a bankruptcy lawyer near you to help you file for bankruptcy. It's a good idea to receive a recommendation from someone you know and trust. If not, check into alternative options.

Whatever method you choose to discover a bankruptcy lawyer, make sure you do your research to ensure your lawyer is competent, knowledgeable, and comfortable to deal with.

In Austin, TX, Lincoln-Goldfinch Law is your trusted partner for bankruptcy solutions. Our skilled attorneys provide the support you need to overcome financial challenges.

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Lincoln-Goldfinch Law 1005 E 40th St Austin, TX 78751 (855) 502-0555

Deferred action, naturalization, and residency are often used in the immigration system. While not every concern will necessarily go to all three topics when applying for a visa, it is prudent to understand the differences between these or other topics. These are frequently discussed among seeking immigration assistance in the U.S. And with so many intricacies in immigration law, it is crucial to have an immigration lawyer who understands the process and can help guide you through it.

What Is Deferred Action?

Deferred Action is a discretionary administrative measure created to allow certain individuals in the United States without legal status to stay and work temporarily. The program's purpose is to provide a temporary solution for young people brought to the United States as children and living in the country illegally. Under the Deferred Action program, these young people can receive a work permit and be protected from deportation for two years. 

To be eligible for Deferred Action, you must meet the following criteria:

  1. You must have come to the United States before you turned 16 years old.

  2. You must be under 31 as of June 15, 2012.

  3. You must have been living in the United States continuously since June 15, 2007.

  4. You must have enrolled or completed high school or have a GED certificate or be an honorably discharged veteran of the Coast Guard or Armed Forces of the United States.

  5. You must have no criminal record.

  6. You must demonstrate that you will benefit from Deferred Action by having a job offer or being enrolled in school.

What Is Naturalization?

Naturalization is the process through which a foreign national can gain U.S. citizenship after meeting certain requirements set by the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS). Naturalization is a legal process requiring the individual to meet several requirements, including passing a naturalization test. The naturalization process can be lengthy and complex, but it ultimately allows immigrants to become full members of American society.

One of the key benefits of naturalization is that it allows immigrants to participate in democratic processes, such as voting and running for office. It also gives immigrants many other rights and privileges, such as the ability to work and travel in the United States without restriction. Overall, the naturalization process allows immigrants to fully integrate into American society and become contributing members of their communities.

What Is Residency?

Lawful permanent resident status is granted through residency or immigrant visas. It allows individuals to live and work in the United States for a specific time based on their immigration status. This can include family members who receive “green cards” that allow them to stay in the United States indefinitely, students who receive student visas with expiration dates, or workers who receive employment-based visas with limited validity periods. 

Individuals with lawful permanent resident status may be eligible for benefits such as Social Security or Medicare. Still, they do not have the same rights as U.S. citizens and are not guaranteed the right to vote in federal elections or receive full federal benefits such as Pell Grants.

Get Help From An Immigration Lawyer

There are several things to consider when immigrating to the United States. You must determine the visa type, gather the appropriate documentation, and submit your application. If these steps are done incorrectly, your application could be denied. This is where an immigration lawyer comes in.

An immigration lawyer can help you ensure that your application is complete and accurate. They can also help you navigate the complex immigration process and answer any questions. Having an immigration lawyer on your side can make the process much easier on your side.

If you are considering immigrating to the United States, it is important to consult with an immigration lawyer. They can help you determine which type of visa is best for you and guide you through the process. Contact Lincoln-Goldfinch Law today and get started on your journey to the United States.

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Lincoln-Goldfinch Law 1005 E 40th St Austin, TX 78751 (855) 502-0555

Austin is the eighth largest city in Texas considered to be the seat of political, business, and cultural affairs. The influx of immigrants in this booming city has greatly improved and fueled Austin’s growth in technology, education, manufacturing, finance, and even real estate. With a vibrant market in real estate in this fast growing metropolis, it is a great time to invest in your new home in this growing community.

Neighborhood Guide In Austin

It is no secret that Austin is a popular vacation destination for adventurous travelers. The city features a variety of unique attractions from rodeos to festivals, enjoyed by people of all ages. On top of that, the city boasts its lavish gardens, lakes, and parks around the area. The Alamo Drafthouse located up in the city’s north offers a phenomenal theater experience and is a favorite among locals and tourists. Down south, you can find the Ringing Bell Park which features interactive exhibits, pools, trails, and a collection of bell structures. All these areas offer plenty of entertainment  for travelers to discover the city’s rich culture and history — definitely worth ticking on your vacation list. 

Real Estate Opportunities In Austin

The Austin real estate market offers a wide range of home options to cater to every budget. It is affordable, especially considering the amount of space that is devoted for residential and commercial use, as well as investment opportunities. Home values in Austin have been consistently skyrocketing as it stretches into a developing economic center of Texas. With so much population growth in the Austin area, it is no surprise that there has been a significant number of new housing developments constructed in the area. For these reasons, opportunities for real estate in Austin make great economic sense and home-buying activities will continue to see great success in the years ahead.

Buying A Real Estate In Austin

The city’s growth and development has been led by a vibrant investment in infrastructure and real estate. The housing market offers residents plenty of opportunities as the city progresses on its technology, education, finance, and manufacturing growth. As a result of a fast growing population, Austin, Texas is quickly becoming a popular place for real estate purchases. Real estate agents are reportedly seeing an increase of demand in property, specifically on apartments. So, when it comes to housing prices, Austin is one of the best cities to live in. 

At Lincoln-Goldfinch Law, we're your beacon of hope in the immigration process. Our skilled attorneys for immigration ensure your path to a brighter future is clear and smooth. Seek our expertise now.

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Lincoln-Goldfinch Law 1005 E 40th St Austin, TX 78751 (855) 502-0555

Did you know that immigration laws are not set at a national level? The Federal Government implements immigration policies and laws in the United States. However, each state can create its own immigration policies as long as they do not contradict Federal law. 

For example, Texas has several immigration policies not found in other states. One policy is that all businesses in Texas must use E-Verify to check the immigration status of all employees. This policy is designed to prevent undocumented immigrants from finding employment in Texas. 

Texas Immigration Policies 

Texas has the power to enact its own legislation relating to immigration so long as it does not contradict the provisions of the federal laws in place. These state laws typically involve employment, business licensing, education, and benefits given by the state. Here are some immigration policies implemented in Texas but not in most US States. 

1. All businesses in Texas must use E-Verify to check the immigration status of all employees 

E-Verify is an electronic system that allows businesses to verify the immigration status of their employees. This policy is designed to prevent undocumented immigrants from finding employment in Texas. 

Other states have similar policies but are not required to use E-Verify. In addition, Texas also requires all contractors and subcontractors working on state projects to use E-Verify. This policy ensures that only those with proper immigration documentation can work on state projects. Texas is one of the few states that have this requirement for contractors and subcontractors. 

2. Texas requires police officers to inquire about the immigration status of those they detain. 

In 2007, Texas passed a law that requires police officers to inquire about the immigration status of those they detain. This policy has increased the detention and deportation of undocumented immigrants in Texas. 

Other states have similar laws but are not required to inquire about the immigration status of those detained. Texas is one of the few states that have this requirement for police officers.

Why You Need An Immigration Law Firm

While these policies may seem designed to make it difficult for undocumented immigrants to live and work in Texas, they also create a burden for legal immigrants. For example, if you are a legal immigrant working in Texas, you must provide your employer with proof of your immigration status. If you do not have the proper documentation, you may be unable to work in Texas. 

This is why it is vital to hire an immigration law firm that can help you understand the immigration laws in Texas. An experienced immigration lawyer will be familiar with state-specific immigration policies and can help you navigate the process of obtaining the necessary documentation. 

An immigration lawyer can also help you understand your rights and options if you are an undocumented immigrant living in Texas. If police detain you, an immigration lawyer can ensure that your rights are protected. 

If you are facing deportation, an immigration lawyer can help you explore your options and fight for your right to remain in the United States. If you have been a victim of a crime, an immigration lawyer can help you apply for a US visa. 

There are many reasons why you may need the assistance of an immigration law firm. Whether a legal or undocumented immigrant, an immigration lawyer can help you understand the laws and protect your rights.

The Lincoln-Goldfinch Law Firm

The Lincoln-Goldfinch Law Firm is a Texas-based law firm operating within Austin and Waco. Their immigration lawyers have experience handling a variety of immigration cases, including those involving state-specific immigration policies.  Contact the Lincoln-Goldfinch Law Firm today if you need assistance with an immigration matter.

Understanding the U.S. Immigration Law is hard enough, but add in state-specific immigration policies, and it can be downright confusing. If you need assistance with an immigration issue, don't hesitate to contact an immigration law firm. The immigration lawyers at the Lincoln-Goldfinch Law Firm have experience handling various immigration cases, including those involving state-specific immigration policies. Contact the Lincoln-Goldfinch Law Firm today for a consultation.

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Lincoln-Goldfinch Law 1005 E 40th St Austin, TX 78751 (855) 502-0555
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