mentalhealthbhopal's blog

Depression can wreak havoc on the lives of those afflicted, but it also affects people around them. Mental illness doesn't have to be something you have to suffer alone with. Sometimes there are ways to help someone dealing with depression without being overbearing, says a psychiatrist in Bhopal.

Here are some ways to help a friend or family member with depression:

1. Take note of when things start to go wrong for them. If your loved one seems sad or is in an unusually bad mood, they could be depressed. If they become easily annoyed, angry or frustrated with people and things that didn’t used to bother them, it could be a sign of depression. Depression symptoms can also be reflected in the way they interact with you and others.

2. If you notice your loved one is showing signs of depression, don't ignore it. They may need to talk to someone about what they are going through. You can start by talking to them about their feelings. If they are willing, you can help your loved one find a counselor or therapist in their area that specializes in treating depression.

3. Encourage your loved one to seek help. Helping your loved one understand the treatment process, the importance of regular visits with their psychiatrist in Bhopaland how medications work will greatly benefit them. Make sure they are comfortable with their therapist and that they have a good rapport. Remember, this is someone who will be responsible for helping your loved one manage their disorder.

4. Not only will taking your loved one to their appointments help them, but working together as a team will benefit both of you. If you have been dealing with a loved one who suffers from mental illness, it is important that you keep yourself strong and take care of your own needs. It is also important to reach out for help if you need it.

5. When a loved one is going through a time of struggle, it is okay to be strong for them. Don't ever think that you have to shoulder the burden by yourself or that you have to keep their depression or anxiety from being noticed. It is okay to talk about it. It is okay to ask for help. And it is okay to show the world that you are struggling. You can have a great sense of pride in your individuality without being alone or cut off from everyone else.

Final Words:

There are many ways that mental illness can affect people, but even just having an understanding of what it is and how it affects someone can help them find the best way to manage it. When it comes to depression, therapy can help your loved one find peace and learn how to better cope with the disorder.

Since life is constantly getting busier, it's not rare to hear someone complain about difficulties falling asleep. How do you go to sleep? Is there something preventing you from sleeping? As a psychiatrist in Bhopal, we are here to help with 7 ways to help overcome your sleep disorder.

Get enough rest

As sleep experts have explained, you need at least eight hours of sleep every night. You will not only have more energy, but you will also improve your sleep habits even more. You will sleep better because your body needs less time to recover the next day. As a result, your body will be able to work for longer periods of time without feeling too tired.

Sleep during the day

If you want to get more restful night sleep, you should avoid sleeping during the day, especially in an unnatural position. When you sleep during the day, your body temperature is elevated and can easily spike above 98 degrees F. This temperature increase can interfere with your natural body clock.

Save work until tomorrow

If you can, try to save any kind of work until tomorrow. For example, when you are in bed with the lights off, you should put the phone on silence. Also, keep the phone away from you while sleeping. There is a danger of getting radiation in your brain if you use it under your pillow.

Take a walk

Daytime walks help to regulate your body temperature. They also provide a chance to get outside and take some deep breaths of fresh air.

Sleep earlier

If you have to wake up at 6 AM, then you should go to bed at 10 PM. Your body needs this time to get ready for the new day. If you are waking up tired being in bed for less than seven hours, try changing your sleep schedule.

Get yourself some exercise

Getting some exercise every day will help to keep your body energetic. If you are active, then it is less likely that you will have issues with insomnia.

Eat well

As said above, try to eat three or four times a day. This will provide your body with the necessary calories that it needs to function well and keep stress at bay, which is the #1 enemy of sleep.


If you want to know more about sleep problems and how to solve them, consult our psychiatrist in Bhopal. He will be able to give you the best advice and show you a safe way to sleep that can solve all your sleep problems.