mj5121959's blog





Written under Ashtar’s kind guidance.



“Sit down in a pleasant, relaxing position. Don’t cross hands or legs. Close your eyes. Focus on your breath. It’s calm and regular. Now visualize the following:



You are sitting at a sacred mountaintop.

You are sitting and meditating.

With every breath you take, a stream of glittering Light from the Universe flows into your body through the head.

You feel the Light spreading inside you until it permeates all your being.

Now you are beginning to gradually realize the three stages:


1.  I am in Light – all around me is just the bright Light.

2.  Light is in me – all my within is filled by the bright Light.

3.  I am the Light – I am blending with the Light.


You are experiencing an absolute feeling of Oneness and Harmony.

You are feeling you are Love.

All around you is just Light and Love.

You are at home here.

You are part of all and all is part of you.

Realize that you are a magnificent loving being full of Light.

God is Love.

You are Love.

Feel and experience this state of absolute unity for a while.


Then begin to slowly return to the room.

Begin to realize the limits of your body.

Inside every being is the Light of Love.

Seek to see everybody and everything around you as a part of this unique essence.

We all are part of one whole – the Selfless Love.

You are Love, Harmony, Peace.



Now end your meditation and return slowly to awaked consciousness.


Seek to see Love as a part of all always and everywhere in your life.






Le persone cosmichedelleForzedellaLucesonoesserimeravigliosipieni di amore, bontà, saggezza, armonia, gioia e vivono in conformitàconleleggicosmiche - divine nelledimensionisuperiori - sferedell'universo, chiamateancheparadiso. Molteastronavi (UFO) con persone cosmichedelleForzedellaLucesonointornoallaTerra per aiutare la Terra e l'umanitànelladiscesa.







adessovorreiriportarecondizioni del collegamentocongliamici dal Cosmo e conilCreatore nostro. Questecondizionivengonoriportateneltesto di „Discorsi“ e ci li riportosolocomeunriassunto. Voi, cheavetementalitàorientatatroppomaterialmente e ilVostroaffetto è soppresso, dedicateilVostrosforzo ad eliminarequestebarriere.

Nel contempolepresenticondizionirappresentanoanchecondizioni di osservanzadellaleggecosmica del Creatore nostro, e grazie ad essepoteteaumentare e stabilizzareilVostrolivellovibrante – spirituale.


1. Condurreunavitaregolata, amorevole, armonica, orientataall’aspettospiritualeedaffetti. AmareilCreatoreoriginario di tutto e di tutti, ilproprioSpiritoedancheilpropriocorpofisico. In questomodoamateancheilCreatorevostro, poichéanchevoi siete una parte di lui. Nonbereeccessivamentel’alcool, nelmigliorcasononberlomica, fumatoridevonominimizzareilconsumodellesigarette, nelmigliorcasonondevonofumaremica. Perdonareaiprossimied a séstesso.

2. Amarealtrecreatureumane, anchequellechefannomale a Voi, poichélorofannosoloquellochesanno fare.

3. Amaretuttelealtrecreature, “animate” edanchequelle “inanimate”, cioènatura, piante, animali, ancheilpianetaTerra, che è unacreaturasuperiore a noistessi.

4. Minimizzareilconsumodellacarne, nelmigliorcasononmangiarlamica.

5. Liquidare – annientareletteraturanegativa, cioèlibri e rivistesuguerra, erotica e extraterrestrinegativi (UFO – sequestri, colli di navi cosmiche, ecc.) – emettitori di energia di vibrazionegrossa.

6. Nonleggerelibri e rivistenegativi, nonseguire film negativi, è giustoignorarepolitica, poiché è pienadellevibrazionigrosse.

7. Nonpossederebenieccedenti (2 e piùcase per séstesso, 2 e piùautomobili per séstesso... ecc.).

8. Secondolepropriepossibilitàaiutaregliuominichenehannobisogno.

9. Almeno in modominimolavorare per gliuomini per quantoriguardadiffusione di informazionirelativeagliAmici dal Cosmo, in modomite e nonimponente.

10. Non fare maleallealtrecreature.

Durante la comunicazione è possibileutilizzare la seguenteallocuzione:

“CaroCreatoreoriginario, amato da me, prego del collegamento

-           con Te” (collegamento è piùfacile)

-           con i mieiamici dal Cosmo,

-           conAshtar, Ptaah...”


Facendocosìbisognaaverenelcuore i pensierilimpidiedamore, nellamanounamatitaed è necessariopreparareancheunfoglio di carta e scrivendobisognaemetteresoloamore e noninserirepensieripropri e soprtattutonessundubbio. La comunicazione si svolgemeglio di tuttomediante 4°  czacra del cuore   (“frasé”, non si sente la voce) che, seaperta, serve comeunfiltrodelleentitànegative, o mediante 7° czacra (la voce si sente). E’ possibileche da questoprocedimentotutte e dueparti, cioèancheentitànegative, sarannopiùdifficili per quantoriguardaintuizione! Moltagioia, molteinformazioniedesperienzebelledurante la formazionedell’amiciziacongliUominicosmici.



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Link per scaricare 2.

Link per scaricare 3.

Link per scaricare 4.

Link per scaricare 5.


altriargomenti:Guardiani, Angelo, Angeli, Alieni, galassia, Dio, GesùCristo, meditazione, Paradiso, pianeti, satelliti, spazio, stelle, universo, Paradiso, Alba, Calma, Tranquillo, Cosmo, Galassie, Pasqua, Messaggeri, Ali, Serenità, Leggero, Preghiera, Speranza, Amore, Pace, Rivelazione, Vita, ufo, Astronauti, Interstellare, onnipotente, numeriangelici, asteroidi, comete, divinità, croce di Gesù, meditazione e musica, stazionispaziali, astronavi, oggettivolantinonidentificati, meteoriti, Spirituale, Astrale, Spiritualità, Creatore, Extraterrestre, Guarigione, Extraterrestri, Corpoumano, Celeste, Cristo, Messia, Salvatore, Figlio di Dio, Crocifissione, Risurrezione, Miracoli, Vangelo, Discepoli, salvezza, Scusi, Eden, Divinità, Divine, Trascendenza, Saggezza, Protezione, Guida, Armonia, Rinascita, navi aliene, arcangelo, Gabriele arcangelo, arcangelomichele, Raffaelearcangelo, arcangeloUriele, meditazione e chakra, meditazione e mantra, meditazione e rilassamento, meditazione e suoni, meditazione per principianti, tecniche di meditazione, avvistamento ufo, arcangeli, meditazione e spiritualità, guru spirituali, immaginispirituali, simbolispirituali, tipi di meditazione, avvistamenti ufo

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Artificial Intelligence and the Unpredictability of Football

Football, or soccer as it is known in some parts of the world, is not just a game of goals and glory; it's a delicate interplay of strategies, human psychology, physical fitness, and pure, unbridled passion. With the rapid advancement of technology, particularly in the field of artificial intelligence (AI), there's a growing interest in employing these sophisticated algorithms to predict football match outcomes. But can AI really crack the unpredictability that makes football the beloved global sport it is?

Soccer Ai

How AI Can Help Predict Football Matches:

Data Analysis: AI thrives on data. The more data it gets, the better it becomes. By analyzing years' worth of match statistics, player performance metrics, weather conditions, and even crowd psychology, AI can draw patterns that might be elusive to the human eye.

Real-time Strategy Assessment: AI can process and analyze the real-time strategies employed during a match. It can assess formations, player movements, and possession patterns to anticipate future play strategies.

Player Performance Prediction: With the help of wearable tech and IoT devices, AI can predict player performance based on current fitness levels, past injuries, and even psychological factors.

Despite the promising capabilities of AI, football remains an unpredictable sport, and here's why:

Human Element: Football is played by humans, not robots. Players can have an off day, referees can make controversial decisions, and coaches can surprise with unexpected tactics. These human elements can introduce a level of unpredictability that AI might find challenging to factor in.

Psychological Dynamics: The psychological aspect of the game, from the pressure of a high-stakes match to the morale of a team, can sway the outcome in unforeseen ways.

The Magic Moments: Some of the most memorable moments in football history come from unexpected brilliance — a sudden bicycle kick goal, a goalkeeper scoring in the dying minutes, or a last-minute tackle that saves the day. These are moments of individual brilliance, nearly impossible to predict, and they add an element of surprise to the game.

While artificial intelligence can bring a new dimension to football analysis and prediction with its unparalleled data-crunching abilities, the heart of football lies in its unpredictability. It's the surprise moments, the upsets, and the underdog stories that make the sport so universally loved. AI can certainly augment our understanding and anticipation of the game, but it will never replace the sheer thrill and unpredictability that is inherently football.

About Company

NerdyTips is a Java-based software system that leverages Artificial Intelligence, Mathematical Formulas, and Machine Learning techniques to perform analytical assessment of football matches.The algorithm undergoes daily learning processes to enhance the quality of its football tips recommendations.

On weekends with over 600 football matches, conducting manual analysis for each match is impractical for a human, and therefore, the NerdyTips algorithm provides assistance in identifying the most secure football tips.After over two years of development, the algorithm was launched on 19th May 2021, analyzing 122 272 matches out of which 81 453 won until now.

Click Here For More Info:- https://nerdytips.com/

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Artificial Intelligence and the Unpredictability of Football

Football, or soccer as it is known in some parts of the world, is not just a game of goals and glory; it's a delicate interplay of strategies, human psychology, physical fitness, and pure, unbridled passion. With the rapid advancement of technology, particularly in the field of artificial intelligence (AI), there's a growing interest in employing these sophisticated algorithms to predict football match outcomes. But can AI really crack the unpredictability that makes football the beloved global sport it is?

Banker Of The Day

How AI Can Help Predict Football Matches:

Data Analysis: AI thrives on data. The more data it gets, the better it becomes. By analyzing years' worth of match statistics, player performance metrics, weather conditions, and even crowd psychology, AI can draw patterns that might be elusive to the human eye.

Real-time Strategy Assessment: AI can process and analyze the real-time strategies employed during a match. It can assess formations, player movements, and possession patterns to anticipate future play strategies.

Player Performance Prediction: With the help of wearable tech and IoT devices, AI can predict player performance based on current fitness levels, past injuries, and even psychological factors.

Despite the promising capabilities of AI, football remains an unpredictable sport, and here's why:

Human Element: Football is played by humans, not robots. Players can have an off day, referees can make controversial decisions, and coaches can surprise with unexpected tactics. These human elements can introduce a level of unpredictability that AI might find challenging to factor in.

Psychological Dynamics: The psychological aspect of the game, from the pressure of a high-stakes match to the morale of a team, can sway the outcome in unforeseen ways.

The Magic Moments: Some of the most memorable moments in football history come from unexpected brilliance — a sudden bicycle kick goal, a goalkeeper scoring in the dying minutes, or a last-minute tackle that saves the day. These are moments of individual brilliance, nearly impossible to predict, and they add an element of surprise to the game.

While artificial intelligence can bring a new dimension to football analysis and prediction with its unparalleled data-crunching abilities, the heart of football lies in its unpredictability. It's the surprise moments, the upsets, and the underdog stories that make the sport so universally loved. AI can certainly augment our understanding and anticipation of the game, but it will never replace the sheer thrill and unpredictability that is inherently football.

About Company

NerdyTips is a Java-based software system that leverages Artificial Intelligence, Mathematical Formulas, and Machine Learning techniques to perform analytical assessment of football matches.The algorithm undergoes daily learning processes to enhance the quality of its football tips recommendations.

On weekends with over 600 football matches, conducting manual analysis for each match is impractical for a human, and therefore, the NerdyTips algorithm provides assistance in identifying the most secure football tips.After over two years of development, the algorithm was launched on 19th May 2021, analyzing 122 272 matches out of which 81 453 won until now.

Click Here For More Info:- https://nerdytips.com/

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